Do you think you have fat legs? Want to get into your new shorts or skinny jeans or look good in a swimsuit? You can have skinny legs too, if you train hard and eat right! Remember that you will not be able to lose weight only in the legs; you will have to aim for general weight loss, and in the end you will get your result.
Part 1 of 5: Starting a Simple and Regular Routine

Step 1. Walk for 4-5 minutes to warm up your muscles

Step 2. Jog for ten minutes or a mile
You can replace this exercise with 7-10 minutes of skipping rope, but make sure you do this exercise correctly.

Step 3. Lift your legs alternately until you hit your buttocks with your feet

Step 4. Do a skip, running and bringing your knees to waist height

Step 5. Walk for 5 minutes to slow your heart rate
Part 2 of 5: Other Leg Exercises You Can Do Without Going To The Gym

Step 1. Go by bike
Cycling is a great way to burn fat and replace it with muscle mass. According to some estimates, if you weigh 60 kg, you will burn between 350 and 600 in an hour of cycling, depending on your speed. This value makes cycling a great way to lose weight. There are many ways to ride a bike and get leaner legs:
- Take a normal bike ride. Bike to the grocery store or supermarket instead of driving. Bike to work instead of using public transport. With a simple bike ride, at around 15 km / h, you can burn 350-500 calories, depending on your weight.
- Use an exercise bike, at home or at the gym. It's a lighter exercise, so you'll burn 325-450 calories per hour, depending on your weight.
- Take a course of spinning. Spinning courses are exhausting, but very useful. The advantage of this exercise is that you will burn a lot of calories - a 65 kg person can burn about 850 calories in one hour of spinning. very intense. The downside is that spinning is quite monotonous and you will have to push yourself to

Step 2. Do leg rolls
Leg rolls are easy, effective, and you can do them comfortably at home. They are not an exercise that will allow you to burn a lot of calories, but it is much better than doing nothing.
Lie on your right side and place your left arm on the floor in front of you to support your weight and stay balanced. Raise your left leg to hip level. Imagine that your leg is in a barrel, and with your toes try to trace the circumference of the barrel. Your leg will perform a circular motion. Complete 80 circles, and switch to the other leg

