If you're reading this guide, you probably want to know how to effectively shave your arms. Quite right? Read on for some great tips on this.

Step 1. Buy a good quality razor

Step 2. Get into the shower and wet your skin with warm water to help open pores and make hair softer

Step 3. Soap the skin of the arms with a product of your choice from:
shaving cream, shampoo or conditioner. Distribute it from wrists to shoulders.

Step 4. Soap one arm at a time, the one you are about to shave

Step 5. Extend your arm and begin shaving the forearm with gentle movements from the wrist to the elbow, rotate the arm to shave each section, above, below and to the side

Step 6. Bend your elbow and bring your hand to your head to shave the outermost part of your forearm, if necessary use a mirror to look at yourself

Step 7. Lift your arm to shave the underside, from elbow to armpit

Step 8. Now shave the remaining area of the upper arm, lower it to easily reach the muscles that go from the elbow to the shoulder

Step 9. After shaving, apply a good moisturizer to soften the skin and relieve any irritated areas

Step 10. Finished
- Be very careful when shaving the area around the elbow, as you do with the area around the knees when shaving your legs.
- Rinse the razor with lukewarm water after each use, you will avoid the proliferation of bacteria.
- You can also use soap.
- You will need to use your non-dominant hand to shave your dominant arm, practice gently to become familiar with the movements.
- It is best to always use a new razor because a sharp blade makes it easier to shave.
- Use two separate razors, one to shave the legs and one to shave the arms.
- When the hair grows back, for the first time, it will be prickly and prickly.
- Don't forget the elbow area, otherwise the final effect will be unpleasant to the eye.
- Be very careful when shaving the elbow area, you could cut yourself very easily.
- Remember to moisturize your skin after shaving.