3 Ways to Feed a Baby Bird

3 Ways to Feed a Baby Bird
3 Ways to Feed a Baby Bird

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In spring it can happen that you come across an abandoned bird; her pitiful chirping evokes a maternal instinct even in the hardest heart. It is only natural that you want to take care of the unfortunate bird. Before you begin, however, you need to examine the situation and make sure you make the best choice. Was it really abandoned? Is there a specialized rehabilitation center in the area that could take care of him? If you decide to take care of them, it is important to understand the task you have to perform: the birds are very delicate and must be fed almost continuously. If you think you are up to it, this article will explain what you need to know to feed and care for a baby bird.


Method 1 of 3: Assess the Situation

Feed a Baby Bird Step 1
Feed a Baby Bird Step 1

Step 1. Find out if the bird is big enough to leave the nest within a few days

The first thing you need to do is figure out if the bird is nestling or precocious. Nesting birds are born with closed eyes, no feathers and are completely dependent on their parents, who provide them with food and warmth. Many perch and songbirds are nestlings, such as robins and goldfinches. The precocial ones are instead birds that are born more developed, come out of the egg with open eyes and have soft feathers. They are able to walk, they immediately begin to follow the mother and to peck for food. Examples of early birds include plovers, geese, and ducks.

  • Early birds are much easier to care for than nestlings, but they are less likely to ask for help. Early birds usually build their nest on the ground, and therefore cannot fall or be thrown out of their shelters. If you find an abandoned early bird, try returning it to its mother before caring for it.
  • Newborn nestlings are completely helpless, so they will need assistance. It is common to find nesting birds that have fallen from their nest in suburban areas. In some cases you will be able to put the bird back in its place, in other cases you will need to take care of it. It might also be okay to leave the bird where it is and let nature follow its fate.
Feed a Baby Bird Step 2
Feed a Baby Bird Step 2

Step 2. Check if the bird has just been born or is ready to take off

If you have found a perch or songbird that you believe has fallen or been abandoned, you must first assess whether it has just been born. In this case it would be too immature to leave the nest, having no developed feathers and having its eyes closed. Young birds, on the other hand, are more developed birds that have the feathers and strength needed to learn to fly. They can leave the nest and are able to perch and balance.

  • If the baby bird you found just hatched shouldn't be out of the nest, then some accident has probably occurred. He may have fallen from the nest or been pushed off by stronger siblings. An abandoned baby bird has almost no chance of surviving if left alone.
  • If you have come across a young bird, however, you will need to understand the situation before you think about saving it. While it may appear that the bird has fallen from its nest or is abandoned, as it flutters and chirps desperately on the ground, you will likely see parents arriving at regular intervals to feed it. If this is the case, you should definitely not intervene.
Feed a Baby Bird Step 3
Feed a Baby Bird Step 3

Step 3. If possible, return the bird to the nest

If you are sure that the baby you found is a nestling, and is lying helpless on the ground, it may be possible to put the bird back in the nest. First, see if you can spot the nest in a nearby tree or shrub. It may be well hidden and difficult to reach. Then take the bird, place it in one hand and cover it with the other to warm it up. Check if it is injured and, if it looks healthy, gently place it in the nest.

  • Don't be afraid that the parents will kick it out because of the human smell. It's an old urban legend. In truth, birds have a very poor sense of smell and recognize puppies using mostly sight and hearing. In most cases, they will welcome the fallen chick into the nest.
  • Once you have placed the bird in the nest, do a "strategic retreat"; don't hang around to make sure the parents come back, this will scare them. If you can, observe the nest from the window using binoculars.
  • Know that, in many cases, putting the baby back in the nest will not ensure its survival. If it is the weakest bird in the litter, it will likely be thrown out of the nest again by the stronger siblings, as they compete for food and warmth.
  • If you find dead birds in the nest, then the nest has been abandoned and there is no point in putting the little bird back into the nest itself. In this case you will have to take care of him, along with his surviving siblings, if you want to try to save them too.
Feed a Baby Bird Step 4
Feed a Baby Bird Step 4

Step 4. If necessary, build an alternate nest

Sometimes, entire nests can fall due to strong gusts of wind, brush cutters or predators. If that's the case, you could save the nest (or make a new one) and put the birds back. If the original nest is still intact, you can place it in a basket or tub (perforated to aid drainage) and use a few threads to hang the nest on a branch. Try to place the nest in its original position. If that's not possible, use a nearby branch. Just make sure your chosen spot is out of direct sunlight.