Step 3. Do squats
Squats are a very versatile exercise. You can use a lot of different techniques, all of which follow the same basic principle, and get different results. When performing a squat, using the right technique is important.
Standard squat:
- With your legs shoulder-width apart, slowly bring your glutes down, bending your knees and keeping your arms straight in front of you.
- Bend your back slightly, but keep your torso erect.
- Bring your glutes as low as you can, supporting the weight with your leg muscles.
- Exhale slowly and use your hips and legs, not your back, to return to the starting position. Repeat for three sets of twenty.
Run some Belgian squat with a dumbbell or other weight:
- Using both hands, hold a weight in front of your chest.
- Stand in front of a bench, raise your right leg towards your back so that it is parallel to the ground and rest comfortably on the bench. Your thigh and knee should form a 90 degree angle.
- Bend over by doing a squat, bending your right leg so that your right knee almost touches the ground.
- Make an explosive upward motion. Repeat for three sets of ten. Repeat using the opposite leg.
Jump squat:
- Do a normal standard squats and stop in the lowest position.
- Instead of returning to the starting position, jump as high as possible, landing with both feet.
- Repeat carefully for three sets of twenty. These squats can strain your knees.
Get Skinny Legs Quick Step 14Bullet3 Step 4. Work your legs with other exercises
There are many great exercises you can do to burn fat and build muscle. Here are some of them:
Lunges. With a 2-4kg weight in each hand, perform a front lunge with one leg and bring the other knee closer to the ground. Return to the starting position and repeat with the other leg.
Get Skinny Legs Quick Step 14Bullet1 -
Pressures with the inner thigh. Lie on a mat with your knees bent and the soles of your feet on the ground. Place a medium-sized rubber ball (or a knotted towel) between your legs and squeeze it for 30 seconds. Release the pressure and repeat.
Get Skinny Legs Quick Step 14Bullet2 - Hip extensions. Kneel on a mat with your elbows on the ground. Raise your leg and extend it completely behind your body. Bend your leg and bring it closer to you so that it lightly touches the back of the other knee. Extend your leg again and return to position. Repeat with the other leg.
Part 3 of 5: Exercises you can do in the gym
Get Skinny Legs Quick Step 15 Step 1. Swimming is great exercise for the whole body
Do freestyle laps. Learn to do a turn so you don't have to stop when you finish a lap. Swimming is a great way to burn fat and build muscle in the legs, as well as being great cardiovascular exercise. You will burn around 500 calories in an hour of freestyle at medium speed.
- Different styles for different goals. Different swimming styles burn different calorie values. The butterfly style is the most expensive, the back is the one that will make you burn fewer calories.
- Keep in mind that the amount of calories you burn in an hour changes based on age, muscle tone, fitness level, weight, training intensity, and other factors.
Get Skinny Legs Quick Step 16 Step 2. Use the elliptical
The elliptical is a strange looking machine that you can run on; has hand supports that move as you run. A 60 kg person who trains with medium intensity on an elliptical for an hour can burn about 670 calories.
When using an elliptical, don't use the climb option if you don't want to strengthen your thigh muscles. Even though you will burn a lot of calories, your thighs will be bigger thanks to the muscles
Get Skinny Legs Quick Step 17 Step 3. Take a dance or zumba class
Zumba is a fitness program created by a Colombian dancer and choreographer. A 60kg person will burn about 570 calories during one hour of zumba. A dancer will burn slightly less, about 380 calories.
Get Skinny Legs Quick Step 18 Step 4. Start playing a sport
At the gym, you can meet other people with the same interests and motivations as you try to have fun and lose weight. In order of the amount of calories burned, the following sports will help you lose weight in your arms and legs:
- With full court basketball you will burn about 800 calories.
- With the competitive football you will burn about 740 calories.
- Going on skates you will burn about 675 calories and with ice Hockey about 575.
Get Skinny Legs Quick Step 19 Step 5. Run or walk on a treadmill
It may seem boring, but the treadmill can be effective if it's the only exercise you choose to do. Walking for an hour at 5 km / h will allow you to burn about 230 calories if you weigh 60 kg. Running at 8km / h, you would burn 661.
Part 4 of 5: Diet Tips
Get Skinny Legs Quick Step 26 Step 1. Keep track of the calories you eat
To lose weight, you need to burn more calories every day than you put into your body. For example, to shed a pound of weight, you need to be able to burn 3,500 calories. To make sure, keep track of how many calories you eat and how much exercise you do. You can use a diary or an online fitness tracker.
Losing a pound a week is a safe and rather realistic goal. Break this goal down into smaller goals to achieve each day. For example, you can decide to cut 500 heat per day or burn more calories per day
Get Skinny Legs Quick Step 20 Step 2. Eat more protein and fewer carbohydrates
Protein is essential for building and maintaining muscle mass. Lean protein sources include fish, chicken, tofu, and turkey.
- Stay away from the simple carbohydrates of processed or refined products. These include:
- Confectionery
- Sweetened fizzy drinks, such as Coca Cola
- Syrups
- Sugars
- Complex carbohydrates are more acceptable, although they shouldn't exceed 60% of your daily calorie intake. Among the complex carbohydrates we find:
- Legumes
- Starch
- Whole grain bread and cereals
- You probably know this already, but you need to avoid juices, sodas, and other sugary drinks if you want to lose weight. Sugars are simple carbohydrates, and taking in too much will lead you to take in too many calories. Drink a glass of water instead! You will notice the difference.
- Green (unsweetened) tea is another great substitute for sugary sodas. Green tea contains many antioxidants, and will help your body fight free radicals, which promote the signs of aging.
- Eat the healthy ones omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3s are used to regulate clotting, build cell membranes and promote cell health. Among the foods rich in omega-3 we find:
- Fish, especially salmon
- Nuts and seeds, especially flax seeds.
- Leafy vegetables, especially Chinese broccoli and spinach.
- Avoid i saturated fats such as butter, cooking fat, lard and lard.
- Avoid i trans fats, which you can find in vegetable fats, margarine, cookies, snacks and other foods that contain or are fried in hydrogenated oils.
- Try to eat more in the morning than in the evening. Have you ever heard the phrase "Eat breakfast like a king, dine like a prince and dine like a pauper?" This is because your metabolism slows down as bedtime approaches, favoring the creation of fat deposits following overnight meals.
- Drink water before meals. Having this habit can result in lower calorie intake during meals which will ultimately result in weight loss. This is probably because water can feel full and consequently you don't need the same amount of food to feel full.
- What happens when a person fasts? Your body adjusts to lack of food, your metabolism slows down to conserve energy, and you will burn lean tissue before fat, as your body will try to conserve its reserves for a fasting period.
- If you manage to lose weight by fasting, your body will regain all the lost fat as soon as you start eating again, and you will have to do it if you don't want to risk serious health problems. Why does it happen? Because your metabolism will still be slowed down by fasting, and eating the same calories you ingested before losing weight will result in the creation of new fat stores.
- Train the whole body, it's not the legs. Stop squatting and start aerobics, swimming and zumba. If your legs are too muscular, it means that you have been training them too much, neglecting the rest of the body.
- In some cases, the reason is genetic. Sometimes we are born with stubby legs. Neither exercises nor diets will help you, because those are your natural legs. Instead of putting your all into a battle you can't win, learn to accept yourself. It will sound like a phrase from chocolates, but it will make you feel happier. People who truly love you will look beyond your legs.
- Remember that burning fat is as important as exercising. You won't need beautiful muscles if they're covered in fat.
- If you are injured or your muscles are sore, don't train. Give your muscles time to recover.
- Don't try to change your line in one day. Set yourself realistic goals.

