4 Ways to Tighten Jeans

4 Ways to Tighten Jeans
4 Ways to Tighten Jeans

Table of contents:


What do Britney Spears, Jennifer Lopez, Paris Hilton and Madonna have in common? They all wore jeans at least once in their life! If you want to keep up with trends or just get your jeans back in shape, here are some ways to make them fresh.


Method 1 of 2: No-Sew Methods

Make Your Jeans Tighter Step 9
Make Your Jeans Tighter Step 9

Step 1. Wash them in hot water

For this method, make sure your jeans haven't already been tight. In this case the difference after all your work would be barely noticeable! Also, this method works better with pure cotton than other fibers.

  • Put the jeans in hot water. Avoid using fabric softeners. Do not wear them with other clothing. A front loading washing machine will have a greater impact than a top loading one, as it is the spin that shrinks the fibers.
  • Dry them on the highest temperature. Do the longest drying there is in terms of time.
  • Try on washed and dried jeans. They should have shrunk slightly. This method does not last long: wearing them, the jeans will return to their "comfortable" shape.
  • With each wash and after each dry, the strength and appearance of your jeans will decrease because the fibers will be damaged by the heat; avoid resorting to this method often unless you are ready to turn your jeans into a bag and replace them with a new pair!
  • Instead of washing them in hot water, or in addition to this method, you can also try boiling them. In this case you need a clean and large enough pot to keep the fabric away from the direct source of heat. Check it constantly, adding water as needed. Burnt jeans are good for nothing! If you boil them in addition to washing them, put them in the washing machine (hot) after boiling, or place them directly in the dryer.
  • Another approach is to soak the jeans in really hot water (fill the tub and use a wooden spoon to keep the jeans under water), squeezing them once the water has turned cold, and then throwing them in the dryer on high. temperature.
  • Sometimes dry cleaning comes in handy. Starching and pulling the fibers repeatedly can help reduce the waist size.
Make Your Jeans Tighter Step 10
Make Your Jeans Tighter Step 10

Step 2. Try adding a thick layer under the jeans

This method only works in the winter (or you will end up in a sweat) and not with all models. For example, wear thick tights or leggings under your jeans. Check in the mirror how you are; if you notice a certain difference it might be enough.

  • The downside of this method is the discomfort and related movements. Unless it is really cold, you will likely feel the heat and it will be difficult for you to move your legs. You may feel compelled.
  • Leggings should be used, as socks tend to drop at the waist when you move and tense more in the foot area.
Make Your Jeans Tighter Step 11
Make Your Jeans Tighter Step 11

Step 3. Go to the seamstress for some changes

It's not the same as making them at home, but if you know you can't and you have a branded or very expensive pair of jeans, it's better. Take them to the seamstress, ask her to take your measurements and tighten your jeans. The positive side is that the seamstress has an experience that ensures perfect finishes and no defects, plus her sewing machine will allow her to do a flawless job.

Consider getting yourself a pair of skinny jeans. In this way you can choose the type of fabric and have them literally "made to measure". They fit you perfectly

Method 2 of 2: Making New Seams

Make Your Jeans Tighter Step 1
Make Your Jeans Tighter Step 1

Step 1. Arrange the jeans in reverse

Button them up or zip up so they fall perfectly as they would normally fit on you. Wear them while standing in front of the mirror to figure out which parts you would like to tighten.

  • Remember that when you turn them, the left leg inside out is the normal right leg.
  • Leave the horse and get off. Hold the horse by the edge of the highlighted area so that the new position is centered and you can mark it relative to the edge to be measured. Pin it to give you the direction of sewing. Use as many pins as you need - but don't prick yourself. If you use safety pins, you will avoid scratching your legs.
  • For best results, create a completely new seam, giving the fabric a smooth curve.
  • Mark along the stapled area (and wherever you feel improvements need to be made) using a pencil, seamstress chalk, or pins. Highlight both the front and the back so that you can sew on the manageable side. Take off your jeans when you are satisfied.
  • Check that the new seams are symmetrical by measuring from the crotch to the new edge at a couple of corresponding points in each leg. If they do not match, adjust the outer line again to increase the size of the narrower leg, fitting it to the wider one.
Make Your Jeans Tighter Step 2
Make Your Jeans Tighter Step 2

Step 2. Prepare the sewing machine

Turn it on, choose a suitable thread and jean needle, then set up your workspace.

