Love is an unconditional feeling. If you are lucky enough to have this feeling for your boyfriend, it is important to show it to him. In this article, WikiHow tells you how to love your boyfriend.

Step 1. Tell him you love him every day and at random times

Step 2. Interlace your fingers with hers as you walk together

Step 3. Pamper him when you are sitting next to each other

Step 4. Be happy when you are close to him
If you're having a bad day, let them know. He is there for you.

Step 5. Spend time with your friends and never compromise if they don't like it
Don't spend all your time with him.

Step 6. Hug him from behind a few times to surprise him

Step 7. Tell each other some personal stories - sharing a few little secrets together will bond you a lot

Step 8. Cheer him up when he's down
In any way from a simple joke to leaving him a sweet note for him to see.

Step 9. Cook or prepare things for him
It is a really sweet gesture and he will certainly appreciate it.

Step 10. Try not to be stinging or jealous
Be humble, sweet, adorable and super in love.

Step 11. Be honest
When he asks how you are, don't tell him you're okay if it's not the truth.

Step 12. Compliment him on his appearance and what he wears

Step 13. Hug / kiss him for the first time a few times
Don't always let him do it first.

Step 14. Rest your head on his chest when he is lying down
This is what most guys like and he won't want to walk you away.