You have managed to get a date with someone special, and therefore have the opportunity to make a good impression. Preparing for the appointment can be a cause of a lot of tension, yet it is possible to approach the situation with a clear and defined method that will ensure you arrive at the meeting in the best shape. The rest will depend on you …

Step 1. Prepare in advance some topics of conversation about current affairs and current topics that are best known to all
These will be great conversation starters and you can impress the other party with your knowledge. Also try to remember as much as possible the topics of past conversations with this person, in order to continue them. Also keep a few funny stories in store in case you find it difficult to keep the dialogue going smoothly. Nowadays there are websites that specialize in advice on how to carry on a date, but in many cases they are not written by professionals and have not been verified in practice, and are therefore to be read and followed with due caution.

Step 2. Do something to feel good about yourself
Set aside time for exercise in the days leading up to your appointment. Eat properly and rest well.

Step 3. Choose your clothes in advance
You should have some combinations ready some time in advance, so as to avoid last-minute panic if you discover a gravy stain on your favorite shirt. In addition, preparing in advance will give you the opportunity to try on more dresses on the day of the appointment, and choose the one that best suits the mood of the moment.

Step 4. Give yourself a good clean on the day of your appointment
Take a long shower or bath, wash your hair and, for the fairer sex, polish your nails. You should have a pleasant but not overwhelming smell, so avoid stronger perfumes or aftershaves. Ladies should be careful not to overdo their makeup, aiming for a well-groomed but natural look. If things go right, he'll see you even when you wake up the next morning, and he'll need to be able to recognize you even without makeup. Just before your appointment, brush your teeth thoroughly and floss.

Step 5. Think positive
After all, you are going out to have fun, so you don't have to worry about any lurking accidents or disasters. If you are nervous, talk to a few friends, watch television or listen to stimulating music. Let yourself go, focus on being peaceful and happy, and this is sure to happen.

Step 6. Behave naturally
Don't let the nervousness show through, which could cause everything to go wrong.
Formal night 3 Be confident and relaxed, feel confident in yourself and your ability to succeed. Instead of just being yourself, try to be your best yourself.
- Even with the best preparation, your appointment could turn out to be a disaster. At this point it will be useful to have an alternative plan, think for example of agreeing with a friend who can call you back a few minutes after your request for help, so that you can have an excuse of some emergency in progress, to suddenly get away. You could also be honest and say that the evening is not going well, and that you are leaving early. Be prepared to pay part of the bill and walk away politely.
- Lunch is sometimes better for a first date than dinner, so if things don't work out, you won't have wasted an entire evening.
- Bring a condom with you, whether you intend to use it or not - it's always better to be prepared than sorry. just remember that you don't have to have sex.
- When preparing for a first meeting, there are many factors to consider, such as where to dine in, what to wear, how to move, etc.
- Be careful to choose what to wear carefully, you will not have a second chance to make a good initial impression.
- Be careful not to put yourself in risky situations, most people are worthy of your trust, yet maniacs exist and you need to know how to protect yourself. The first date should always take place in a public place (restaurant, cinema, shopping center, etc.). Only accept drinks that are poured from a freshly opened bottle or served by the waiter, as there are substances that may make you unconscious and can be added to any drink without any difference in color or flavor. In case you suspect that you are in the presence of a maniac, cover the glass if you look away even for a few seconds, and request a new drink if there is something that does not convince you.
- If you hear any warning signs, follow your instincts and end the appointment with courtesy and firmness.
- Make sure you always have a mobile phone and enough cash to pay for a taxi, so that you don't have to depend on another person to drive you home.
- Pay attention to how much alcohol you drink.
- Try to be as honest with the other person as possible, so as to avoid any unpleasant inconvenience if the relationship has a sequel.
Things You Will Need
- Personal cleaning items.
- Cheerful music to relieve nervousness.
- A good friend to talk to.
- SELF-ESTEEM! Follow your heart.