You just walked into your dream shop. Finally you can go shopping! You grab a pair of perfectly folded jeans on a shelf and look at them - they're gorgeous! A brown tag attached to these gorgeous pants, however, brings you back to reality. You turn it around and see the price: 200 euros ?! You think you're on the verge of fainting … and heart attack! You certainly can't afford them! If this déjà vu is a constant, here's how to buy expensive clothes without spending a fortune.
Part 1 of 5: Stick to the Essentials

Step 1. Observe and learn
What's trending right now? What do fashionable people wear?

Step 2. Make a list of the essential items you need
After observing what's in vogue right now, try to pick some key pieces that will allow you to get the most out of your shopping. For example, it could be a purse, a clutch bag, a pair of jeans or a scarf. The other items can be purchased for a lower price, and then be enriched with a couple of more expensive pieces.
Part 2 of 5: Save money

Step 1. Look for a glass jar or other solid, clear container in your home
The smaller ones are usually the most suitable. At the end of the day, empty your pockets and keep the money you haven't spent.
- Once you have accumulated a lot of coins, go and exchange them for bills at a bank or shop, where they almost always need them.
- You will have to empty the container once filled and count the coins, stacking them and creating packages of one, two euros or cents. What is left over is put back in the jar. Bring your coins to the supermarket or bank to exchange them for banknotes. Suddenly, you could unexpectedly find yourself with 10-15 euros.

Step 2. If you dine away from home, save
You can eat a cereal or other bar or a sandwich that you made before going out. You drink water. Don't spend money on food when you're not hungry, don't give anyone lunch, don't make an appointment with anyone at lunchtime, and have an excuse ready in case your parents ask you what you ate.
Don't skip lunch. It's unhealthy to give up a meal, and others may mistakenly think you have an eating disorder

Step 3. Saving is essential and will benefit you
Only then can you get what you want.
Part 3 of 5: Go inside

Step 1. If you are old enough to do this, look for a job
Any form of income will help you save.

Step 2. If you can't find work, post flyers in bars, libraries, schools, and restaurants usually frequented by families to offer yourself as a babysitter
You can set a rate of five euros per hour, but raise it if you need to keep an eye on more than one child at a time. If you can, take a cardiopulmonary resuscitation and babysitting course. Some parents are reluctant to leave a teenager alone with their children, but if they have experience or have taken a course, complete with a certificate, they will be more comfortable.

Step 3. Practice outdoor activities
If caring for children isn't your thing, try another service. Offer to mow your neighbors or do home deliveries. Find a job that allows you to work in the afternoons so you don't have to get up too early.

