When you face an opponent, it may be necessary to take them down to defend yourself. Many techniques allow you to land someone without having received extensive training. In free wrestling, many moves are specifically designed to take the opponent to the mat. If you are the victim of an attack, with the right defense techniques you can neutralize the enemy and bring him to the ground.
Method 1 of 2: Landing an Attacker

Step 1. Block or avoid an opponent's attack
If someone attacks you, you need to be prepared to defend yourself.
- Step back from the attacker to get out of range.
- Keep your arms in front of your face to block your fists.
- Drop under a fist and prepare to counterattack.

Step 2. Use the momentum of your opponent's attack against him
When someone attacks you, you can use the forward thrust of their attack to pull them towards you and knock them down. This technique is ideal for taking on an opponent bigger than you.
- Step away from the attack.
- Grab your opponent's arm or shirt as he tries to hit you.
- Pull it towards you and to the ground.
- As you pull him, try to trip him with your leg in order to knock him down.

Step 3. Make your opponent lose his balance and drop him on his back
Using a combination of tripping and pushing, you can knock a person backwards. This method works well if you can position yourself in front of the opponent.
- Get close to your opponent.
- Bring one leg to one side of the attacker.
- Grab your opponent by the shoulder and push him back.
- Rotate your leg behind his ankles as you push him.

Step 4. Use martial arts such as Tae Kwon Do
Using a combination of defensive moves to avoid the attacker and offensive knockdown techniques, it is easy to bring an opponent to the ground.
- Sign up for a beginner martial arts class at the gym.
- Watch instructional videos to see the techniques in action.
- Try the moves in front of the mirror or with an experienced partner.

Step 5. Subdue the opponent with a neck grip
To perform this move, you need to be in the right position to grab the other person. This technique works best if you move quickly and catch the attacker off guard. Be careful if he is much bigger than you: he may be able to free himself from the grasp and quickly turn the situation around.
- Wrap your dominant arm around the attacker's neck as you move behind him.
- You should keep the elbow under the person's chin, with the bicep and forearm on either side of the neck.
- Put your other hand behind the person's head.
- Squeeze your bicep and forearm, pushing the person's head forward with the other arm.
- Hold for 10-20 seconds and slowly lower the attacker to the ground.
Method 2 of 2: Landing an Opponent in Free Wrestling

Step 1. Study your opponent
Watch her movements and pay attention to how she reacts to yours. Notice when he loses his balance or makes himself vulnerable by raising his center of gravity.
- Move around the mat while always keeping your eyes on the opponent.
- Test his reflexes by approaching from different angles.
- Notice the weak spots when it reacts to your movements.

Step 2. Plan your take down attempt
Depending on the type of fighter you are facing, various techniques can be successful.
- The "Duck Under" technique requires you to move under the opponent's arm as he approaches and quickly grab him around the waist from behind. Keep one arm out in front of him as you go around him; wrap your other arm around his waist from behind. Once you have a firm grip, take him to the mat by falling backwards and dragging him with you.
- The "Double Leg" knockdown requires you to grab both of your opponent's legs at thigh height and pull them up and towards you to make him fall. Approach the front and grab both legs of the other fighter. Be careful not to lower your head or you will become vulnerable.
- The "Single Leg" take-down requires you to quickly approach your opponent's front leg while standing in front of him, then lift it off the ground and drop him on the other leg. Grab the leg closest to you and pull it up. Use your feet to kick the second leg as you push the other fighter with the one you grabbed to cause him to lose his balance.

Step 3. Perform the takedown quickly
Move quickly to leave no time for the opponent to react. Slow, hesitant movements are easier to predict and block.
- Make a commitment to complete the takedown and not interrupt the attack.
- Don't stop until the referee gives you a point or a penalty.

Step 4. Quickly recover to prepare for the next move
After a knockdown you need to quickly return to the correct position. Expect your opponent to attack to score a point after being knocked down.
- Keep your legs in a defensive position.
- Be prepared to attack the opponent if he leaves you an opening.
- Get ready to counter the other fighter's offensive moves.
- In wrestling, keep your center of gravity low to avoid losing your balance due to your opponent's moves.
- Avoid conflicts and always try to escape from an attacker. Try to knock it down only if you can't get away.
- Try to keep your opponent on the ground as much as possible so that he cannot attack you and recover.
- If you can, grab it by the wrist and twist it, as it is very easy to hold a person down like this.
- Pay attention to the rules of your wrestling competition regarding illegal takedowns to avoid penalties.
- Don't crush the opponent's head with your feet; it is illegal and if you seriously injure him you could end up in jail.
- Do not apply a neck grip on people with heart problems or breathing difficulties.
- The use of violence can lead to legal consequences. Avoid confrontations as much as possible.