How to Get Rid of Dry Skin in Cats

How to Get Rid of Dry Skin in Cats
How to Get Rid of Dry Skin in Cats

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Believe it or not, humans aren't the only creatures that suffer from dandruff. Cats, too, can have dry skin that peels off in fragments when stroked or combed, just like people. While this is rarely a serious condition, it is important to know what to do when your cat has this problem (especially if it is found to be caused by a skin allergy). Thankfully, treatments typically involve only a few simple steps.


Method 1 of 2: Eliminate Root Cause

Get Rid of Dry Skin on Cats Step 1
Get Rid of Dry Skin on Cats Step 1

Step 1. If your cat is allergic to fleas, treat the problem

For most felines, having a flea or two isn't a problem. However, there are rare cases where your cat is allergic and even a small bite from these insects can trigger dry skin, irritation and dandruff. The vet is able to diagnose this disorder and propose various solutions to treat it.

Common flea remedies are insecticide shampoos and ointments. If your cat is at risk of developing an infection, the vet may also recommend a course of antibiotics. Fortunately, cats recover quickly using flea treatment

Get Rid of Dry Skin on Cats Step 2
Get Rid of Dry Skin on Cats Step 2

Step 2. Change your diet if you are allergic to food

Just like people, cats can sometimes suffer from food allergies. If you can't find an obvious explanation for her skin problem, the allergy could be a diagnosis. Your vet will be able to confirm your suspicions.

  • If your feline friend is allergic to food, you will need to switch to a different food, based on your doctor's advice. If restrictions prevent him from getting all the nutrients he needs, you will need to give him supplements.
  • In some cases, switching from kibble to wet food enriched with fish oil at each meal can help keep the skin hydrated.
Get Rid of Dry Skin on Cats Step 3
Get Rid of Dry Skin on Cats Step 3

Step 3. Keep your pet away from hot, dry weather

You may think this is not a risk to worry about, but cats can suffer skin damage from the elements. This is especially true for specimens with a thin coat or for those completely hairless. Hot, dry environments cause dry skin and even sunburn, so keep your cat indoors during the hottest days.

Dry winter months are another cause of flaky skin, although the risk of burns is lower

Get Rid of Dry Skin on Cats Step 4
Get Rid of Dry Skin on Cats Step 4

Step 4. Avoid bathing him too frequently

Felines do not have the same needs as humans in terms of cleansing the body. They are pretty good at taking care of their hygiene, so they only need to be washed sporadically. Unless your dog's coat is visibly greasy, dirty, or caked, you shouldn't bathe it more than a few times a year. Washing it more often deprives its skin of essential sebum, making it dry and flaky.

Read the advice in this article if you need to wash your cat

Get Rid of Dry Skin on Cats Step 5
Get Rid of Dry Skin on Cats Step 5

Step 5. Take your cat to the vet's office for a professional diagnosis

The causes described above are just some of the possible ones. There are many other pathologies, some serious, others less so, which include dry skin among the symptoms. Only a veterinarian can rule out the various factors responsible; therefore do not hesitate to ask for professional help. Here are some other ailments that can dry out the skin:

  • Diabetes;
  • Seborrheic dermatitis;
  • Hyperthyroidism;
  • Dermatophytosis;
  • Malassezia.

Method 2 of 2: Home Remedies

Get Rid of Dry Skin on Cats Step 6
Get Rid of Dry Skin on Cats Step 6

Step 1. Wrap the cat in a warm cloth

The moist, gentle heat released by the towel can relieve the ailment and refresh the cat. Here's how to proceed:

  • Get a clean towel or rag and soak it in water when the animal is calm and willing to interact. The water must not be so hot that it cannot bear contact with bare hands.
  • When the fabric is wet, remove it from the water and wring it out until it no longer drips.
  • Put the towel over the animal, in the places where dandruff is present; hold it in place while supporting the cat. Wait at least 5 minutes, in the meantime offer cuddles and tenderness to the cat to calm him down.
Get Rid of Dry Skin on Cats Step 7
Get Rid of Dry Skin on Cats Step 7

Step 2. Slightly increase the amount of fat in your diet

Sometimes, the cat just doesn't get all the nutrients it needs to keep its skin healthy. In this case, you need to increase the amount of fat a little. Try buying food with a higher lipid content, or add it to your regular foods yourself.

A healthy way to proceed is to offer the feline fish that contain omega-3 fatty acids. You can also consider supplements of these nutrients

Get Rid of Dry Skin on Cats Step 8
Get Rid of Dry Skin on Cats Step 8

Step 3. Make sure he drinks plenty of water

Dehydration causes dry, flaky skin. Most domestic cats don't need a lot of water, but since it's important for their health and doesn't contain calories, there's no reason not to make it available to them every day, making sure it's clean and plentiful.

Change the bowl often to make sure the water is healthy. You should also wash the container from time to time to kill the bacteria

Get Rid of Dry Skin on Cats Step 9
Get Rid of Dry Skin on Cats Step 9

Step 4. Gently brush the cat

This operation, performed from time to time, allows you to remove the fragments of dry skin, reducing dandruff. Take a cat-specific brush and use it following the direction of the hair. Don't apply too much pressure - you have to brush, don't scrub.

Always be gentle and stop as soon as you notice any signs of skin pain or irritation

Get Rid of Dry Skin on Cats Step 10
Get Rid of Dry Skin on Cats Step 10

Step 5. Apply a mild ointment

Believe it or not, there are topical moisturizing lotions and ointments specifically for cats with dry skin. You can find them more easily in pet shops, although they are available online and in some well-stocked supermarkets; your vet will be able to recommend some brands.

Buy only high quality and reliable products. The best creams and lotions have a lot of positive reviews from happy cat owners


  • Use only cat-specific lotions, shampoos, and conditioners and never those for human use. Personal cleansers are too harsh for cat skin and can dry out further.
  • Weight disorders can often cause dry, flaky skin. If your cat is too heavy or underweight for his breed and age, you should help him achieve a "normal" weight. You can find a lot of information online about the ideal weight of cats.