How to Be a Designer (with Pictures)

How to Be a Designer (with Pictures)
How to Be a Designer (with Pictures)

Table of contents:


Design is a fundamental part in almost every aspect of human life. If you like to look at the design of the objects that surround you and reflect on how they are conceived and used, know that there are endless job opportunities for you. Read this guide to becoming a successful designer.


Part 1 of 3: Learn What Design is

Be a Designer Step 1
Be a Designer Step 1

Step 1. Think carefully about the design of the objects around you

Try to notice what you like, and start thinking about what makes one design better than another.

  • Design is present in practically every artificial environment, from graphics to the internet to fashion accessories.
  • Observe the functionality of the design regarding the purpose and appearance of an object.
  • Practice trying to grasp all aspects of a particular design, and try to understand how they work as a whole.
  • For example, if you look at a graphic design, notice how color, lines, aspect ratio, text and shapes make it more or less pleasing, and how effective the message it conveys is.
Be a Designer Step 2
Be a Designer Step 2

Step 2. Think of design as a means to satisfy a need or solve a problem

Unlike the other arts, design also has practical as well as aesthetic applications.

  • A logo, for example, is a type of graphic design that allows people to easily identify a brand or company.
  • A piece of clothing is meant to cover the body, but also to make it more attractive.
  • The dashboard of a car is designed to make its functions easy to interpret, but also to improve the appearance of the car.
Be a Designer Step 3
Be a Designer Step 3

Step 3. Learn to communicate with images

Designers need to be able to design or otherwise represent their designs in a way that makes them enjoyable and understandable to other people, such as colleagues or producers.

  • By learning to communicate your designs with images, you can improve them and work on details. Unfortunately, words have limits, but images can help overcome them.
  • Drawing is one of the most powerful tools of a designer, but do not worry if you are not good, in the work you will do you do not need masterpieces, but you must be able to quickly represent the ideas that will lead to the realization of the product. It may be enough to know how to sketch.
  • To visualize their designs, designers also use models, prototypes, and computer images, in addition to drawing.
Be a Designer Step 4
Be a Designer Step 4

Step 4. Learn how objects work

When you work as a designer you can not only take into consideration the appearance of the object, but also how it works in relation to the design.

  • Whoever designs the shoes must know the technical aspects of the realization, for example the points where the seam is practiced and the type of sole used.
  • For other objects, such as mobile phone covers, the designer must take into account the type of plastic, the modeling procedure of the piece and the assembly.
Be a Designer Step 5
Be a Designer Step 5

Step 5. Get good sources

In addition to consulting trade journals, get some books on design processes, principles and methods.

  • Check out some textbooks and watch some videos on design planning, manufacturing methods, and crafting techniques.
  • It is not necessary to understand everything, just get an idea of the technical processes to consider during design.
  • Notions of design go beyond what's written in fashion or furniture magazines, although these are great sources for keeping up with trends.
Be a Designer Step 6
Be a Designer Step 6

Step 6. Learn about the designers you know and admire for their work

Find out about their personal design philosophy, what academic training they have received and what their working habits are. You may find ideas to cultivate new interests and ambitions.

  • Research information on the internet, read biographies and watch documentaries on famous designers. Notice how their careers took shape.
  • Remember that you can become a successful designer even if you don't live in Paris or New York. Think about how your life and imagination affect your style, making it unique.
  • Also check out the designers you don't like. Find out what elements contrast with those of the people you admire, or at least try to like some of their works.
Be a Designer Step 7
Be a Designer Step 7

Step 7. Consider the idea of attending a design course

It's a great way to gain information, learn new techniques and work habits, and it can help you connect with other people in the industry.

  • To start, you could try a three-year design course, but it is not the only option.
  • Many universities and academies offer design courses.
  • Consider the idea of attending workshops or a short-term course. There are many intensive programs that take less than three years.
Be a Designer Step 8
Be a Designer Step 8

Step 8. Don't get obsessed if you're still unsure about your specialty, and don't worry if you've started getting interested in design late

  • Many designers started from other fields, such as art, architecture or marketing, and have never formally studied design.
  • It often takes time to figure out which field you are best at, and sometimes it is not possible to know in advance which style you will adopt.
  • The only way to understand where your career will take you is to continue designing and showing your work around.

