Sorcerers are skilled and wise practitioners of magic. Whether you want to make a costume or just adopt a wizard style, there are many ways to do it. A long tunic and cape can give you the look you are looking for and you can complement your outfit with themed accessories, such as a belt and hat. If you wish, you can style your hair and make up to look older and wiser, just like a real sorcerer.
Part 1 of 3: Choosing Sorcerer's Outfits

Step 1. Find a long, loose tunic
Sorcerers often wear these robes that reach down to their feet. You can buy one at a costume shop or use one you have at home. You can try sewing one yourself if you are able to use a sewing machine or needle and thread.
- Making a wizard robe is simple. Fold a square of fabric in half and cut a hole the size of your head in one corner. At that point you can cut out the sleeves in the other two corners of the triangle and sew them. Make sure you leave plenty of room for the sleeves.
- If you decide to buy a robe or use a towel, look for one with colors or designs suitable for a sorcerer. Dark colors, such as blues and purples, are best suited. Alternatively, look for designs such as stars and moons.

Step 2. Decorate the tunic if needed
If it doesn't already have decorations, you can add them yourself. For example, if you bought an old robe from a thrift store, you can customize it with wizard designs.
- Try cutting out stars from cardboard or felt, or buying star-shaped items at a local DIY store.
- Glue the stars to the tunic. If you've made stars out of felt or fabric, you can easily sew them.

Step 3. Add a cape
In addition to the robe, almost all sorcerers wear cloaks. It's pretty easy to make one at home. You can also buy it at a local costume shop.
- You should get a full-body cape with padded shoulder pads. You can find it at a costume shop. If there are no similar stores in your city, you can buy one online.
- Choose a sorcerer color for the inside of the cloak. Dark blue and purple are colors traditionally associated with wizard clothing. You can also purchase a cape decorated with stars and moons for a true sorcerer look.
- As you did for the tunic, you can always add felt stars and moons to the cape at a later time.

Step 4. Choose some wizard shoes
Sizes may vary, but footwear should look serious. Black or dark boots are perfect. You can also try some wooden clogs, which have an antique look that will remind people of that of a sorcerer.
- You can go to a local shoe store and look for the ones that work best for a wizard.
- You can also buy shoes on the internet. However, be careful, as the measurements vary according to the type of footwear. Consult a size chart before choosing a model.
Part 2 of 3: Choose Wizard Accessories

Step 1. Put on a long belt
Sorcerers are known for their large belts. Choose an embroidered or fabric one, rather than a plastic and leather one. Wear it around your waist and not your hips, pulling the tunic slightly towards your body.
- Most clothing stores sell long belts to wrap around the waist. Look for a color to match that of the wizard's robe.
- You can also buy a belt on the internet. If you really want to perfect your look, you can buy one from an online costume shop.

Step 2. Purchase a wizard hat
Sorcerers are known for their long, pointed hats. Most traditional hat shops do not sell designs suitable for a charmer.
- If there is no costume shop near you, you can order a hat online.
- Choose a pointed hat with a wide brim and rather drooping.
- If your hat isn't decorated the way you like it, glue or sew stars onto it.
- Choose a hat similar in color to the tunic and cape.

Step 3. Consider a mask for your costume
It can be useful if you want to attend a masquerade party dressed as a sorcerer. Many people imagine magicians as old and wise people. You can find senior masks in almost any costume shop or on the internet. It can be the finishing touch to your outfit.
Not all sorcerers are elderly. If you want to dress up as a young wizard, you probably don't need the mask

Step 4. Purchase or make a wand
Magicians are famous for their wands. Most costume shops sell toy wands that you can buy for a reasonable price. You can also find them in toy stores, especially those that sell products that belong to the Harry Potter saga. If you can't find a wand you like in local stores, you can make your own.
- You can use pipe cleaners to make a wand. Just fold many of them together to create a thick and strong stick, which you can decorate with a point of card, in the shape of a star or sphere.
- You can decorate the star with glitter. It will give her a sparkling look.

Step 5. Consider a stick
Many sorcerers carry a staff instead of or with a wand. If you want to perfectly recreate the wizard look, take a long cane with you.
- You can buy fake sticks at costume shops or on the internet.
- You can also take a thick stick that you find outdoors. Just make sure it's free of bugs and soil before bringing it indoors.

Step 6. Bring a book with you
You can purchase a spell book on the internet or at local costume shops. If you are going to a party dressed as a sorcerer, a book will perfect your look, giving you the mystical aspect of a charmer.
Part 3 of 3: Styling your hair and putting on the wizard makeup

Step 1. Lighten your brows
If you want to look older, you can whiten your brows with white body paint. This can really give you the look of a wise old wizard.
- Use a regular glue stick and spread it over your brows. Let them dry, then cover them with light foundation.
- Use a makeup brush to apply powder to your brows. This will make them appear gray and give you an older look.

Step 2. Use dark eyeshadow
Many sorcerers have a dark and sinister aspect. If you like that look, go for a dark eyeshadow, for example black, gray or brown, and you will look like a real scary wizard.

Step 3. Lighten your facial hair
If you have a beard, you should lighten it. This can give you the characteristic gray beard of wise old wizards.
- Use a makeup brush to color your beard with a white tint.
- Color in all the spots where facial hair is visible to get an old wizard look.

Step 4. Invest in a wig
If you want to change your hairstyle for a costume, you can take the easy way out and buy a wig. Most costume shops sell models with white or light gray hair. You can also find them on the internet.