If you are in pain after plucking your brows, you are obviously looking for a less painful solution. A remedy could be to apply heat to the area before removing the hair, in order to dilate the pores. Also, by learning the correct hair removal technique, you are able to reduce the discomfort you feel during the procedure.
Method 1 of 3: Using Heat to Reduce Pain
Step 1. Heat some water
The simplest way to proceed is to fill a cup half its capacity with water; put it in the microwave and heat it for 30 seconds. The water should not be hot as it could burn your face and hands. You will also need a washcloth to apply heat to your face.
Step 2. Put the cloth in the cup
Your goal is to let the fabric absorb the hot water; so all you have to do is put it in the cup and wait a few seconds.
Step 3. Wring the cloth to remove the water
Once the fabric has absorbed most of the water, remove it from the cup. Hold it over the sink so as not to wet other surfaces and then wring it out, so it is moist but not dripping.
Step 4. Place the cloth over your eyebrows
Fold or roll it up to fit snugly to the line above the eyes. Hold it in place for a couple of minutes; it should stay warm all the time. After two minutes, remove the fabric and start removing the hair with the tweezers as usual.
The concept behind this method is that heat allows the pores to dilate; as a result, the hairs come off more easily and the whole process becomes less painful
Step 5. Shave your eyebrows after a shower
This is another method of limiting physical suffering. As you wash, the steam opens your pores and, as described in the previous step, this phenomenon makes hair removal easier and not as painful.
Method 2 of 3: Minimize Pain When Using Tweezers and Common Tools

Step 1. Get some new tweezers
If you use an old pair, it will be more difficult to grasp the hair. If you don't maintain a good grip on the coat, you may accidentally pinch the skin. Purchase a new pair of tweezers to make this easier.
Don't choose pointy and sharp ones. Instead, opt for an angled arm design, so that the ends touch along an edge and not at the tip. This way, you have a larger grip surface which makes it easier to grab the hair

Step 2. Try a desensitizing gel
You can apply a gel that numbs the skin of the eyebrow area, making hair removal less painful.
- For example, children's dental gel is a viable solution.
- Just apply it on the brow line with a cotton swab. Wait for the skin to become less sensitive before removing the hair.
Step 3. Soothe the area after hair removal
To dull the pain and cool the skin, smear some aloe vera on the area. The gel soothes the skin and allows it to find relief from the irritation caused by the tear.
- You can buy aloe vera gel at almost any supermarket.
- You can also use the gel extracted from the plant. Break a leaf and squeeze the contents to spread it on the skin.
- If you don't have aloe vera on hand, use an ice cube to numb the skin.
Method 3 of 3: Hair Removal Properly
Step 1. Keep the skin taut
Using your fingers, pull the skin close to the eyebrows so that it stays taut. In this way, you also tighten the pores making hair removal easier. When the process is easier it is also less painful.
Step 2. Tear off the hair from the base
It is always better to grab it close to the root rather than pulling it by the tip; this is because the tweezers can lose their grip and you will have to pull the hair again to detach it, increasing the pain. Also, if you grab it by the tip, you can break the hair instead of pulling it out of the pore.
Step 3. Follow the right tear direction
You should pull the hair out in the direction it grows, as this makes the process easier. Otherwise, you may break or break the fur and you will have to yank it again. Obviously, the last thing you want is to pull the fur twice, because it just means more pain.