How to Win Girls (with Pictures)

How to Win Girls (with Pictures)
How to Win Girls (with Pictures)

Table of contents:


To conquer girls you need to have the right attitude and know how to do it, in order to deal with any situation. If you are looking for a girlfriend or just to have fun for a night, you need to introduce yourself as someone who is worth spending time with. Once the girls consider you a prize to conquer, you will find that they will start running after you.


Part 1 of 3: Finding Girls

Get Girls Step 1
Get Girls Step 1

Step 1. Don't hit on working girls

Even if the restaurant waitress is really cool, it's not the right time or place to approach her. You can get a lot of confusing signals, because she probably feels like she has to be nice to a customer, but that doesn't mean she likes you. It is best to avoid possible misunderstandings.

Get Girls Step 2
Get Girls Step 2

Step 2. Find the girls in the most popular places, such as malls, gyms, bars and bookstores

Go to a place that suits your personality. Not only do you have a better chance of meeting a girl who shares your interests, but you will feel more comfortable approaching them in an environment that is familiar to you.

Get Girls Step 3
Get Girls Step 3

Step 3. Be careful when dating girls in bars, online and at work

You may think it's easy to find women to talk to in those places, but you need to know what you're up against. Use common sense!

  • In bars you will find many women, but drinking is often a remedy for people with serious problems. They may be depressed, have gone through a difficult separation, or have lost their job. Watch out for alcohol abusers.
  • Online it is always risky to meet girls. It takes time to understand if a person is really up to their social profile.
  • Even if you have plenty of opportunities to talk to girls at work, always pay attention to relationships with co-workers. If things go wrong, the work environment could become unpleasant.

Part 2 of 3: Getting closer to the girls

Get Girls Step 4
Get Girls Step 4

Step 1. Approach a girl indirectly

This allows you to start a conversation without making your interest too obvious. If you are careful, you will have plenty of opportunities to open a dialogue. If you notice she has a clock, you can ask her the time. If you are in a shopping mall, you can ask her where a certain store is located. At that point, take advantage of the opportunity and keep talking to her. Since he doesn't expect you to try, you will probably be able to have a more spontaneous conversation.

Get Girls Step 5
Get Girls Step 5

Step 2. Give a girl a sincere compliment

The best choices are the hairstyle, the clothing and the shoes, because she has certainly put a lot of effort into her look. Girls often appreciate when a man notices the effort they make to look good, especially if they are interested in him.

  • Try telling her that her beautiful skin makes her sparkle or that you love the color tone of her hair.
  • Tell her that the dress she is wearing looks great on her or that you really like the combination of the dress and the shoes.
  • Try to avoid phrases that imply that she is the most beautiful of her friends. She might consider it an insult to her friends instead of a compliment.
Get Girls Step 6
Get Girls Step 6

Step 3. Be nice to her friends

If the girl you want to conquer is in company and you exclude her friend while you are talking to her, you will make her feel guilty. She may walk away to be with her friend, so try to be polite to her friend as well and include her in the conversation.

For example, if you ask the girl you like if she wants a drink, turn to her friend and ask her if she wants something too. That way you will look generous and thoughtful

Get Girls Step 7
Get Girls Step 7

Step 4. Make fun of her

This method doesn't stop working after averages. The playful teasing livens up the conversation with a little humor. If she cheers on a rival team of yours or listens to an artist you don't like, make fun of her. The key is knowing when to quit. If he's not laughing with you, it's best to stop.

For example, if you notice that she has a Juventus keychain, you can let her know that you know the telephone numbers of many referees and that you are willing to give them to her in exchange for hers

Get Girls Step 8
Get Girls Step 8

Step 5. Tell her you're busy

As you talk, let her know that you would like to go out with her but that you have a lot of commitments right now. This way you will give the impression of being sought after, unavailable and, consequently, more desirable. Instead of being tough, she'll have to work hard to prove she's worthy of your time.

Get Girls Step 9
Get Girls Step 9

Step 6. Give her some space

If you've started a conversation that's going well, you need to know when to stop. Move away to use the bathroom or to talk to another friend or acquaintance if you see them. Just make sure you let her know you're coming back so she doesn't feel abandoned. Let her know that your night isn't all about talking to her. This way she will also have the chance to help her friends find something else to do.

Get Girls Step 10
Get Girls Step 10

Step 7. Get help

When you go out looking for girls, a friend can keep your target's friend busy. If the friends of the girl you like advise her to stay away from you, take a step back.

Choose your mate carefully. Rate your friends well. It doesn't have to be Ryan Gosling to help you, but it should be a pleasant person

Part 3 of 3: Pleasing the Girls

Get Girls Step 11
Get Girls Step 11

Step 1. Believe in yourself

You have to be confident, but not arrogant. The best way to do this is with body language. Girls learn a lot about you from your body language, so be careful how you present yourself.

  • Speak clearly and keep your back straight.
  • Look people in the eye when you talk to them.
  • You smile.
  • Show yourself available. Don't keep your eyes fixed on your cell phone and don't show disinterest in what's going on around you.
Get Girls Step 12
Get Girls Step 12

Step 2. Behave like a gentleman

He opens the doors and pulls her chair aside to help her sit up. Saying thank you and please is part of basic education and being rude is neither sexy nor cute. If you show that you have good manners, the girl will understand that you have been well educated or that you have been able to improve yourself. However, some women find this quality attractive.

Get Girls Step 13
Get Girls Step 13

Step 3. Show off your best qualities without bragging

If you sing, rock climb, or know a foreign language well, you can naturally mention those details in conversation. The secret is to choose the right time.

  • Ask her questions about her. If you want to find an opportunity to talk about your musical talent, start by asking her what genres she likes. Then he comments on his answer from a musician's point of view. For example, if she says she likes a particular band, you can say that the guitarist is great and that he is the one who inspired you to learn to play.
  • Bragging and bullying can make a bad impression, so avoid overdoing it. Don't talk about money or how many girls you have slept with. Most women don't care.
Get Girls Step 14
Get Girls Step 14

Step 4. Be careful when making the first move

Don't get to the kiss right away. It might be your third or fourth move, but not your first.

  • Take a chance to gently brush her hair away from her face. This way you show her your sweet and caring side.
  • You can also tell her how beautiful she is or make an appreciation about her gorgeous eyes.
  • A kiss on the forehead is sweet and not too sensual.
  • Touch it in innocent places. You can usually try the upper back and hands.
Get Girls Step 15
Get Girls Step 15

Step 5. Be honest when talking to her

With lies you earn no points. You might tell her something and then forget it. You'll make a bad impression if she remembers it and you don't.

Get Girls Step 16
Get Girls Step 16

Step 6. Explain exactly what you are looking for

Tell her if you want a serious relationship, an open one, or just have fun. Don't give her false expectations. If you're just looking for an adventure, let them know. Don't be selfish and don't break her heart, at the same time preparing yourself for a possible disappointment.


  • Always be available; by smiling softly your face will look relaxed.
  • Always listen to what he says. Sometimes guys miss the most important parts of a conversation because they think about how good a girl is in bed. Even if that's really what you're thinking about, try not to show it.
  • While there's nothing wrong with looking at girls, don't be creepy and don't overdo it. Nobody likes maniacs!
  • Behave with detachment. If you don't, you could make a fool of yourself and let the girl know that you are interested in her.
  • Be kind and treat her with respect. Nobody likes disrespectful rude people. Show her you care.
