Has a romantic relationship ended and are you now trying to find a way to be happy? Or maybe you have been alone for too long and have a feeling that you will always be miserable until you find your soul mate? You may think that you can never be happy and single at the same time, but know that it really isn't that different from being happy in other situations. If you truly identify what you are passionate about and manage, as much as possible, to cultivate it and make it an integral part of your life, you can find happiness that is not necessarily related to a life as a couple. If you want to know how to be happy and single, read on
Part 1 of 2: Evaluating the Benefits of Single Life

Step 1. Consider the health benefits
Being single has been associated with a reduced risk of adverse health effects from failing marriages or relationships. Studies have shown that unhealthy intercourse can actually lead to health problems. Singles are more likely to stay healthy and fit, as they tend to go to the gym more often, eat better, and are generally less stressed.
- Singles are usually thinner than those who live a life as a couple. Research has found that people tend to gain an average of 6 pounds or even more once a relationship has begun.
- In addition, singles are generally able to sleep more and better than people who share a bed with a partner.
- Single women have greater peace of mind than married women, particularly those who also have children.
Step 2. Enjoy the freedom to spend time as you wish
When you are in a relationship, you cannot neglect your partner's needs and desires. Sometimes you also have to do things you don't want to do to make the other person happy. But when you are single you can spend your time however you like. You don't have to worry about pleasing anyone, you just have to think about yourself. This means you have more time to pursue your hobbies, personal interests, career, and general well-being. Enjoy this freedom while single!
Step 3. Evaluate the economic benefits
When you are in a relationship, you may also find yourself facing a person who manages money irresponsibly, which could create financial problems for you too. But if you are single you don't have to worry about anyone else's expenses and economic habits. You can use the money you earn as you wish, spend it or save it as you please.
Step 4. Enjoy the chance to maintain friendships and make new ones
When you are in a relationship, it is often difficult to maintain relationships with friends or make new acquaintances, because the partner absorbs most of your time and your emotional attention. When you are single, however, you definitely have more time to devote to friends and you can go out and meet new people whenever you want. Remember this when you feel sad about not having a partner around. Keep in mind that relationships with other people would be reduced in quantity and quality if you were in a relationship that takes up most of your time and energy.
Step 5. Enjoy the fact that sex, although less frequent, is definitely more fun
During a stable relationship you can have sex every day or at least a couple of times a week, while, if you are single, your sex life can usually be much less active; however, studies have found that, although they may be quantitatively less, occasional sexual encounters are undoubtedly more enjoyable than those in a stable relationship.
Step 6. Keep in mind that if you wish, you can still seek romantic relationships even when single
If you still can't see all the benefits of life without a partner, know that you can always aspire to a romantic relationship if you are feeling truly miserable. The single life is not for everyone and some people are certainly better off when they have the love and company of one person. Remember that you can always look for a soul mate if you prefer.
You can find an online dating site to get to know other people who, like you, are looking for a stable relationship. Looking for other people who are interested in a lasting relationship, and not just a few casual encounters, could prevent you from finding yourself with a broken heart later on
Part 2 of 2: Appreciate the Benefits of Single Life
Step 1. Ignore the images of happy couples that are shown in the media
The reason why some people feel unhappy when they are alone is due, in part, to the messages conveyed by the media that reinforce the idea that we must necessarily have a relationship in order to be happy. Try your best not to pay attention to this type of message, because it's not real. Don't look at romantic comedies or magazines that emphasize the notion that single life is sad and disheartening, while living as a couple automatically leads to happiness.
The images that are shown of single women can be just as troubling because they are often idealized (of superwomen who have everything) or appear evil (of sad, lonely women who have nothing). None of these depictions are realistic, so convince yourself that they are false images of reality and that they alter the true meaning of what it means to be single
Step 2. Strive to become the best person you can be
Being single is an opportunity to focus on yourself and strive to become exactly what you want. Take classes, train, take care of the garden, volunteer, go to therapy or do whatever your heart desires. The important thing is that you keep in mind that everything you do is for yourself!
- Focus on yourself during your single life and try to figure out what you like and what you don't like. Being able to develop a strong sense of your personality will be useful for you to face life and will also allow you to recognize people who are compatible with your character (if you ever decide to commit to a relationship one day).
- Find a new hobby! Learn to play the guitar, sign up for a tap-dance class, grow a vegetable garden, write a story, cook some delicious meals! This is the time to accomplish everything you've always wanted to do. Starting something new can bring you new skills, friendships, and boost your self-esteem.
Step 3. Treat yourself well
It is important to maintain a positive self-image throughout your single life. Buy yourself a new dress, get your nails painted, treat yourself to a day at a SPA or get a massage. Just because you don't have someone to impress and please doesn't mean you need to stop doing good things for yourself. You are a strong and independent person who deserves the best. So treat yourself to rewards too!
Step 4. Surround yourself with supportive people
When you find yourself in a period where every date goes wrong or you have recently ended a serious relationship, if you spend too much time alone you risk feeling even worse. Try to organize activities with other people as much as possible. If you feel like your friends aren't supportive, consider joining a club or joining a gym to make new friends.
While having support from others may seem like a luxury that not everyone feels the need or that not everyone can afford, modern psychologists say having strong social bonds is, in fact, critical to emotional well-being and physical health.. So, even if you don't have to be in an intimate relationship with another person to be happy, having support from a group of friends you trust can be an important aspect of your happy single life
Step 5. Encourage yourself
Acknowledge the things you like about yourself to help you be happy. If you point out positive things about yourself on a daily basis, then you will feel happier day by day. Take a few minutes of your time to look in the mirror and say something encouraging to yourself. You can state something that you think is true about you or that you would like to believe about yourself. Here are some examples:
- "IM smart".
- "I am a friend who knows how to take care of others".
- "People like to spend time with me."
Step 6. Be optimistic
Having a positive outlook on life makes you feel happier, regardless of whether you are single, married, divorced or widowed. Feeling optimistic helps you stay focused on the things you like about yourself and your overall situation, avoiding dwelling on negative aspects or circumstances.
- For example, instead of focusing on the things you don't love about single life, remember the things about this situation that you love, like the ability to flirt without feeling guilty and the freedom to do whatever you want in your free time.
- Try keeping a gratitude journal. Think about three things to be grateful for every night and make a note of them. In this way, every day you will be able to develop an increasingly positive vision, which among other things helps you sleep better and enjoy better health.
- Value the things you have, such as creativity, intelligence, friends or your pet, as well as your newfound independence.
- Consider the support you receive from other people and don't think that you are alone in the world; your friends are the ones who better than anyone else can understand how you feel.
- Appreciate all the positive things you have, such as good friends, family, and good health.
- If you are really feeling sad, try to distract yourself by having a nice time with friends.
- Be cautious when you want to start a new relationship. When you decide to create a new life for two, make sure you have gone through and processed the previous relationship. It wouldn't be fair to your new partner or even to yourself.
- When you want to flirt with someone, don't overdo it. Being too pushy doesn't make you that attractive.
- If you are really feeling very depressed because you are single, don't rule out the possibility of seeing a mental health professional. You may be suffering from depression or another medical condition that requires treatment.