How to Deal with a Libra: 11 Steps

How to Deal with a Libra: 11 Steps
How to Deal with a Libra: 11 Steps

Table of contents:


So you want to be friends with a Libra (or maybe even date them). Fortunately for you, it won't be very difficult to get to know some - those born under this sign are among the most personable people in the world. What you need to know is how to make them happy. Read this article to find out how it is best to treat a Libra.


Method 1 of 2: When You and Your Libra Are Alone

Treat a Libra Step 1
Treat a Libra Step 1

Step 1. Be prepared to spend a lot of time together

Whether you're trying to be friends with a Libra or date them, you should know that Libras don't like being alone (and they're not very good at it). This means that once you get close to your Libra, you will likely spend a lot of time with her. Be prepared and don't bother her about it.

If you find that you are feeling a little claustrophobic, tell him honestly and politely. You can simply say something like "I feel like I need to be alone for a moment - sometimes I like to take time just to reconnect with myself. It has nothing to do with you - I love spending time with you!"

Treat a Libra Step 2
Treat a Libra Step 2

Step 2. Don't make it a habit to criticize your Libra

Libras are very sensitive when it comes to criticism, particularly regarding their physical characteristics. Don't make a habit of teasing her about her looks, it's a group of people who just don't see humor in this form of teasing.

If there's something you want to point out about her appearance that might embarrass her, do it subtly. Rather than saying, "Oh my, you have a huge piece of salad in your teeth. Yuck!", Turn her attention to the problem, like "Honey, you have a piece of food in your sweet smile."

Treat a Libra Step 3
Treat a Libra Step 3

Step 3. Try to avoid discussions

Libras do not seek confrontation - in fact, they practically shun it. If something is bothering you, talk about it in a non-aggressive way. If they don't feel attacked, they will be more than happy to discuss it.

Treat a Libra Step 4
Treat a Libra Step 4

Step 4. Know that those born under this sign can give their best in holding a grudge

Despite the fact that they don't like confrontation, Libras have absolutely no qualms about holding a grudge, especially if it's really something important (like the time you forgot your anniversary and your Libra got mad).. To avoid causing a grudge, try to remind yourself of all the important dates in your relationship (this means birthdays, anniversaries, significant days for your Libra - such as the anniversary of the death of a loved one, etc.)

Treat a Libra Step 5
Treat a Libra Step 5

Step 5. Surround your Libra with beautiful things

Libras have a penchant for beauty (which means you don't have to be bad if they love hanging out with you). Take it out on an adventure full of beauty, to the beach, to an art museum, etc. Give him some flowers or make him a nice dinner.

You should also be aware that since Libras love beauty, they also want to look their best. Don't get frustrated if your Libra takes a long time to get ready (or maybe even a little bit superb in terms of her looks)

Treat a Libra Step 6
Treat a Libra Step 6

Step 6. Give the benefit of the doubt

Libras love justice; this means that they will almost never resort to hacks to get what they want. Keep this in mind if your Libra seems to be behaving suspiciously - it's probably just in your head as a Libra would do anything to protect justice.

Treat a Libra Step 7
Treat a Libra Step 7

Step 7. Make romantic gestures

If you are dating a Libra, you should know that those born under this sign eat, breathe and drink romance. If you want to behave the right way, bring out the romantic gestures. Organize romantic outings, give flowers, chocolates, whatever she likes. If nothing else, at least let her know that you really like (or love her!) - cuddle her, kiss her, and most importantly, be nice to her (but of course this applies to anyone who inspires you with feelings).

Method 2 of 2: When You and Your Libra Are in Public

Treat a Libra Step 8
Treat a Libra Step 8

Step 1. Take the initiative when it's time to choose activities

Libras have a tendency to be indecisive. Treat them well by simply deciding what you will do. If you go out somewhere, choose the restaurant or the movie or the nightclub, etc. Of course, you should always check, to be sure that the activity you propose is something that she wants to do too, but if she is struggling to decide between two things, avoid her agitation and make the final decision.

Treat a Libra Step 9
Treat a Libra Step 9

Step 2. Be ready to share

And with sharing, that is to say anything - food, a chair, personal stories. But specifically for this passage, know that those born under this sign love to share. This means that if you order different dishes, you need to be prepared to give her a few (or many) samples - but don't worry, she'll be happy to share the last spoonful of her delicious chocolate mousse.

Treat a Libra Step 10
Treat a Libra Step 10

Step 3. Understand that Libras are social animals

They are among the most sociable (if not the most sociable) of the zodiac signs. As such, they love to flutter from one person to another at social events. So understand that he's not intentionally avoiding you - he just can't help but talk to everyone in attendance at a party. It's also fair to remember that Libras strive to please everyone - even strangers they meet at a party.

Treat a Libra Step 11
Treat a Libra Step 11

Step 4. Know that they will most likely not participate in a discussion

This is even more true for social moments. There is a reason this sign is represented by a libra - they want to keep the peace by listening to both sides of an argument or debate. This means they won't necessarily back you up in a debate, as they'll want to hear the other version as well. Don't take it personally, but learn from your Libra friend and try to be open.

However, that doesn't mean they don't take your side. If you have a problem that you can't solve (making amends with a friend, what to do with your cheating little brother, etc.) your Libra will be there to help you. Libras are great people at looking at problems objectively and figuring out how to solve them in the least dramatic way

Overview of a Libra

  • Good Friends: Aquarius, Gemini, Leo, Sagittarius, Scorpio
  • Best love match: Aquarius, Aries, Gemini, Leo, Sagittarius
  • Dates: September 23 - October 22
  • Keyword: enchanting
  • Ruling Planet: Venus
  • Parts of the Body: lower back, kidneys
  • Ruling House: Seventh House
  • Symbol: Libra
  • Element: Air
  • Quality: Cardinal
