3 Ways to Stretch the Inner Thigh

3 Ways to Stretch the Inner Thigh
3 Ways to Stretch the Inner Thigh

Table of contents:


The inner thigh muscles are important for all types of exercise and daily activities. Whether you want to go for a run, need to climb stairs, play tennis or just go for a walk, you will use the muscles in this area of the leg a lot. It is important to stretch them as much as possible to avoid injuries and relieve tension when they feel contracted. Hardening of the groin muscles can lead to problems with the hip flexors and the back thigh muscles, as well as many other ailments. That said, to avoid a painful groin strain you should stretch with caution. Try to feel the muscle pull slightly and stop as soon as you feel pain.


Method 1 of 3: Simple Stretches

Stretch Your Inner Thighs Step 1
Stretch Your Inner Thighs Step 1

Step 1. Touch your toes

This very simple stretching exercise helps to stretch the muscles of the back of the thigh, as well as the inner ones. Remember to do this with your toes pointing downwards first, then upwards. Hold the position for at least 20 seconds. Avoid holding your breath during the stretch - focus and take slow, deep breaths, relaxing as you exhale.

Step 2. Try the butterfly stretch

Sit cross-legged on the ground. Bring your feet together at your heels and gently push your elbows onto your knees. Avoid bouncing your legs by pushing too hard with your elbows. Maintain constant pressure so that you feel the muscles stretch, but without hurting yourself. This is a great stretch for the inner thigh and allows you to stretch both legs at the same time - a big plus.

Step 3. Try side lunges

Take a very long step with your right foot, bending your knee to lower yourself slightly. Lean forward a little at hip height, keeping your back straight and push your butt back. This will stretch the inside of the left thigh. Hold the position for a few seconds, then return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise, this time extending the left leg.

Stretch Your Inner Thighs Step 4
Stretch Your Inner Thighs Step 4

Step 4. Stretch out using the wall

Lie facing the wall, resting your legs against the wall. Spread your legs and get into a comfortable position. Gravity will stretch the inner thigh for you. Take 10-15 breaths before releasing the position.

Method 2 of 3: Stretching with Yoga

Step 1. Try the breaststroke stretch

Kneel, put your elbows on the ground in front of you and try to spread your legs and knees as wide as possible without hurting yourself. Make sure you're not in pain. You should feel the muscles stretch, not tear. If the pain becomes too intense, stop immediately. This position is not difficult to take, so you can use it for long periods.

Step 2. Bend forward with your legs apart to form an "E"

Stand up and spread your legs. Bend at the hips and place your palms on the ground in front of you. Without bending your back, lower your head and try to touch the floor. Spread your feet further, holding your weight with your hands.

  • Try to keep your weight on your toes, not your heels.
  • This position, also known as prasarita padottanasana, is great for the hips and the back of the thigh, as well as for the groin.
Stretch Your Inner Thighs Step 7
Stretch Your Inner Thighs Step 7

Step 3. Try the lying down groin stretch

Lie on your back and put the soles of your feet together. This stretch is very similar to the butterfly stretch, with the exception that you will be lying down instead of sitting. Push on the knees to spread the legs, spreading the knees and bringing them as close to the floor as possible. This relaxing position helps you loosen the inner thigh.

Method 3 of 3: Preparing for Stretching

Stretch Your Inner Thighs Step 8
Stretch Your Inner Thighs Step 8

Step 1. Put on comfortable shorts or elastic pants

You need to be able to move your body freely, as stretching is next to impossible if you are wearing jeans or other skin-tight fabrics. If you are alone you can exercise directly in underwear, otherwise you just need to wear something that does not limit the mobility of the lower limbs.

Stretch Your Inner Thighs Step 9
Stretch Your Inner Thighs Step 9

Step 2. Put on your shoes or stay barefoot

By doing the exercises with socks you risk slipping and stretching a muscle. Especially if you keep your feet together or try to maintain a certain standing position, it is best to have a firm grip on the ground. Take off your socks.

Stretch Your Inner Thighs Step 10
Stretch Your Inner Thighs Step 10

Step 3. Spend some time stretching

Don't expect to get results in 2 minutes. Stretch for at least 15-20 minutes doing various exercises and try to stick to this routine every day.

Stretch Your Inner Thighs Step 11
Stretch Your Inner Thighs Step 11

Step 4. Don't stretch as soon as you wake up in the morning

Especially if you have a lower back injury, you can aggravate the problem if you don't allow your body time to warm up a little. Wait at least an hour after waking up before starting.


  • Stretching your muscles too much can cause a spasm. Try to get to know your limits and don't push yourself further.
  • Stretching for one time does not solve your problems. Remember, the muscles have hardened after days of training, so it will take more than one to loosen them up again. Keep trying.
  • Don't hold a stretch for more than a minute. You get no further benefit by extending the exercise further.
  • Stretching for a while after your workout is a great way to keep your muscles loose and flexible. Some people stretch even before exercise, but to prevent hardening, you need to stretch your muscles after training.
  • Make sure you warm up before stretching, otherwise you risk getting injured.
  • Don't fall asleep while stretching. You would feel a lot of pain when you wake up!
  • Take a yoga class. If you don't like stretching alone or are having trouble maintaining a routine, taking a yoga class with other people can be a great way to stick to your training schedule.


  • Never do an inner thigh stretch if you think you can slide. Spreading your legs too far or stretching them too fast you risk a painful groin injury.
  • Hardness in the groin area can be one of the first symptoms of hip problems. If you often experience pain or discomfort in the inner thigh area, see your doctor.
