How to Determine the Age of a Betta Fish: 5 Steps

Table of contents:

How to Determine the Age of a Betta Fish: 5 Steps
How to Determine the Age of a Betta Fish: 5 Steps

The betta fish, also called Siamese fighting fish, is known for its elegant colors and veil fins. It is very likely that you bought it at a pet store and have no idea of its age. It's hard to figure out exactly how old he may be, but with a series of simple criteria, you can come up with a pretty good estimate.


Part 1 of 3: Evaluating the Dimensions

Tell How Old a Betta Fish Is Step 1
Tell How Old a Betta Fish Is Step 1

Step 1. Observe the size of the fish

The adult specimens are usually about 7-8 cm long; if the one you bought is smaller, it is likely still young.

Part 2 of 3: Assessing Physical Characteristics

Tell How Old a Betta Fish Is Step 2
Tell How Old a Betta Fish Is Step 2

Step 1. Check the fins

Those of the adult fish are beautiful and floating; therefore, if your pet meets this requirement, it is probably already an adult. If they are thin, it could be a young or recently born fish; the older specimens have worn fins with some small lacerations.

Make sure you know their gender. It should be marked on the container you bring the fish home from the pet store

Tell How Old a Betta Fish Is Step 3
Tell How Old a Betta Fish Is Step 3

Step 2. Inspect your eyes

If they are black and difficult to spot, the betta fish is an adult.

Part 3 of 3: Recognizing the Signs of Aging

Tell How Old a Betta Fish Is Step 4
Tell How Old a Betta Fish Is Step 4

Step 1. Look at the colors

The young animals have a lively livery, the "middle-aged" ones have slightly faded colors, while the older specimens have a "less captivating" aspect in general; the color of the scales of an old fish is dull.

Tell How Old a Betta Fish Is Step 5
Tell How Old a Betta Fish Is Step 5

Step 2. Take note of the typical signs of aging:

  • The dorsal part is hunched.
  • The fish moves and shows off the livery in a much less lively way than usual; with the passing of the years the animal loses enthusiasm.
  • Check the eyes: the specimens of a certain age have the "cataract", an opaque film that covers them; this is a normal occurrence that develops regardless of the size of the aquarium or the cleanliness of the water.
  • Although an adult fish swims vigorously in the aquarium, when it is old it tends to hide behind plants and decorations by moving lazily.
  • When feeding him, pay attention if he spots food quickly. Older fish may swim slowly to feed and even miss it a couple of times before they can catch it with their mouths; you may also find that with each meal the animal becomes paler and thinner. These are all clear signs of aging.


  • If you take care of them properly, betta fish can live up to five years.
  • Make sure you know their sex, female specimens don't always have long floating fins.
  • Increase the frequency of water changes as the fish ages.
