3 Ways to Have a More Flexible Back

3 Ways to Have a More Flexible Back
3 Ways to Have a More Flexible Back

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Having a flexible back is important for many sports, including artistic gymnastics, figure skating, and dancing. Developing greater flexibility of the back muscles takes time, consistency and, depending on the type of constitution, can be more or less difficult. Stretching not only the back muscles but also those that cooperate with them is the best way to increase the overall flexibility of the body. Numerous yoga postures incorporate very useful stretching exercises.

Note: Consult your physician before starting any new exercise program; what is appropriate for one person may be dangerous for another. Get help from an experienced teacher to perform these movements, to make sure you get the maximum benefit, but above all to avoid getting hurt. Also remember to warm up your muscles properly before starting, otherwise you could be seriously injured.


Method 1 of 3: Improve Back Flexibility By Practicing Yoga

Get a More Flexible Back Step 1
Get a More Flexible Back Step 1

Step 1. Try to perform the bow pose

Lie on the mat on your stomach, bend your knees so that your feet point towards the ceiling, bring your arms back and grab your ankles with your hands. Slightly push your arms and feet up to perform a gentle shoulder and abdominal stretch.

  • Stay in this position for 20-30 seconds, then slowly bring your torso and legs back to the ground as you exhale.
  • You can repeat the exercise several times to improve the flexibility of the muscles involved.
  • When, after several weeks, you feel the muscles have stretched and allow you to perform the pose with ease, you can try pushing your feet a little higher and grabbing the toes instead of the ankles. This will further improve the strength, flexibility and tone of the muscles involved.
Get a More Flexible Back Step 2
Get a More Flexible Back Step 2

Step 2. Try the cat pose

Position yourself in the four-point position, with your hands aligned below your shoulders and your knees aligned below your hips. Inhale and tilt your head back as you look up at the ceiling; simultaneously push the abdomen down. Stay in this position for several breathing cycles. Finally exhale and move your head down bringing your chin closer to your chest as you arch your back and push it towards the ceiling. Keep your abs contracted and stay in this position for the same number of breaths you took previously.

If you want to stretch your back muscles further, move your hands slightly forward on the mat as you arch your spine until your arms and chest touch the floor

Get a More Flexible Back Step 3
Get a More Flexible Back Step 3

Step 3. Try doing the cobra pose

Lie on the mat on your stomach, with your elbows bent and your hands under your shoulders. Slowly straighten your arms as you inhale, lifting your upper body and tilting your head back slightly so that your eyes are facing the ceiling. Remember that your pelvis must remain in full contact with the floor.

  • The leg muscles must be tense and the thigh muscles contracted.
  • Hold the position for at least 40 seconds to give your muscles time to stretch and become more flexible.
  • When, after several weeks, you feel comfortable doing this pose, you can try bending your knees and tilting your head back further so that it can touch your toes.
Get a More Flexible Back Step 4
Get a More Flexible Back Step 4

Step 4. Try doing the baby pose

Kneel on the mat with your big toes touching each other and your heels pointing up. Move your hands forward on the mat and keep your tailbone firmly in contact with your feet. When your arms are fully extended in front of you, push your forehead towards the mat, remembering not to lift your buttocks.

Stay in this position for 1-2 minutes as you inhale and exhale deeply. As you inhale your back muscles will stretch further. By performing this exercise regularly they will gradually become more and more flexible

Get a More Flexible Back Step 5
Get a More Flexible Back Step 5

Step 5. Try to do the camel pose (as long as you have no back pain)

Kneel on the mat with your legs spread hip-width apart, then move your pelvis forward as you slowly lean back with your back, until you begin to feel your back muscles tense. At this point you can decide whether to place your hands on your heels or ankles. However, remember that most of your body weight must be supported by your knees, so the backward position of the arms is only to help you maintain the curvature of the back.

  • Try to bring one elbow to the other behind your back as you push your breastbone toward the ceiling. This position allows you to open the chest and effectively stretch the back muscles.
  • If you can't lean back as far as it takes to touch your heels, use an exercise ball or yoga brick or other support to support your back.

Method 2 of 3: Stretching Exercises to Improve Back Flexibility

Get a More Flexible Back Step 6
Get a More Flexible Back Step 6

Step 1. Keep your back straight as you perform a lumbar and hamstring stretch

Sit on the mat with your legs straight in front of you. First raise both arms towards the ceiling, then begin slowly bending your torso forward until you touch your toes with your hands. This exercise, called "Pike", allows you to stretch the lower back, hamstrings and hamstrings of the knees.

