Lately you and the guy you have a crush on have been spending more time together. All of a sudden, you blush every time you talk to him and realize that he is more than just a friendship. You want to say something, but you are afraid to make the first move because you don't know if he will reciprocate. Do you want to know if the guy you have a crush on has placed you in the "friend zone" or will reciprocate your feelings? Read on to find out!
Method 1 of 5: Listen to What He Says

Step 1. Notice the way he talks
The way he talks can tell a lot about how he really feels. Here are some things to consider:
- Notice her tone of voice. Does he talk to you in a "measured" way, pondering the words?
Notice the eye contact. Does he look you in the eye when he talks to you or does he look around the room?
If you notice that he fears possible eye contact, chances are he likes you. Maybe he's just shy
- Notice if it gets interrupted easily. If he is talking to you and in the meantime someone else interrupts, does he immediately forget your conversation? In that case, what he tells you may not be that important.

Step 2. Listen to what it tells you
The way he talks to you can indicate how he really sees you. Here are some signs that will let you know if he wants more from you:
- Is he kidding you? If he always teases you jokingly, it shows that he is flirting with you and that he wants you to do the same.
- Do you confide? If she is telling you about her family problems, her anxieties and fears, she may want to take the relationship to a deeper level.
- Does he compliment you? If he tells you that you are smart or beautiful when he sees you, it means that he really admires you.
- If you notice that when he is with his friends he tends to burp, curse and be vulgar, but make an effort and contain himself when you are around, it shows his interest in you.
If he asks about your private life, he is subtly trying to find out if you are seeing other guys.
If you notice that he is trying to get you close to one of his friends, or asks you why you are not going out with one of his friends, it means that he has placed you in the "friend zone"

Step 3. Notice how he expresses himself when he talks about other girls
Pay attention to what he says about other girls, if he's looking for advice, or if he's only interested in you.
- If she is always asking your opinion on how to get a girl, she may only see you as a friend and want your opinion because you are a girl.
- However, if he always talks negatively about his dating and says things like, "I just can't find the right girl," he may want to let you know that you are the right girl.
- If he's acting like a playboy, it can only mean two things. If he's always talking about his latest breakthrough, then he may be a really playboy, and you should be careful not to suffer too much for him. However, it may also be that he behaves this way to make you jealous. See if he's really dating that many girls, or if he's just trying to get a reaction from you.

Step 4. Pay attention to the way he behaves towards you when you are down in the dumps
Some guys are just shy and more easily show their feelings online or over the phone. You can see how it behaves through the following methods:
- The phone. Does he seem nervous when he talks on the phone? He probably wants to impress you. Do you converse for a long time, or do you try to get right to the point to hang up quickly?
- E-mail. If he uses sophisticated terms, writes gracefully and grammatically correctly, then it means he ponders words well to show his intelligence.
- Text message. Does he just text you when and where to meet, or does he text you because he wants to chat? Do you try to be funny by sending emoticons to you? If he makes an effort to appear sympathetic in the messages he sends you, it means that he wants to value your relationship.
- Facebook. Do you often put a lot of "likes" on the photos you post on your bulletin board? This may mean that he keeps an eye on you.
- Take all these indications for what they are: simple assumptions. Some guys don't communicate by phone, email, Facebook etc. They prefer to see you in person and there is nothing wrong with that.
Method 2 of 5: Pay Attention to What He Does

Step 1. Look at her body language
Body language can reveal a lot. Take note of the following guidelines:
- Does it "accidentally" touch you a lot? Are you sitting together in front of a movie and all of a sudden his knee touches yours? As you pass something, his fingers touch yours? This may indicate that he wants to touch you more.
- Do you often catch him staring at you? If you are out in a group and notice that he is watching you, that means he is admiring you. If you catch his eye at that juncture and he smiles, it means he knows he has been "caught"!
- Evaluate body language: if he turns completely towards you as he speaks, and if his arms are open, not folded at his hips, this means that he is interested in what you have to say.
- If he is always in close contact while communicating with you, that's a good sign.

