How To Buy Vintage Clothes Wholesale: 10 Steps

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How To Buy Vintage Clothes Wholesale: 10 Steps
How To Buy Vintage Clothes Wholesale: 10 Steps

Following the trend of clothing recycling, stores offering good quality used and vintage clothing are enjoying huge success with consumers. The term "vintage" was adopted by the wine making and aging process. Therefore, vintage clothes have "aged well" in the sense that they are old, but still in fashion and in excellent condition. The term vintage is generally used to indicate clothes produced between 1920 and 1980. To start a business focused on vintage clothing or to keep it alive, the first step is to secure a large supply of this type of clothing. as long as they are of good quality. To quickly source a large assortment of garments, you need to buy in bulk, and this article will tell you how.


Buy Bulk Vintage Clothing Step 1
Buy Bulk Vintage Clothing Step 1

Step 1. Identify your target demographic

Within the vintage style there are several options. Do you prefer to focus on T-shirts, jeans, dresses or bags? Do you want to have mainly designer or expensive clothes? Are you looking to import vintage clothing from another country?

Buy Bulk Vintage Clothing Step 2
Buy Bulk Vintage Clothing Step 2

Step 2. Take stock

How many items of clothing do you need to have a complete assortment? How much are you willing to spend?

Buy Bulk Vintage Clothing Step 3
Buy Bulk Vintage Clothing Step 3

Step 3. Check at charity shops and fabric banks

Fabric banks are facilities that are tasked with storing and distributing textile waste from landfills, charity shops and other donation entities. The garments that have a higher quality are then resold and put back on the market through the shops or reused in textile design.

Buy Bulk Vintage Clothing Step 4
Buy Bulk Vintage Clothing Step 4

Step 4. Check on the Internet and in newspapers which wholesalers are selling vintage garments

Often wholesalers sift through the wares of fabric banks or charity shops and collect the best items for wholesale. They usually sell assortments of just t-shirts, long dresses, or other kinds.

Buy Bulk Vintage Clothing Step 5
Buy Bulk Vintage Clothing Step 5

Step 5. Visit a warehouse

Sometimes outlets, charity shops, fabric banks, and vintage clothing wholesalers pack the clothes, allowing you to view them before purchasing. It's an easy way to make sure your clothing is in good condition.

Buy Bulk Vintage Clothing Step 6
Buy Bulk Vintage Clothing Step 6

Step 6. Contract with suppliers

If you buy in bulk, the supplier can offer you discounts when your purchase is larger than average. A vintage shop, on the other hand, can guarantee you a discount if you are a regular customer.

Buy Bulk Vintage Clothing Step 7
Buy Bulk Vintage Clothing Step 7

Step 7. Shop around before you buy so you don't stray from your budget

Buy in bulk according to your needs.

Buy Bulk Vintage Clothing Step 8
Buy Bulk Vintage Clothing Step 8

Step 8. Ask if the clothing has been washed before receiving it

Some vintage dresses require special washes. Decide if you need to clean them yourself.

Buy Bulk Vintage Clothing Step 9
Buy Bulk Vintage Clothing Step 9

Step 9. Check the quality of the clothes before selling them

You can return them if you don't like them. It is likely that some items are not suitable for the vintage style you have chosen. Evaluate the percentage of wholesale garments you are going to sell or use.

Buy Bulk Vintage Clothing Step 10
Buy Bulk Vintage Clothing Step 10

Step 10. Consider selling things you don't use or sell them to other businesses or stores

You can promote an online sale or ask the company if it can repurchase clothes that you failed to sell.


  • Clothing that dates back to before 1920 is considered antique. It often carries a higher price tag because it is rare.
  • When buying wholesale clothing, always calculate the shipping costs in the price especially if they come from another country. Clothes are heavy goods and shipping can be expensive. A local supplier may offer you a better price once the shipping costs have been calculated.