  • The goal is not to be able to touch your toes, but to stretch and stretch your back muscles. This is not a test of skill - focusing on reaching the feet instead of the back would be a mistake.
  • Use tools to be able to perform the exercise correctly. Put an elastic band, rolled towel, or belt behind your feet to do the pose with your back and legs straight.
  • An alternative method is to bend the torso forward while standing. Start from a standing position, then slowly lean your torso forward until your hands touch your toes or the floor. You can stop earlier if you feel the need; the important thing is to feel that the muscles of the back and the back of the legs stretch slightly, without causing pain.
Get a More Flexible Back Step 7
Get a More Flexible Back Step 7

Step 2. Do the siren exercise

Sit on the mat with your knees bent and feet pointing to the left side of your body. Grab your left ankle with your respective hand and raise your right arm towards the ceiling. At this point, inhale and extend your right arm to the left, passing it over your head. Exhale and feel how your torso and back muscles stretch.

  • Hold the position for 20-30 seconds. Repeat the movement several times.
  • Switch sides of your body, directing your feet to the right and lifting and extending your left arm.
Get a More Flexible Back Step 8
Get a More Flexible Back Step 8

Step 3. Strengthen your back muscles by doing the bridge pose

Lie down on the mat, bend your knees and place the soles of your feet firmly on the ground, hip-width apart. The arms must remain extended along the body. Lift your pelvis and push it towards the ceiling. If you want to deepen the position, you can place your hands on the sides of your head and try to carefully straighten your arms to lift your shoulders and head off the ground as well. Either way, hold the position for several breaths.

If you wish, you can place a support under your buttocks to help support your body weight, for example a yoga brick. Obviously this way the muscles will work much less, so it will take longer for them to strengthen

Method 3 of 3: Exercises to Improve Leg Spread

Get a More Flexible Back Step 9
Get a More Flexible Back Step 9

Step 1. Do a half split

Place your left knee on the ground and extend your right leg in front of you. Touch your right foot with both hands and then try to bring your forehead as close to your right knee as possible. Stay in this position for at least 15 seconds.

  • Extend your left arm further to grab the outer side of your right foot. Hold the position, then extend the same arm to your right as far as possible and remain still for a few more breaths.
  • All muscles work together to allow you to perform most movements, so stretching those in your core, legs, or other parts of your body helps you have a more flexible back. Having strong abdominal muscles allows you to exercise the flexibility of the back muscles by performing and deepening a greater number of positions.
Get a More Flexible Back Step 10
Get a More Flexible Back Step 10

Step 2. Try to do a real splits

Start by assuming the lunge position, then slowly push your hips down. If you feel pain or excessive tension, reduce the degree of the lunge. Bring your pelvis back and sit on your bent knee, then straighten your front leg. Try to bring your forehead closer to the knee - you should feel the posterior hamstring expand and stretch.

From that position, try to slide your legs and slowly lower yourself to do the splits. Simply get as far as you can without risking injury, then hold the position for 30 seconds

Get a More Flexible Back Step 11
Get a More Flexible Back Step 11

Step 3. Follow an exercise program based on your specific needs

Remember that all muscles work together to create a single strong body, so to have a strong and flexible back, the other muscles must also be strong and elastic. If you can't do the splits or touch your toes with your hands, don't beat yourself up - the more you practice these yoga and stretching exercises, the stronger and more flexible you will become.

If you feel pain, stop. Do not try to perform the most difficult positions anyway, otherwise you could be seriously injured


  • As when practicing any other sport, even with stretching it is important to start and proceed gradually to avoid fatigue or damage to the muscles.
  • Decide which exercises are most useful for you and how often to perform them. By practicing the same positions every day you will end up getting bored. Try to vary your training: this way you will feel more motivated to continue.
  • Stretch somewhere in the house where there is enough space and use a soft mat to avoid hurting your back or knees. If you perform any positions where you might fall, it is important that the surrounding surfaces are soft and that there are no sharp or pointed objects.
  • If you happen to feel dizzy in the inversion positions or when you stay upside down for a long time, it could be that your body is not hydrated enough or that you have been holding your breath without realizing it. Drink some water before you start exercising and maintain deep, regular breathing throughout your workout.


  • The saying "To get results you have to suffer!" it is a false myth. If you feel pain in your back doing these exercises, stop immediately. Having sore muscles and stretching for relief is one thing, but feeling pain does not benefit their flexibility.
  • Consult your physician before starting any new exercise program.
