How to Attract a Libra Man (with Pictures)

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How to Attract a Libra Man (with Pictures)
How to Attract a Libra Man (with Pictures)

Libra men love the idea of love, but if you overdo your sentimental side, you run the risk of letting them escape. Do you want to attract attention and earn the affection of a man of this sign? He tries to bet everything on his desire to live in balance and on his appreciation of beauty. Your approach should be self-confident, but allow him to get to know you at his own pace.


Part 1 of 4: Get your attention

Attract a Libra Man Step 1
Attract a Libra Man Step 1

Step 1. Get into the fray

The Libra man is undoubtedly outgoing and loves to socialize and surround himself with people. Often you will see him in the company of other people, in fact in many cases he is the life of the party. If you want to attract him, the best thing you can do is try to cross him as much as possible in his natural environment: any place that is full of people.

Attract a Libra Man Step 2
Attract a Libra Man Step 2

Step 2. Get noticed

Since most men of the sign of Libra tend to behave in a sociable way with a lot of people, in any context, it will not be enough to approach him and wait for him to make the first move. Instead of lingering in a corner where no one will be able to see you, you need to be the center of attention, even for a few moments.

Attract a Libra Man Step 3
Attract a Libra Man Step 3

Step 3. Defeat the competition

Libra men are friendly (a little too much sometimes). It may be that the one you like flirts with others, but that does not necessarily mean that you are really attracted to them. This type of character discourages many women, while it stimulates others. If you are hoping to break into his heart, you should belong to the second group. Try to be patient until the other fans get tired of her way.

Remember that Libra men rarely show favoritism. While easily attracted to a woman, they may also have some interest in various other acquaintances belonging to their various social circles. If you want the attraction that is growing towards you to far outweigh that towards other women, go out of your way to stand out

Attract a Libra Man Step 4
Attract a Libra Man Step 4

Step 4. Be feminine and elegant, not tacky and vulgar

Speaking of looks, women with a particularly feminine appearance are the ones who have the most chance of attracting the eyes of a Libra man and conquering him from a purely physical point of view. Your style should be classic, clean and refined. Avoid overly bold fashion choices or overly flashy fashion choices.

  • Avoid loud color combinations, whimsical patterns or current trends, which will end up in oblivion tomorrow. Even too feminine styles, made of lace and lace, can turn off the enthusiasm.
  • Focus on classic and clean styles, with neutral tones. Elegance is preferred to fashion.
  • “Refinement” should also be the key word for make-up and accessories. Make-up should be used to accentuate your natural beauty, so avoid the greasepaint effect and overly flashy looks. The accessories you wear should highlight your look, without competing for attention.

Part 2 of 4: Getting to know him

Attract a Libra Man Step 5
Attract a Libra Man Step 5

Step 1. Cultivate a pleasant and balanced personality

It is no coincidence that the sign of Libra is called in this way and is symbolized precisely by a libra. People born under this constellation tend to gravitate towards balanced situations and people. When you start talking to him, show him a pleasant, calm demeanor surrounded by a harmonious aura.

Similarly, when you invite him into your personal space, whether it's your office, your car or your apartment, welcome him demonstrating a refined and balanced style

Attract a Libra Man Step 6
Attract a Libra Man Step 6

Step 2. Let him talk about himself

It is not that he is narcissistic: because he has a sociable personality, he certainly has a strong tendency to talk about himself and his interests. If you want to impress him, let him voice what he thinks and genuinely join in the conversation.

Attract a Libra Man Step 7
Attract a Libra Man Step 7

Step 3. Get involved in light debates

Most Libra men run away from conflicts and direct confrontations, but, at the same time, they enjoy analyzing different issues from various points of view. Raise a topic that can easily open a debate and discuss the various perspectives with him. Just remember that the conversation should be intellectual, not emotional.

Attract a Libra Man Step 8
Attract a Libra Man Step 8

Step 4. Compliment him

Libra men are usually quite confident and have good self-esteem. A genuine appreciation expressed at the right time or a simple hint of esteem can go a long way in attracting his attention. When choosing the reason to compliment, focus on a factor typical of this sign, such as their good taste, their impeccable style or their strong sense of justice.

Nobody trusts insincere flatterers, not even a Libra man. While he might forgive them for being obviously vain (more than the other zodiac signs), a clearly false or forced compliment lacks the harmony and balance he desires in any situation. Consequently, all compliments to him should be as meaningful and truthful as possible

Attract a Libra Man Step 9
Attract a Libra Man Step 9

Step 5. Propose an eclectic range of conversation topics

Make a good impression on him by talking to him about a variety of topics. Men of this sign like to talk, and they love to express their ideas and exchange views on a variety of topics. By managing to keep him intellectually stimulated, he will find that your personality is interesting and that it will be a pleasure to be around you.

Being an air sign, Libra has a free personality, so they feel more inspired when they have the ability to move from one thing to another, without stagnation. Fixing on one subject can bore a man of this sign

Part 3 of 4: Let him know you

Attract a Libra Man Step 10
Attract a Libra Man Step 10

Step 1. Behave honestly and impartially

Libra men crave balance, not only in their own life, but also in that of the people around them. In general, this sign is characterized by respect for justice and impartiality. If you want to positively attract his attention, he must see you as an equally devoted person to justice.

