4 Ways to Wax Your Legs

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4 Ways to Wax Your Legs
4 Ways to Wax Your Legs

Have you ever had razor abrasions? Coarse or ingrown hair? Are you afraid of cutting yourself with a razor? Waxing is one of the most effective methods to remove unwanted hair, especially on the legs: it allows for more accurate and lasting hair removal. If you can handle the initial pain, this is a great way to shave.


Method 1 of 4: Prepare to Wax the Legs

Wax Your Legs Step 1
Wax Your Legs Step 1

Step 1. Buy a waxing kit

You can find it at the supermarket, in perfumery or on the internet, for example on Amazon, at affordable prices. Compare the various products and decide which one to buy. Generally they are all quite similar, but some offer more stripes, or are more suitable for men or women. Read reviews on different beauty sites to figure out which one might be right for you.

Step 2. Prepare the skin

Before waxing, it is important to exfoliate it for good results. Also, make sure the hair isn't too long or short. The minimum length should be approximately 6mm, but not more than 12mm. If the hair is longer, you should trim it with scissors before waxing.

On the market you will find several quality scrubs for exfoliation. Apply the product on the area you want to shave at least 24 hours before. Let it sit for a few minutes and rinse it off gently with soap and water

Wax Your Legs Step 3
Wax Your Legs Step 3

Step 3. Take your time to wax

It will take about a couple of hours. Don't try to shave 10 minutes before you leave the house for work or school.

Wax Your Legs Step 4
Wax Your Legs Step 4

Step 4. Prepare yourself mentally

Waxing can be slightly painful, so before making the decision to wax this way, try to consider this fact. It's not an unbearable pain, but it's best to be prepared to feel a little discomfort. If you are psychologically ready, you shouldn't have any major problems.

Method 2 of 4: Waxing with a Waxing Kit

Step 1. Apply the wax evenly following the direction of hair growth

Spread it with the wooden spatula you found in the package. You should also read the specific instructions indicated on the box. Apply enough wax to cover the hair, but don't overdo it.

Step 2. Press the depilatory strip to the surface of the wax

Make sure you apply good pressure. You should lay it out following the direction of hair growth. At the bottom end of the strip, leave a small flap raised - it will allow you to grab it and tear it off much more easily.

Step 3. Tear off the strip in the opposite direction to where the hair grows

Grab the edge you left raised and tear it off with a sharp motion. Make sure you hold the skin taut with your other hand as you tear off the strip. Try to relax: the more tense you are, the more painful it will be. If after tearing the strip the affected area is sore, place your palm on your leg and apply good pressure. This will help you relieve the pain quickly.

Step 4. Repeat the process on the rest of the leg

You will need to do this on all the parts you want to shave. Once you get used to it, the procedure should become easier and faster.

Step 5. Apply aloe vera gel or moisturizer

If you are sore, aloe vera is preferable, otherwise a classic cream is fine: it will allow you to soothe the skin immediately after waxing. Plus, your legs will be smoother the next day. Apply it to all the parts you have shaved.

Method 3 of 4: Depilate the Legs with Sugar Wax

Step 1. Prepare the sugar wax

Combine the sugar, lemon juice, and water in a saucepan and turn the heat down. Make sure you don't bring the mixture to a boil. You need to use a kitchen thermometer to measure the temperature. The wax will be ready when it reaches a temperature of 120 ° C.

Step 2. Remove the saucepan from the heat and let the wax cool

Before using it, you should let it cool for at least half an hour. Avoid applying it to your legs right away, or you will get hurt.

Step 3. Transfer the wax into a jar or container

You don't have to use it immediately; however, when using it, remember to heat it in the microwave (remove the lid of the bowl first) for 30-40 seconds, or until it has a consistency similar to that of honey. If it solidifies, it will be much more difficult to spread it on your legs.

Step 4. Test a small amount of wax on your skin to see if you have an allergic reaction or are sensitive to the ingredients

Apply some cooled wax to your body to see if the area becomes inflamed or red. If you don't notice any side effects, you can continue.