  • Collect the fallen birds and warm them in your hands before returning them to the nest. Move away, but try to observe the nest from a distance. Parents may initially be suspicious of the new arrangement, but the protective instinct they feel for their little ones should take over.
  • If the original nest is completely destroyed, you can make a new one by lining a basket with paper towels. Although the original nest could be made with grass, you shouldn't line the new nest with grass, as it contains moisture that can chill the birds.
Feed a Baby Bird Step 5
Feed a Baby Bird Step 5

Step 5. If you are sure the bird was abandoned, call a bird rehabilitation center

It is important to make sure that the little bird has truly been abandoned before caring for it. The most common situations in which a bird or birds generally need assistance are: when you find a fallen bird but you cannot locate or reach the nest; when the fallen child is injured, sick or dirty; when you have been observing the nest for over 2 hours and the parents have not yet returned to feed their young.

  • The best thing to do in these situations is to call a bird rehabilitation center that can take care of the bird. These centers are experienced in taking care of birds and will guarantee them a higher chance of survival.
  • If you don't know where to find a bird rehabilitation center, contact a veterinarian or game keeper who can provide you with the information you need. In some cases, there may not be a wild animal rehabilitation center in your area, but there should be an expert in the field nearby.
  • If none of the above options are feasible, or you cannot transport the bird to the rehabilitation center, you may need to personally take care of the little one. Keep in mind that this should be the last option, considering that caring and feeding a baby bird is extremely demanding and its chances of survival are slim.
  • In addition, it is technically against the law to keep or care for a wild bird in captivity unless you have permits or a specific license.

Method 2 of 3: Feeding A Baby Bird

Feed a Baby Bird Step 6
Feed a Baby Bird Step 6

Step 1. You have to feed the baby every 15-20 minutes, from sunrise to sunset

Baby birds have very demanding feeding patterns - parents make literally hundreds of flights every day to feed them. To reproduce this strict feeding pattern, you need to feed the baby bird every 15-20 minutes from sunrise to sunset.

  • When the bird has opened its eyes and the first feathers have appeared, you can feed it every 30-45 minutes. After that, you can gradually increase the amount of food each time and reduce the number of meals accordingly.
  • Once the bird is strong enough to leave the nest and starts hopping around in the cage, you can feed it every hour. You can gradually get to feed him every 2-3 hours and start leaving some food in the cage to teach him to feed himself.
Feed a Baby Bird Step 7
Feed a Baby Bird Step 7

Step 2. Learn how to feed the bird

There are differing opinions as to the exact type of food a bird should be fed, however most experts agree that as long as the bird is getting the nutrients it needs, it is not critical to establish the exact type of food. Although different breeds of adult birds follow very different diets (some eat insects, others seeds and berries), most baby birds have very similar needs and will need high-protein food.

  • An excellent starter diet for a newly hatched nestling bird consists of 60% puppy or kitten treats, 20% hard-boiled eggs and 20% mealworms (which can be purchased online).
  • The treats should be moistened with water until they reach a spongy consistency; do not overdo it, however, otherwise the bird could suffocate. Hard-boiled eggs and mealworms should be cut into small pieces so the bird can easily swallow them.
Feed a Baby Bird Step 8
Feed a Baby Bird Step 8

Step 3. Begin to vary the bird's diet as it grows

When your little one matures and starts hopping, you can begin to vary his diet in some way and start feeding him the type of food he will eat as an adult.

  • Birds that eat insects will have a preference for worms, grasshoppers, and crickets cut into very small pieces, along with any insects you have caught in the bottom of an insecticide device.
  • Birds that eat fruit can eat berries, grapes, and raisins soaked in water.
Feed a Baby Bird Step 9
Feed a Baby Bird Step 9

Step 4. Find out which bird species requires a special diet

The exceptions to the aforementioned diet include doves, pigeons, parrots, hummingbirds, fishers, birds of prey and all early fledglings.

  • Birds such as pigeons, pigeons and parrots usually eat a preparation called "pigeon milk", a substance regurgitated by the mother. To reproduce this preparation you will need to feed these birds by feeding them with a compound designed for parrots (available in pet stores) using a syringe without a needle.
  • Although other bird species are less likely to come across, their needs are as follows: hummingbirds need special milk powder, fishers for small chopped fish (available from hunting and fishing stores), birds of prey will eat insects, rodents and smaller birds.
Feed a Baby Bird Step 10
Feed a Baby Bird Step 10

Step 5. Do not feed the bird with bread or milk

Many make the mistake of giving birds these foods. Unlike mammals, milk is not part of the natural diet of birds and they do not tolerate it. Bread is low in calories and will not provide the bird with the nutrients it needs to survive. You also need to make sure that the food given to the baby is at room temperature.

Feed a Baby Bird Step 11
Feed a Baby Bird Step 11

Step 6. Use the correct feeding technique

Baby birds need to be fed very carefully. The best tools to use are blunt tweezers or plastic forceps. If you don't have either of these items, a stick small enough to fit into the bird's beak will suffice. To feed it, place a small amount of food on the tweezers, forceps, or the edge of the stick and insert it into the bird's beak.

