3 Ways to Get Rid of Pigeons

3 Ways to Get Rid of Pigeons
3 Ways to Get Rid of Pigeons

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Pigeons may be pleasant to watch, but their droppings damage buildings and spread disease to both humans and other animals. You can prevent this from happening by using deterrents and non-lethal methods of controlling their population; before taking action, find out about national and local laws regarding the level of protection offered to pigeons and the techniques you can implement.


Method 1 of 3: Make the Perches Less Hospitable

Get Rid of Pigeons Step 1
Get Rid of Pigeons Step 1

Step 1. Use sharp streaks

You can apply these bollards anywhere birds like to perch, like the roof of your house. Purchase them from hardware stores or garden centers and mount them according to the manufacturer's instructions.

A less aggressive alternative is the toy spring called "Slinky", which you can buy in almost any supermarket. Unfold it and fix it to the balcony railing, so that the various coils are not more than 3-4 cm apart from each other; tie it with a piece of wire or tape every 2 cm. Pigeons hate this spring because it makes the surface on which they rest uncomfortable

Step 2. Install a weatherproof rope in the busiest areas

Tie it and spread it from one end to the other of the area you want to protect, so that it is about 2-3 cm above the surface used by the pigeons; the rope prevents animals from finding balance and discourages them from perching.

Get Rid of Pigeons Step 3
Get Rid of Pigeons Step 3

Step 3. Mount a sloped panel

This is a metal, plywood or PVC coating that has a slippery surface that birds cannot perch on. There are companies specializing in this kind of products, consisting of three panels that form right-angled triangles; the base of the triangle is firmly fixed to the supporting surface so that the pigeons cannot perch. You can install this device on gutters, window sills, counter tops and any other flat areas where birds like to stop.

Get Rid of Pigeons Step 4
Get Rid of Pigeons Step 4

Step 4. Don't feed them

Never feed them and make sure that they do not take over the feeders of the other birds in the garden. These animals have an exceptional memory when it comes to finding food sources and constantly return to places where they have the complicity of human beings.

You can ignore this rule if you decide to use a bird birth control that uses flock mentality and long-term memory to be effective

Step 5. Eliminate other food sources

These include grass seeds, berries from Pyracantha bushes, olives, and dog and cat food left unattended outdoors. Do not sow the lawn constantly if the seeds do not germinate; by eliminating or controlling access to food you can reduce the number of pigeons.

Method 2 of 3: Seal the Access Points

Get Rid of Pigeons Step 6
Get Rid of Pigeons Step 6

Step 1. Close the attic

Fill in any gap between the roof and the tiles or walls of the house. Seal the edges of the areas where the birds nest by putting outdoor fabric and putty or install a special net; close the space above the joists (on which the pigeons perch and nest) using industrial mesh.

You can improve the barriers by cutting the branches of trees that grow close to the roof

Step 2. Put a "plug" on the chimneys

Pigeons love to perch on fireplaces, but you can prevent this by installing stainless steel mesh that blocks the access but lets the smoke out. If roof work is not your forte, you can ask an expert to do it for you; just make sure there are no birds inside the chimney to prevent them from getting trapped.

Step 3. Tuck a net under the places pigeons like to nest

This is one of the most common non-lethal methods, because you can also use it in areas where aesthetics are important. Cover any surface that birds use to perch or lay eggs, such as under air conditioning engines, to prevent them from entering.

Get Rid of Pigeons Step 9
Get Rid of Pigeons Step 9

Step 4. Talk to a professional

If you find pigeons in the attic or in other areas inside the house, call a technician who can install a one-way door; this device allows the birds to go out but not to enter. You can hire a pest control company to thoroughly clean the area of excrement, feathers and litter left by animals; these companies use appropriate equipment, protections and cleaners that are too expensive for a private citizen.

Method 3 of 3: Scare the Pigeons

Get Rid of Pigeons Step 10
Get Rid of Pigeons Step 10

Step 1. Spray them with water using a garden hose

Pigeons do not appreciate the pressure or flow of water concentrated on them. Wet them immediately, upon their first arrival; if you wait for them to settle in your home, it's too late.

Step 2. Install devices to scare them

They can be light kites or other diversions that have the shape of hawks; put them in the areas frequented by pigeons, but know that unfortunately they learn to adapt to the presence of these "dumb" predators that perch in the same place. To be effective, move the templates regularly.

Step 3. Use reflective surfaces

When the sun's rays hit reflective objects, a light scattering effect is created that interferes with the birds' vision. Apply reflective tape or hand out foil balloons to scare these animals. if you don't have much money, hang old CDs on nearby trees or awnings.


  • Pigeons are intelligent and have a strong instinct to go home; this is the reason why it is so difficult to drive them away. If you can reach them, you can easily catch them during the hours of darkness; however, know that they will return, unless they have raised chicks elsewhere.
  • These birds reproduce very quickly. If it's not a small colony, shooting or trapping them is only a short-term solution; the surviving specimens tend to quickly repopulate the flock.
  • You can reduce the population of pigeons in a non-lethal way by controlling their births with a contraceptive drug available in the form of kibble contained in a special feeding trough. This is too large a food for songbirds and is quite expensive; however, it offers a long-term solution by managing to reduce the colony of pigeons by 95%. Buy it online or at a gardening store; is a method approved by animal welfare associations and certified by the EPA.

    You can ask for more details on this at the competent veterinary ASL offices


  • Don't hurt pigeons for no reason; they are living creatures, any action to remove and remove them must be non-lethal and respectful of animal protection laws.
  • Never use polybutylene gel, a sticky repellent that harms animals and birds that come into contact with it; it can stick to feathers and interfere with the ability to fly. If a small animal or bird gets trapped in the gel, it dies in slow, painful agony.
  • Avoid ultrasonic devices because they are not only harmful to pigeons, they can annoy animals that are not considered pests, such as dogs and cats. Although there is a device that has been approved for use at airports, it is not yet available for private use.