Step 5. To soften the hair, wash your legs with warm water

Dab it with a towel and apply baby powder. It is not necessary, but it may facilitate the procedure and decrease the sensitivity of the skin.

Wax Your Legs Step 15
Wax Your Legs Step 15

Step 6. Observe the legs to understand the direction of hair growth, which can be the same for everyone or vary

You need to apply the wax and the depilatory strip following the direction of hair growth.

Wax Your Legs Step 16
Wax Your Legs Step 16

Step 7. Test the temperature of the wax by placing a small amount on your hand

If it's lukewarm, let it cool down a bit more. To easily understand when you can use it, stir it with a spoon: if it is too liquid, you have to wait a little longer.

Step 8. Apply a thin layer of wax on the legs with a spatula following the direction of hair growth

Do this only once it has cooled down sufficiently. When you apply the wax respecting the direction of hair growth, the hair should appear flat and smooth, and no one should stand up.

Step 9. Apply the fabric strip and rub / massage it on the waxed part of the leg

Scrubbing it up and down is the most effective method. Now, wait for it to settle: when you try to lift the strip, it should resist.

Step 10. Grab the strip by the edge and tear it off in the opposite direction to the hair growth direction

Before doing this, stretch the surrounding skin and hold it still with your other hand. The tear should be quick and dry. If you do this carefully, the discomfort will likely be little or moderate.

Wax Your Legs Step 20
Wax Your Legs Step 20

Step 11. Repeat until you have shaved the whole leg

With a bit of luck, the process shouldn't take too long, but make sure you're accurate. If a few days later you realize that you have not shaved a spot, you will have a nasty surprise. Before tearing, remember to keep the surrounding skin taut with your free hand.

Step 12. Rinse your legs with cold water, never take a hot or boiling shower

Pat them dry with a towel and apply a generous amount of moisturizer to soothe the skin. Great job - the sugar wax did the job!

Method 4 of 4: Do a Professional Wax

Do Keyword Research Step 15
Do Keyword Research Step 15

Step 1. Look for local beauticians

You can do a search online or in the Yellow Pages to find one. You will certainly have several options available at low prices. If you want to get a professional result, it is best to contact an expert.

Make a Phone Call Step 5
Make a Phone Call Step 5

Step 2. Call the beauty center to make an appointment and try to go there

The final price will depend on the treatment: obviously you will pay more to completely shave the legs and less to remove unwanted hair only from certain areas. Professional hair removal is a little more expensive than home hair removal, but remember that you won't have to lift a finger.

Get Silver Blonde Hair Step 4
Get Silver Blonde Hair Step 4

Step 3. Go to the appointment

That's all! When you enter the beauty center, go to the reception and give all the necessary information to the secretary. The whole process shouldn't take more than a couple of hours, but you will be given more precise directions at the time of booking.


  • Make sure you tear the strip in the opposite direction of the hair growth, otherwise the result will not be very accurate.
  • Divide the legs into 2 sections: one upper and one lower. Completely shave the first, then move on to the second.
  • For a more accurate result and less pain, be sure to keep your skin taut.
  • Tearing the strip off too slowly can be painful. Also, repeatedly shaving the same area can cause inflammation, accompanied by itching and pain.
  • Do not shave areas that are cut, infected or with other types of lesions.
  • After waxing, the skin remains sensitive for at least 12 hours. Apply a refreshing moisturizer.
  • Washing the skin with cold water and applying a refreshing moisturizer immediately after waxing can also help prevent irritation and itching.
  • Do not let foreign materials get into the wax.
  • Don't let the wax get too cold or sticky. If the consistency is very thick, it will not be possible to apply a thin layer. Tearing the strip will be painful and few hairs will be removed.
  • The compound should be viscous enough that it can be applied in a thin layer on the skin, without causing any discomfort.
  • After heating it in the microwave, the sugar wax can be hot, so be careful.
