Paying attention is actually not that simple. It is easy to get distracted when you are having a conversation with someone, when listening to a lecture, or when sitting in a classroom. Fortunately, paying attention is one of those skills that can be learned. If you need to train yourself to pay more attention, whether for social, work or school reasons, there is no better time than now to get started.
Part 1 of 2: Achieving Attention in the Moment

Step 1. Deal with distractions
One of the easiest ways to pay attention is to get rid of as many distractions as you can. If you are working in a noisy place like a coffee shop and you find yourself staring at people, go to a quieter place, with fewer people to distract you.
- If you have trouble paying attention at work because you are constantly checking your email, or you just go to Tumblr, you can download an app that helps you monitor these sites without too many additional distractions.
- Distractions can also be on our mind. If you are having a conversation and your thoughts (emotions or sensations like 'tired', or 'hunger') continue to interrupt your attention, locate one of those thoughts and tell yourself that you will deal with it later, when you are not in good shape. means of something else.
- Even better, if something like hunger is distracting you, eat something, or get up and stretch so your body isn't in an uncomfortable position.

Step 2. Ask for clarification if your mind wanders
If you are in the middle of a conversation and you realize you haven't been paying attention, ask your interlocutor to clarify the last point you remember.
- You can do it in a way that doesn't offend him. Say something like "I was just thinking about _ (whatever the last thing you remember) and I was wondering if I could repeat what you just said so I don't miss a thing."
- You can also summarize what the other said. What are the key points? Even if you don't tell your interlocutor what you just heard, make a habit of doing it mentally. You could also practice with the characters on TV.

Step 3. Maintain eye contact
When you maintain eye contact with someone you are having a conversation with, you will have a better chance of keeping your mind focused on what you are saying, plus the other will understand that you are paying attention to him.
Don't stare, but don't even blink. You can occasionally look at your hands, or at the table, but immediately bring your eyes and attention back to your interlocutor

Step 4. Move constantly
Studies have shown that fiddling with something can actually help you get a higher degree of attention. Then grab something small, like a paper clip or bracelet or rubber band, and rub it in your hands.
- It's best to do this under the table so you don't distract other people with your restlessness.
- If you find yourself distracted, you can even wiggle your toes in your shoes and get your mind back on track.

Step 5. Set yourself a time limit
If you can, set yourself a time limit for an activity on which you find it difficult to keep your attention. This means that if you are writing an essay, or a journalistic piece, you need to set a timer so you can finish it.
You can do the same for conversations too. If you know you can hold out for about an hour, after which you need a break, make up an excuse to go to the bathroom, or to stretch, or persuade the person you're talking to for a walk

Step 6. Take a break
Sometimes the best way to get your attention back is to take a break from everything you necessarily need to do. If you give yourself some time to stagger your duties and reorient your mind, you will find it easier to refocus.
- If you are in school, ask to go to the bathroom. Sprinkle some water on your face, or do some stretching.
- Stretching yourself, watching a YouTube video, or even just closing your eyes for a few minutes can all help create that pause you need to get back to being attentive.

Step 7. Vary your routine
Instead of doing things all at once, it really is easier to focus on the task at hand if you leave it for something else. So don't just sit and write that essay without doing anything else.
- If you are at work, spend half an hour or an hour on one task before moving on to something else. Return to it after doing a couple of other tasks. Above all, try to switch between different types of activities, in order to switch between reading and writing and so on.
- It is also good to change your mental state. So, go from a quiet and individual moment, to a moment in which you have to interact with people of different types.
Part 2 of 2: Gaining Long-Term Attention
Learn to meditate. Meditation is one of those things that is good for our lives in so many different ways, but in the long run it can also help improve the ability to pay attention.
Step 1.
- Meditation increases perceptions and mindfulness. In this way, you will be able to pay more attention to your body and the people around it, because your mind will be more immersed in the present moment, rather than projecting forward into the future, or lingering in the past.
- You can also do some meditation sitting at your desk when you work if you need a quiet moment. Close your eyes, take long, deep breaths, and pay attention to the way you breathe. Even five minutes can give you a break and help you refocus.

Step 2. Monitor your mental process
Pay attention to how you think about things and how often you get distracted. Write down the topic that is distracting you. Are you thinking about what you want to eat for dinner? Or are you thinking about the job you are trying to do, or the conversation you are having?
Writing down your thoughts can help you notice when you are no longer paying attention. Keep a journal with you and write down wandering thoughts when you notice them

Step 3. Change your thoughts
When you have realized that you are thinking of something else and have identified the object on which you are wasting your mental energies, make a conscious effort to change what you focus on. Instead of thinking about the plans you have for dinner, when you find yourself falling into that thought pattern, try to replace it with the topic you are trying to pay attention to.
The more you do this, the easier it will be for you to do it. Soon, you will automatically divert your attention from less useful thoughts to the things you are trying to focus on

Step 4. Get enough sleep
Getting enough sleep means you'll be more alert and your mind will have an easier time paying attention and functioning properly. Most adults have a sleep deficit today, so getting used to a new wake-sleep rhythm may take some time.
Change your normal sleep schedule for two weeks to get more sleep. Go to bed early, turn off electronic devices such as computers and phones at least 30 minutes before going to bed. You should sleep at least 8 hours. At the end of those two weeks you should be able to find that you no longer need a wake up call in the morning, that you are more focused and that you are also physically better

Step 5. Exercise
Exercise is amazing because it helps both improve mood and attention, as well as reduce anxiety and worry. You should aim for at least 30 minutes of exercise each day. This can be anything from yoga in the morning, to walking to work.
If you find that you are having trouble paying attention during the day, go out for a short walk or do some jumping jacks. Doing some exercise will help you refocus

Step 6. Take breaks
It is incredibly important to allow yourself to rest from all that paying attention. Make sure you plan breaks to spend doing something that doesn't require a lot of attention.