Step 4. Offer to help around the house
You could clean everyone's bedrooms and bathroom, cook, etc. Doing so will allow you to earn some money. The important thing is to make a good agreement with your parents and explain what your savings goals are.
Step 5. Work as a tutor
It can be ideal for earning extra money. If you are good in school, or at least in certain subjects, you give the students difficulty repetitions. Ask your professors for references before starting. Once you build a customer base, you can get recommended by more people, doing more and more business.
You can give reps to children in the summer
Step 6. Work as a pet sitter
Taking care of a pet or taking the dogs out is ideal for earning some extra money. Many people need a hand with their furry friends, so propose, explaining that you are always available. If you don't know your "employers", ask a parent to accompany you the first time, when you need to discuss the agreement better.
Part 4 of 5: Selling
Step 1. Sell the old clothes and the ones you don't like anymore
You can take them to a shop that sells second-hand items or offer them online. If you are going to do everything on the internet, ask your parents for permission and let them help you. The risks are not lacking, so it is better that a more experienced person give you a hand.
- Get the phone book. Look for second-hand or thrift stores. Mark the numbers that interest you. Scroll down the list and call to ask if they buy used clothes. It is not certain that you will be able to get rid of all the clothes you no longer want; Also, keep in mind that they will offer you little money, because they will have to make a profit. Among other things, many pay only after selling an item of clothing.
- Only sell seasonal clothes in good condition.
Step 2. Make donations
If it is not a problem for you to do so, you can always donate the discarded clothes to charities such as Caritas. They will make good use of the items you no longer want. When you go to these places to make your donation, check what they have and ask if you can buy what you are interested in, or exchange it for your own clothes - you could get a good deal. Another idea is to organize a meeting to exchange your clothes with those of your friends.
Step 3. Use the money you have earned to buy the clothes you want
Keep selling the ones you don't put on anymore, so in the meantime you will still make money. Sure, you may need to sell a lot of clothes before you can just buy a new one, but doing so is crucial if flies come out when you open your wallet.
Part 5 of 5: Making Good Business
Step 1. When you enter a shop, take a look at the sections with the discounted pieces
Before trying on a full-priced dress, check out the items on promotion. Try to consider them as hidden gems in case they don't convince you or they aren't perfect: can you sew them or add decorations to improve them? If so, they will be ideal. Also, by choosing the items of clothing or accessories offered in the discount section, you could buy more than one thing.
Step 2. Shop on eBay, Amazon, and Asian sites that sell low-cost products, such as Romwe
Online you will find numerous sources and great deals. You could buy clothes for 75% less than in any store. If you want to save even more, search for used items on eBay. Of course, it's not the best, but often they cost less, and then many times they are practically new clothes, which the sellers bought, regretted it and for some reason could not return them. Another possibility is that they are unwanted gifts, or that people are renovating their wardrobe because these clothes no longer fit their style, weight or height. Whatever the reason they decided to sell, these pieces could become yours. Look for ads that allow you to buy now, avoid auctions, and make sure the seller sends the product to where you live. And you can do the same. Don't like your dress anymore? Sell it on eBay!
Step 3. Visit several outlets and flea markets
By engaging in research, you can find expensive items at a discounted price.
- Try everything before you buy. If you are going to spend your hard-earned money to buy cute clothes, make sure that they fit you well and that you like them.
- Before investing in sporty and expensive clothing, such as a swimsuit, consider where you practice this sport (and whether you do it constantly). For example, if you buy a swimsuit to use in a chlorinated swimming pool, the investment is not worth it. Chlorine, in fact, will damage it and you will find yourself with a ruined costume in no time. Instead, if you only use it for sunbathing, then you can buy a more expensive one.
- Remove the labels, so it will be difficult to understand what brand your jeans are. Alternatively, recycle labels cut out of jeans you no longer wear. A smart and effective idea.
- If a relative asks you what you want for Christmas or your birthday, ask him "Can we go to the mall, so I can choose a dress that fits my style?". However, do not take advantage of his generosity, otherwise he will never do it again.
- Jeans shrink when washed, and then resume their original shape once you have them on. In fact, they should be washed as little as possible, because they have to adapt to your body. After wearing them, put them in the freezer to kill germs and remove stains.
- For many people, brands matter more than anything else. It is not a question of fashion. It is not a matter of taste. Brands are a status symbol. It sounds silly and superficial, but that's the way things are nowadays. The real question is: are you or do you want to become this kind of person? Are you more interested in what others think than what you want? These are difficult questions, but only you can answer them, and to do that you have to think about what you want.
- Respect the school or workplace dress code. There are items, such as flip flops, particularly short shorts and tops worn alone, which are often banned.
- Read the washing instructions for your clothes. If possible, do it before you buy them. You don't want to fill your closet with clothes that can only be dry cleaned or hand washed. This can cause you more of a nuisance, especially when they are no longer a novelty.
- If you suddenly start dressing better, your friends may accuse you of wanting to show off and get away from you, especially if you also start dating rich or preppy guys. This is a good time to figure out who your true friends are. Of course, just because you dress more carefully doesn't mean you'll have to snub your old friends.
- Don't be tempted by imitations. It's extremely easy to tell if your bag is fake - a glance is often enough, so don't assume it won't be noticed. Once it turns out, you can build a reputation as someone who wants to prove themselves to be what they are not.
- It is not difficult to end up spending a lot of money on a store. While in the dressing room, do the math in your head or using the calculator (keep one in your bag) if math isn't your forte.