Step 2. Notice the one that's right for you
Do you want to understand if you are more than a friend to him? Here you will find some pointers that will help you understand how they consider you:
- Does he always do you favors? If he makes you lunch while you are at work, picks up your laundry, or repairs your car, it can be perfect for the role of boyfriend.
- Is he thoughtful? If he brings you your favorite dessert or gives you a book that you intend to read, that means he pays attention to your needs.
- Does it console you when you are angry? In all honesty, no guy wants to comfort a girl who suddenly cries. However, if he really cares about you, he'll be there to listen to your problems, and he probably wants more than just a friendship.

Step 3. Notice how she behaves with other girls around
By observing how he acts with others, you can understand what it means to him. Here are some pointers to understanding her feelings:
- Does he treat every girl the same way he treats you? If you notice that when you are in a group you are the only girl he flirts with, it means that he wants to be with you. However, if he teases and touches every girl he sees, he doesn't consider you any more special than the others.
- Does he flaunt his reports in front of you? If he openly invites you to go out with his new girlfriend, then it means that he only sees you as a friend.
- However, if he hides the fact that he sees other girls, it can mean that he already sees you as a girlfriend and feels guilty.

Step 4. Pay attention to his attitude when you are with him
This is a surefire sign to move on to the next level. Here are some pointers for interpreting his behavior:
- If he constantly asks you out, that's it!
- If he always tries to pair up with you, whether in classroom practice or during training, it means that he loves your company.
- If he always says he is in the "zone" when he visits you or makes excuses to go out with you, it means that he is embarrassed and does not know how to tell you that he would like to date you.
Method 3 of 5: Notice How He Behaves Outside and How Many Times He Exits