Step 3. Eat more fruits and vegetables
Fruits and vegetables will provide you with the dietary fiber you need, which will help you reduce excess fat. They also contain essential vitamins and minerals, and are an opportunity to break the monotony of your diet.

Step 4. Drink water instead of sugary sodas
Many doctors advise men to drink 3 liters of water a day, and women 2.5 liters. Water will help your immune system, your skin and allow you to better manage your energy reserves.
If you are looking to eat less, drink a cup of green tea before meals. You will notice that you will feel full faster

Step 5. Eat the right fats
Common sense tells us that if we want to lose weight, we need to limit fat. But that's not always the case. Incorporating the right fats into your diet will give you energy and aid in the absorption of vitamins.

Step 6. Eat smaller portions
Get into the habit of eating little and often. Try to eat five meals a day. Two of these meals should be small snacks, with sautéed vegetables or dried fruit.
Part 5 of 5: General Tips

Step 1. Don't think you can only lose weight in your legs
The body converts fat into energy when you exercise without the right energy reserves. Unfortunately, the body converts fat where it likes, and not where you want it from. Think about it: you've never seen a person with very thin legs and a prominent belly. There are only thin people and less thin people.
Targeted training, that is, exercising only one part of your body, has its advantages (toning) and disadvantages (frustration at not losing weight). Don't think that leg exercises will allow you to get lean legs without losing weight

Step 2. Don't fast
Many people who want to lose weight make this mistake. Their reasoning is this: calories are stored in fat deposits when the body is not using them; calories come from food; if I fasted I would consume fewer calories, and in this way no fat deposits could be created. This is incorrect reasoning.

Step 3. The results will take time
Many people with good intentions and strong discipline give up Just before to be able to see results. They work hard for a month, get no results, and give up. Perseverance will be your best weapon.

Step 4. Use your legs less if you are thin, but have muscular legs
Most people who want lean legs are generally overweight. However, some people are thin in the arms and chest but not in the legs.