3 Ways to Prevent Poisoning in Hamsters

3 Ways to Prevent Poisoning in Hamsters
3 Ways to Prevent Poisoning in Hamsters

Table of contents:


Hamsters are small, cuddly rodents that are relatively easy to care for and are very popular as pets. They are naturally curious and gnaw on whatever comes their way. It is therefore essential to take all necessary precautions to ensure that they do not ingest toxic foods and that their environment is safe, especially if you allow them to get out of the cage to get some exercise. If you suspect your hamster has ongoing poisoning, take him to the vet immediately.


Method 1 of 3: Avoid Harmful Foods

Prevent Poisoning in Hamsters Step 1
Prevent Poisoning in Hamsters Step 1

Step 1. Ask your vet what foods to avoid

The hamster's diet usually consists of pelleted feed combined with fresh fruit and vegetables. Some fruits and vegetables are ideal for them, while others can be toxic. Ask your vet for a detailed list of foods that are dangerous for hamsters. The following foods are typical examples of harmful substances:

  • Tomato leaves;
  • Almonds;
  • Avocado;
  • Potatoes and French fries;
  • Onions
  • Garlic;
  • Chocolate;
  • Apple seeds;
  • Iceberg lettuce (in excessive quantities).
Prevent Poisoning in Hamsters Step 2
Prevent Poisoning in Hamsters Step 2

Step 2. Wash fruit and vegetables

This will remove any traces of pesticides. The vegetables must be cut into small pieces and washed before being given to the hamster.

Prevent Poisoning in Hamsters Step 3
Prevent Poisoning in Hamsters Step 3

Step 3. Do not give the hamster food that has gone bad

Some people feed their hamster leftover fruits and vegetables when it is important that they are fresh and not rotten. Mold that can develop on stale fruits and vegetables is toxic to these animals.

Method 2 of 3: Free the Environment of Hazardous Substances

Prevent Poisoning in Hamsters Step 4
Prevent Poisoning in Hamsters Step 4

Step 1. Keep an eye on the hamster when he is out of the cage

If you let him out for exercise, it is very important that he stays in a confined space. Due to its small size, the hamster can easily slip into small openings or under furniture, so you need to supervise it carefully and make sure there is no toxic substance within its reach.

  • For example, you can put him in a jogging ball so he stays safe while exercising outside the cage.
  • You should also cover or remove electrical wires and keep other pets away.
Prevent Poisoning in Hamsters Step 5
Prevent Poisoning in Hamsters Step 5

Step 2. Do not smoke near the hamster

Tobacco is toxic to him - avoid smoking in the room he is in and make sure there are no cigarette butts left nearby.

Prevent Poisoning in Hamsters Step 6
Prevent Poisoning in Hamsters Step 6

Step 3. Do not use rat poison in the house

While it can be useful in warding off pests, it is extremely poisonous to hamsters and can kill them if ingested.

Prevent Poisoning in Hamsters Step 7
Prevent Poisoning in Hamsters Step 7

Step 4. Remove any poisonous plants

Some plants can be dangerous for the hamster; make sure there is none in the room when you let him out of the cage. Some examples are:

  • Cactus;
  • Wisteria;
  • Azaleas;
  • Clematis;
  • Chrysanthemums;
  • Ferns;
  • Ivy;
  • Hydrangeas;
  • Lilies.
Prevent Poisoning in Hamsters Step 8
Prevent Poisoning in Hamsters Step 8

Step 5. Put away medicines and detergents

They are also very dangerous to hamsters and should be kept in closed lockers, out of their reach. Among the most common drugs that pose a risk to these animals are antidepressants, anti-inflammatories and birth control pills.

Also, always remember to rinse the cage thoroughly after washing it, to prevent the hamster from coming into contact with chemicals

Method 3 of 3: Treat a Poisoned Hamster

Prevent Poisoning in Hamsters Step 9
Prevent Poisoning in Hamsters Step 9

Step 1. Learn to recognize the typical symptoms of poisoning

A hamster that has come into contact with a toxic or poisonous substance will likely experience symptoms such as difficulty breathing, rapid breathing or fatigue, but may also collapse or enter a coma-like state. If you notice any of these signs, take him to the vet immediately.

Prevent Poisoning in Hamsters Step 10
Prevent Poisoning in Hamsters Step 10

Step 2. Contact your vet right away if you suspect your hamster has ongoing poisoning

Being a very small animal, the poison can spread around its body very quickly.

  • You can also go to a veterinary emergency room in your area that deals with exotic animals.
  • Once you find out that your hamster has come into contact with a toxic substance, take action now: never make the mistake of waiting and seeing if symptoms manifest or worsen.
Prevent Poisoning in Hamsters Step 11
Prevent Poisoning in Hamsters Step 11

Step 3. Take the toxic substance to the vet

Knowing exactly which substance caused the reaction can help him diagnose and treat poisoning correctly - whether it's a plant, a chemical or a medicine, take it with you to his office.

If you don't know exactly what poisoned the hamster, try to provide the vet with a list of possible dangerous substances that were in the animal's vicinity

Prevent Poisoning in Hamsters Step 12
Prevent Poisoning in Hamsters Step 12

Step 4. Follow your vet's directions

Once the hamster is rescued, the vet may prescribe further treatments. Read his instructions carefully to make sure your little friend gets the necessary care.