Part 2 of 3: Develop Your Design Skills

Be a Designer Step 9
Be a Designer Step 9

Step 1. Try to seize job opportunities early

Study and practice are an excellent starting point, but the only way to really enter the world of design is to gain work experience.

  • When someone pays you for the work you do, you will be able to better understand what is expected of your projects.
  • It can help you clear up many indecisions, because you will find that what is really essential is completing the project. Sometimes the students, on the other hand, tend to be more meticulous.
  • Consider the idea of doing an internship or working as an apprentice in a company that deals with design. This way you can get an idea of how to work in a professional environment.
  • You can also take care of freelance projects. Search your contacts and see if there are any online opportunities to work as a freelancer, build a reputation and build a clientele.
Be a Designer Step 10
Be a Designer Step 10

Step 2. Learn to collaborate

As a professional designer you will often work with other people within a group, so you will need to know how to share and delegate the parts of the project.

  • It is important to maintain a cooperative rather than competitive attitude towards other designers. This way you will be able to work harder and more efficiently, plus you may get better jobs.
  • Don't underestimate the lessons you learn from colleagues. You may have some great ideas on your own, but don't forget that multiple heads are always better than one.
  • Collaboration also makes decisions more efficient. Having multiple perspectives often provides many benefits.
  • Don't try to do it all by yourself. It's often more important to complete a project, even if it's not exactly what you imagine. Learn to compromise.
Be a Designer Step 11
Be a Designer Step 11

Step 3. Don't worry about finding a style or “trademark” right away

It's important to gradually develop your style, but at the same time don't panic if it's not fully structured yet.

  • Sometimes it takes a while to understand what makes us unique, and it usually happens by chance.
  • Don't be afraid to occasionally take inspiration from the work of others, and use it in your projects. It is important to try different things.
  • Of course, you don't have to copy each other's designs, but know that many designers influence each other. Avoid falling into "identity crisis" whatsoever by worrying that you are not unique enough.
  • Remember that style develops and evolves over time. Great designers often acquire it after many years of career.
Be a Designer Step 12
Be a Designer Step 12

Step 4. Forget about mistakes now

Do not focus too much on a project, especially if you are still at the beginning. As a beginner you will make a lot of mistakes, better if you can get over them quickly.

  • Consider the idea of working on a series of projects, rather than one at a time. This way you will have quite a lot of room for maneuver and can try out many ideas, plus you won't have to worry about making bad choices on a single piece.
  • Also consider the idea of making preparatory diagrams for the most important projects. At the beginning, make sketches and quickly prototype in order to save on materials and avoid making mistakes that could waste time and resources.
  • Find the fastest way to do things. When making a prototype, try to use the cheapest and most ductile materials. You don't have to make it by carving mahogany.
Be a Designer Step 13
Be a Designer Step 13

Step 5. Always be ready to grasp the ideas that come to your mind

Have a video camera or notebook handy, and collect anything you find particularly interesting.

  • Look for inspiration everywhere. It doesn't necessarily have to come from other people's designs or trends, it often comes from nature or random circumstances.
  • Use a good cataloging system for your ideas and consult them often.
Be a Designer Step 14
Be a Designer Step 14

Step 6. Find a balance between passion and determination

It's normal to temporarily lose your enthusiasm, you can't do design every day and at all hours.

  • Look for the inspiration you need actively. If you feel stuck, visit a museum or check out interesting designs.
  • Set times when you deal with design, inspiration often comes only when you focus on work.
Be a Designer Step 15
Be a Designer Step 15

Step 7. Maintain a positive attitude

There will be times when you will doubt your talent, or when someone will tell you that your job is not satisfying. Don't worry, it's all part of the learning process.