Attract a Libra Man Step 11
Attract a Libra Man Step 11

Step 2. Don't get overwhelmed by emotions

Although Libra men like to surround themselves with people, most of them have a tendency to be emotionally detached. In the early days, try not to let too many feelings, whether positive or negative, leak out.

  • Try to understand why emotions make it difficult for him. Feelings can create imbalances, especially when they get deep and complicated. The sign of Libra avoids emotions above all to preserve a certain harmony and a certain balance, and this is essential for living well.
  • Obviously, if this relationship becomes stable, sooner or later you will have to talk about your emotions and confront each other. When this time comes, do it as calmly and rationally as possible. In any case, if you are getting to know each other, it is best to avoid intense emotions.
Attract a Libra Man Step 12
Attract a Libra Man Step 12

Step 3. Relieve the pressure

The aversion shown towards emotions is closely linked to that towards conflict. Men of this sign like to participate in intellectual debates, but those charged with emotion tend to turn them off. Try to be calm and calm when you are with him, otherwise you run the risk of him slipping away.

Attract a Libra Man Step 13
Attract a Libra Man Step 13

Step 4. Surround yourself with an aura of mystery, but not too much

You need to be open and outgoing when you're around him, but adding a rigorously concocted touch of mystery can awaken his innate curiosity and make him want to know more about you. If you can spark his interest, you can win him over more easily.

The first impression you should give him? That of being a "mysterious beauty". Of course, the more time you spend together, the more this sense of mystery will fade. However, in the beginning, to hit him deeply, he tries to be an elusive, almost inaccessible target, for which he will have to work hard

Attract a Libra Man Step 14
Attract a Libra Man Step 14

Step 5. Try volunteering

Most Libra people have a selfless spirit, so they are likely to volunteer somewhere. While the man you like doesn't have a charity or fight for a good cause, he will find a woman who sacrifices her time for a noble reason exceptionally attractive.

If you're actively volunteering somewhere, you might want to invite him to visit you, especially if it's a cause he believes in too. In this way, you will become a person who will inspire him to satisfy his desire to do good

Attract a Libra Man Step 15
Attract a Libra Man Step 15

Step 6. Vary your hobbies

People of this sign have a hard time focusing on just one thing; they may find uninteresting people who seem to be fixated on one aspect of their life. If you want to give him the impression that you have a balanced and well-rounded personality, you should try to have several hobbies that you can talk to him about.

Part 4 of 4: Conquer it Permanently

Attract a Libra Man Step 16
Attract a Libra Man Step 16

Step 1. Bet everything on his love for beauty, art or music

Most Libra men actually have a keen aesthetic sense and know how to appreciate culture, so if you want their heart to beat just for you, invite them to an art gallery or give them a book containing stunning photographs. By showing him that you understand his passions, you will surely have a better chance of conquering him.

If you're going to invite him out with you, pick a place he'll likely like, such as an art gallery, craft fair, or museum. You can impress him even more by inviting him at a time when this place is crowded. For example, suggest that they go to an exhibition that will be on show for just one day instead of inviting them to an almost always empty museum

Attract a Libra Man Step 17
Attract a Libra Man Step 17

Step 2. Pamper it with a touch of luxury

Along with art and culture, Libra men usually value the finer things in life quite a lot. When you invite him to spend time with you, choose an interesting place, like a trendy bar or a four-star restaurant. When you need to give him a gift, consider a design item (in good taste of course).

If you don't have the money to leverage his love of luxury, fear not! These men are interested in beautiful things, but they don't necessarily have to cost you an arm and a leg. Try inviting him to a fancy restaurant just for dessert, so you'll save yourself an entire dinner, or go to a refined but moderately priced venue

Attract a Libra Man Step 18
Attract a Libra Man Step 18

Step 3. Give it space

Social creatures, Libra men love their freedom and need to feel unrestricted to be happy. You can offer him anything you want when you go out together, but don't suffocate him or invade areas of his life where he hasn't invited you.

Remember that Libra men are active, so once they feel attraction towards a woman, they generally make her realize it. In the meantime, work carefully to win him over, and avoid letting your feelings out before he's ready to know them

Attract a Libra Man Step 19
Attract a Libra Man Step 19

Step 4. Show him how much you appreciate him

Libra men love the idea of love - they love to love and be loved. Small gestures of appreciation can emphasize your feelings, making you even more attractive to him. Try giving him a gift or a note for no particular reason, or offer him a massage at the end of the day or week.

  • Refined and tasteful gifts are preferable to those filled with sentimentality. You may not be able to afford a luxury watch or cufflinks from an expensive boutique, but you could offer them a high-quality dessert or an unsigned but still beautiful item.
  • If you want a free alternative, you could write him a letter. Again, remember that intense emotions are not appreciated by the Libra man, but giving him words in your own hand can have some impact, provided they focus on the beauty of things rather than the intensity of your feelings.
Attract a Libra Man Step 20
Attract a Libra Man Step 20

Step 5. Don't complicate the relationship

As stated earlier, Libra men can be cold at first. As a result, they tend to avoid women who seem manipulative or inclined to melodrama. When you make your move, don't look like you're getting too serious out of the blue. He opts for the way of lightness, while trying to conquer it with romantic but balanced and aesthetically beautiful proposals: candlelit dinners, walks in the moonlight and so on.