  • Don't worry if the food goes down the wrong way, as the bird's glottis will automatically close during feeding.
  • If the bird's beak is not wide open, lightly nudge it with the tool you use to feed it or spread the food on the edge of the beak itself. If the bird still does not decide to open its beak, gently force it open.
  • Continue feeding the bird until it is reluctant to open its beak or begins to regurgitate food. It is important not to exceed the dosage indicated for birds.
Feed a Baby Bird Step 12
Feed a Baby Bird Step 12

Step 7. Avoid giving the bird water

Water should generally not be given by mouth, as fluid is likely to fill the lungs causing them to choke. Water can only be given when they are old enough to jump around in the cage. At this point you can place special low containers (such as jars for powder) in the box, which the bird will use for drinking.

  • You can place a pebble or a couple of marbles in the water container to give the bird a foothold while it drinks.
  • If you feel the bird is dehydrated, you will need to take it to the vet or a bird rehabilitation center who can inject the necessary fluids.

Method 3 of 3: Caring for a Little Bird

Feed a Baby Bird Step 13
Feed a Baby Bird Step 13

Step 1. Get a temporary nest for the bird

The best way to make a nest is to take a cardboard box with a lid or a shoe box, which you will need to fill with holes in the bottom. Place a small plastic or wooden bowl in the box and wrap it with paper towels. This will be a comfortable and cozy nest for the baby bird.

  • Do not wrap the nest with torn and frayed sheets as they may wrap around the baby's wings and throat. Also avoid using grass, leaves, moss, or twigs, which can easily get damp and moldy.
  • You have to change the "pallet" you used for the nest when it gets wet or dirty.
Feed a Baby Bird Step 14
Feed a Baby Bird Step 14

Step 2. Keep the bird warm

If they feel clammy or shiver, you need to warm them up before putting them in the box. You can do this in several ways. If you have a thermal blanket, you can set a low temperature and put the box on top of it. Alternatively, you can use a hot water bottle and put it in the box, or hang a 40-watt light bulb above the box.

  • It is very important to keep the nest at a constant temperature, so it would probably be best to keep a thermometer in the box. If the bird is less than a week old (eyes closed, no feathers) the temperature should be around 35 ° C. This temperature can be reduced by 5 degrees every week.
  • It is also important to keep the box in an area away from direct light and gusts of wind, because newborn birds are very sensitive to overexposure to cold and heat, as their body has a large surface when related to their weight. and furthermore, they do not yet have feathers developed enough to isolate them.
Feed a Baby Bird Step 15
Feed a Baby Bird Step 15

Step 3. Create a peaceful environment for the bird

Baby birds don't grow up healthy unless they are kept in a quiet environment. When the little birds are stressed their heart rate increases considerably, which is bad for their health. In conclusion, the box should be kept in a quiet environment, inaccessible to children and pets. You also need to avoid exposing the bird to:

  • Excessive or improper handling, loud noises, wrong temperatures, overcrowding (if you have more than one bird), a disorganized feeding pattern, or the wrong food.
  • You should also try to observe and hold the bird at eye level, as birds do not like to be observed from above. If you keep them at eye level you won't look like a predator.
Feed a Baby Bird Step 16
Feed a Baby Bird Step 16

Step 4. Check for growth

You can monitor the bird's progress by weighing it every day to make sure it is growing, for example by using a kitchen scale. The bird's weight should increase every day, and in 4-6 days it should double its birth weight. He should continue to gain weight rapidly during his first two weeks of life.

  • To understand if the bird is growing normally for its species, you will need to consult a growth chart.
  • If the bird gains weight very slowly, or remains stable, there is a problem. In this case, you must immediately take the bird to the vet or a rehabilitation center, or it will likely die.
Feed a Baby Bird Step 17
Feed a Baby Bird Step 17

Step 5. Wait for him to learn to fly, then release him

Once the bird has grown into a fully developed young bird, you will need to move it to a large cage or enclosed porch where it can spread its wings and learn to fly. Don't worry if it doesn't know how - a bird's ability to fly is instinctive, and after a few failed attempts it should do just fine. However, it can take between 5 and 15 days.

  • Once he can fly confidently and has gained altitude, he will be ready to be let out. Take it to an area where you have noticed the presence of other birds of the same species and where there is plenty of food to let it fly away.
  • If you are letting it loose in the garden, you could place the cage outside with the door open so the bird can decide when it is ready to go.
  • The less time a bird is kept in captivity, the greater the chances of survival in the wild, so don't postpone the release date unless absolutely necessary.