Step 1. Pay attention to what you do when you are together
Are you engaged in "couple" activities or are they more than pleasant encounters? Observing his approach can make you understand his real intentions. Here are some things to consider:
- Are you doing activities together without being a real couple? Do you find yourself shopping, cooking together or even going to the market? This may mean that he already sees you as a girlfriend.
Do you often go out alone or with a large group of people? In the first case, he considers you more than a friend.
- If he invites his ten best friends or the whole family to join you on an evening, you are nothing more than a friend. But beware, if he only invites other couples to join you, he probably wants to pair with you.
- But if he invites his siblings, his best friends, or somehow you end up meeting his parents, that's a surefire sign that you're an important part of his life to him.
Tell if a Guy Likes You More Than a Friend Step 10 Step 2. Consider how often you see each other
It is important to understand what he really thinks of you.
- Note the frequency of your outings. If he hardly makes a day go by without seeing you, it could mean that he wants to spend his time with you. But if you only see him once a month or so, even though he lives in the same neighborhood as you, then he doesn't want to see you often.
- Pay attention to how much time you spend together when you are out. Does your coffee outing turn into a three-hour philosophical discussion? If he can't stop talking to you, it means he wants something more from you.
Method 4 of 5: Analyze the places you frequent when you go out
Tell if a Guy Likes You As More Than a Friend Step 11 Step 1. Think about the places you frequent
One of the easiest ways to tell if she sees you as a friend or a girlfriend is to look at the places you go to. Here are some pointers that will help you understand your relationship:
If you go out to eat, pay attention to the type of restaurant. If you are in a busy bar, she may see you more as a friend, but if you dine in a quiet, candlelit restaurant over a glass of wine, she may be trying to tell you something. However, if he sits next to you at the school cafeteria, he has no romantic intent.
- Observe the other people who are in the restaurant. Are they couples or friends laughing and chatting? It can be indicative of what he has in mind.
- Don't think about it too much. He may be really interested in you, but he might also like the local bar a lot. Location is a good indicator, but it doesn't say it all.
- If he invites you to the cinema, what kind of film does he choose? A romantic and tearful comedy? A bloody war film? Or maybe a documentary? The type of movie you choose can let you know if her intentions are romantic or if she just wants to have a nice evening with a friend.
- Do you prefer to take you to jazz concerts in quaint and dimly lit clubs, or to death metal concerts? Does it take you to places where you poga, or where you can sit quietly to romantically enjoy the show?
Tell if a Guy Likes You More Than a Friend Step 12 Step 2. The time of day you meet is a key clue as to whether she sees you as a casual friend or is trying to take things to the next level
Pay attention to two things in particular:
- Do you meet during the day or in the evening? There is a big difference between lunch or dinner, morning coffee or evening drink. If you go out more during the day, then it means that you are currently in the "friendship zone", but you don't necessarily want something more.
- Do you meet during the week or on the weekend? If you meet on Mondays instead of Fridays, chances are she just considers you a friend.
Method 5 of 5: Find Out If He Really Likes You
Tell if a Guy Likes You More Than a Friend Step 13 Step 1. Ask around
A simple way to understand how they feel can be to ask other people. Of course you should do it carefully, so that he may not know. Here are some ways to find out:
- Casually ask his friends. You can ask him if he is seeing any girls, or if he has feelings for anyone. Choose a friend you trust, even if it will be difficult to find a guy who breaks the "brotherhood".
- Ask your friends what they think. They will have seen you together before, so they will be able to evaluate honestly.
- You can get some of your friends to ask him about his love life, with the excuse of introducing him to someone for example.
Tell if a Guy Likes You More Than a Friend Step 14 Step 2. Don't snoop too much
The fastest way to take a guy apart is to play the part of the obsessive girl trying to know every detail about his life. Here are some things to avoid at all costs:
- Look at his cell phone. If she left her phone somewhere, don't peek for other girls' text messages. If he became aware of this indiscretion he would not be happy at all.
- Don't be nosy by reading her emails or Facebook messages if she goes away from her computer for a minute.
- Don't follow him to see who he's hanging out with. It wouldn't be romantic but creepy!
Tell if a Guy Likes You More Than a Friend Step 15 Step 3. Be brave and confess your feelings
In the end, things can't go on unless you take the initiative. If you're confident enough that he likes you or still feel brave like you have nothing to lose, you can go ahead and tell him how you feel.
- Try to be carefree. Don't take yourself too seriously. Don't arrange a meeting by saying "I have something important to tell you." Just find the right time to tell him you have a crush on him. Don't make a big deal out of it if it doesn't feel the same.
- Be creative. Find a fun way to confess your feelings to him. You can send him a letter, or ask him to solve a puzzle. If he is one who thinks outside the box, he might like it.
Tell if a Guy Likes You More Than a Friend Step 16 Step 4. Don't be disappointed if he doesn't reciprocate your feelings
In the end, you may not be meant to be together. If you wish to continue the friendship, here are some things to keep in mind:
- Don't be too disappointed if she doesn't reciprocate your feelings. You would make everyone feel bad.
- Remind yourself of the value of friendship and how lucky you are to have a great friend like him. You have missed the opportunity to have a romantic relationship, but you remain a friend for life.
- Know when to take a break. If your love has blossomed in full swing, it may be time to take a break from this friendship so as not to suffer too much. If you pass you can go out with him again, but there's nothing worse than torturing yourself by dating someone who doesn't share your feelings.
- Be yourself! If he doesn't like you for who you are, then it's not worth it.
- Some guys may lose interest in you if you don't show any involvement. Without an incentive, the shyest kids lose courage and back away.
- Don't giggle with your friends when you see him pass by. Guys can get paranoid about the way you express yourself towards them, and not in a good way!
- Ask him if he likes anyone in your class. He may blush or look down. If so, it means it could be you.
- If you know he flirts a lot, he may be flirting with you just for fun.
- Find out what they like. He'll be glad to know you have a lot of things in common.
- Don't start acting like a tomboy in his presence, or he'll see you as his friend.