  • Don't worry if you sometimes happen to accomplish something horrible. Mistakes often allow you to learn better than perfect projects do.
  • Don't take criticism personally. If someone doesn't like your approach, it doesn't mean you're not a good designer or an incompetent person.
  • If someone reacts negatively to your work, try to understand what you could have done to improve it. Be open to suggestions that can help you improve.
  • If you don't agree, ask for another opinion. You can't expect everyone to like your projects, maybe you need a different audience.
Be a Designer Step 16
Be a Designer Step 16

Step 8. Recognize when it's time to take a break

Sometimes you have to subconsciously work on your problems before you can get back to work with a better perspective.

  • If you work too long without stopping, you can become a slave to routine and make mistakes. Determine if you are losing focus.
  • Work effectively in your most productive moments. Try to understand what they are and set a schedule by interspersing breaks.
  • It is essential to schedule breaks. Overworking can make you exhausted and less productive in the long run.

Part 3 of 3: Sell Your Projects

Be a Designer Step 17
Be a Designer Step 17

Step 1. Create a portfolio

The portfolio is a kind of showcase in which you showcase your design skills, and is essential both in job interviews, and to be accepted in some academies. It can also be useful for freelancing.

  • Always showcase your best work and present them professionally. Avoid having to explain a project or show unfinished work.
  • Consider the idea of creating an online portfolio, in this way your potential clients and employers can observe your projects quickly and efficiently.
  • Search online to create a properly formatted professional portfolio.
Be a Designer Step 18
Be a Designer Step 18

Step 2. Remember that design is business

In order to have a successful career as a designer you need to be professional and know how the business world works.

  • Even the most talented designers need to know how to sell. Finding time to strategize from a business perspective does not mean "selling out".
  • Regardless of the type of design you work with, clients will only hire you if they think your designs will improve the success of their business.
  • Try to understand how your work can bring benefits and profit, this way you will understand how to advertise yourself.
Be a Designer Step 19
Be a Designer Step 19

Step 3. Always try to get paid

If you can live by sticking with design, you can take more and more time to improve. Get paid for what you love to do.

  • Think about how to creatively advertise your projects. If you like a particular design, try to understand how you can use it professionally.
  • Find clients willing to pay their designers to do certain types of work and figure out what you can do to maximize your profits.
  • Also remember that paid work helps you tackle new situations, which can further advance you as a designer. Consider money a tool for learning what works and what doesn't work in your projects.
Be a Designer Step 20
Be a Designer Step 20

Step 4. Evaluate the idea of specializing in a field, but don't feel obliged to choose it right away

There are many jobs in which the figure of the designer is required, and if you are a beginner it is not certain that you know them all.

  • Some of the many positions are unknown to those who live in the design industry.
  • Keep yourself open to different possibilities and do your research to learn about the lesser known aspects of careers as a designer. Many imagine becoming famous in the most common fields, but there are many positions available.
  • Here are some of the lesser known careers:

    • Design and graphics of product packaging
    • Environmental design
    • User interface design
    • Product development
    • Fashion Public Relations Specialist
    • Head of assortments
    Be a Designer Step 21
    Be a Designer Step 21

    Step 5. Consider yourself your most important project

    As a designer, you will need to act and look professional in order to convey your ability to give an overall assessment of your surroundings.

    • People will expect a better job if you are able to show competence. Not only through your work, but also with the way you present yourself.
    • Enforce your ideas by paying attention to your professional image. Always behave and present yourself as a talented designer, and people will look at your designs with kindness.
    Be a Designer Step 22
    Be a Designer Step 22

    Step 6. Do what you love most

    The idea of facing a prestigious and exciting career can be a good motivation, but always try to find passion in what you do.

    • Ambition alone will not help you improve. Try to solve problems that fascinate you and work on projects that you consider beautiful and important.
    • Remember that if you really love what you do, you are sure to find a niche made just for you. Whatever happens, never give up!


    • Practice every day. It doesn't matter if you make a sketch, a logo, or you dedicate yourself to other creations, practice is necessary to refine the technique.
    • Find styles and techniques that suit you by searching through the different methods.