  • If you've never used your sewing machine before, do a couple of test stitches on a piece of jean fabric. You need to know how fast the car is going and make sure that things go the way you want.
  • Try basting, a simple stitch to make and remove.
  • The cut and sew creates very resistant stitches but of course, it cuts and sews so you have no second chances. If you use this machine you must first be sure that everything is the way you want!

Step 3.

  • Start with the horse.

    When starting, momentarily press the lever to go backward.

    Make Your Jeans Tighter Step 3
    Make Your Jeans Tighter Step 3
    • Keep the fabric together and as flat as possible.
    • Sew following the line along the pins or marks you made. Then create the new seams.
  • Try to keep the line straight and work from top to bottom. Eventually you should be able to get more fabric if you make a tight flare.

    Make Your Jeans Tighter Step 4
    Make Your Jeans Tighter Step 4
  • When you get to the bottom, press the lever again to go backward for a moment and you will have stopped the point.

    Make Your Jeans Tighter Step 5
    Make Your Jeans Tighter Step 5
  • Repeat for the other leg.

    Make Your Jeans Tighter Step 6
    Make Your Jeans Tighter Step 6
  • Try on jeans. If you feel them right, turn them inside out and trim the excess fabric from the edges. It's not difficult but you will need sharp scissors.

    Make Your Jeans Tighter Step 7
    Make Your Jeans Tighter Step 7

    If your jeans look asymmetrical to you, you'll need to unstitch and mend! If you do the new stitching wrong, you can wear them a thousand times and they will never get better

  • Check appearance and comfort. Now the jeans should fit you perfectly!

    Make Your Jeans Tighter Step 8
    Make Your Jeans Tighter Step 8

    If you notice a bulge around the crotch don't worry, it will settle once you start wearing the jeans and won't be felt. Ask a friend to give you an honest judgment while wearing your repurposed jeans if you are worried

    Only tighten the waistline

    1. Try a warm wash, as above, but focus only on the waistline. Pour the boiling water into the tub, sink, or bucket.

      Make Your Jeans Tighter Step 12
      Make Your Jeans Tighter Step 12
      • Dip the jeans into the waistband and soak them in the water for 10-15 minutes.
      • Remove them from the hot water by grabbing them by the legs using a wooden spoon or tongs. If you're worried about getting burned, put on rubber gloves.
      • Wrap the waist of the jeans in a towel, then put them in the dryer. Let it dry at a high temperature. Life should shrink temporarily.
    2. Make two darts on the back to tighten the jeans. You will need to know how to sew them.

      Make Your Jeans Tighter Step 13
      Make Your Jeans Tighter Step 13

      Keep Jeans Tight

      1. Buy good quality jeans. Check the label to know how to keep them in good condition and avoid turning them out.

        Make Your Jeans Tighter Step 14
        Make Your Jeans Tighter Step 14
      2. Try on the jeans before you buy them. Don't assume that the same make and model fit you perfectly. Each batch of the same model has differences, the only effective test is to wear them.

        Make Your Jeans Tighter Step 15
        Make Your Jeans Tighter Step 15
      3. Avoid using hot water unless your jeans are sagging. Prevention is better than cure - and a gentle, cold wash is ideal for keeping jeans in good condition.

        Make Your Jeans Tighter Step 16
        Make Your Jeans Tighter Step 16


        • When you wash your jeans try to do it inside out; both the fabric and the washing machine will be less damaged due to the buttons rubbing.
        • To give the seams the used look (and less the look of homemade jeans), lightly discolour the area around them with a brush and sponge soaked in bleach. Use a very diluted solution so that the difference is really subtle.
        • Make sure you can walk and, if necessary, test before sewing your jeans for good. A broken nose is not nice.
        • Check out Buy Comfy Skinny Jeans for more advice on tight jeans.
        • In the 1970s, it was common for people to bathe in jeans. This method is not very effective and makes you feel really uncomfortable.


        • Sewing your fingers is painful so be careful what you do.
        • For the sake of yourself and others, try not to wear stuff that is so tight that it shows off all your curves. You would be embarrassed by any comments or jokes about your panties.
        • If the label says not to spin, do so at your own risk!
        • Remember that as much as you can cut the jeans to make them more tight, you cannot reattach the fabric you remove: if in doubt, cut as little as possible.
        • Sharp scissors can cut the skin. Be careful!
        • Wearing jeans that are too tight can cause health problems such as stopping circulation, irritating the nerves in the thigh, causing tingling (tingling thigh syndrome or meralgia paresthetica), numbness, and pain. Avoid jeans that are so tight that they cause pain.
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