3 Ways to Look Like a Model

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3 Ways to Look Like a Model
3 Ways to Look Like a Model

The models have an enviable physique and a confident bearing that fascinates everyone. By their naturalness, they probably make you think that looking like this is like drinking a glass of water, but actually achieving this results in a lot of time and effort. In fact, you need to maintain a healthy weight, have perfect skin, hair, nails and teeth, choose trendy clothes and shoes every day. Furthermore, it is important to develop a style, a gait and a personal presence that will become your trademark. Read on to learn more.


Method 1 of 3: Cultivate a Personal Fashion Sense and Good Presence

Look Like a Model Step 1
Look Like a Model Step 1

Step 1. Subscribe to fashion magazines and devour them from start to finish

Newspapers like Vogue, Glamor, Cosmopolitan, Elle and so on are very useful for discovering new hairstyles, make-up and clothes.

If you want to have a runway look, you can also subscribe to high fashion magazines, such as Flaunt, Zink, MUSE, W, NYLON and so on (they are in English; if you can't find them, visit the websites). These journals are basically intended for industry professionals, so you will get tips straight from this world

Look Like a Model Step 2
Look Like a Model Step 2

Step 2. Learn about fashion and stylists

Since models wear clothes from so many different designers for work, fashion is their daily bread. If you don't know that much, you need to get educated. Reading fashion blogs and visiting designer websites is a good place to start.

Look Like a Model Step 3
Look Like a Model Step 3

Step 3. Develop a personal style

Choose clothes that make you comfortable and allow you to express yourself without opening your mouth. Avoid trends that don't interest you and don't wear clothes that make you uncomfortable or uncomfortable.

  • Check out fashion magazines for inspiration.
  • Choose clothes that suit your lifestyle.
  • Try to develop a distinctive look, think Jackie Kennedy's suits for example. You don't have to wear this style every day, only on special occasions.
Look Like a Model Step 4
Look Like a Model Step 4

Step 4. Wear shoes that suit your outfit and season

Make sure you have different models for each season, especially if the weather changes dramatically in your area.

  • Here are the shoes you should choose:

    • Bring ballet flats, wedge flip-flops and high-heeled décolleté in spring.
    • Bring Indian sandals, flip flops and espadrilles in the summer.
    • Bring Mary Jane, camel ballet flats, and cowgirl boots in the fall.
    • Bring Uggs and other warm boot designs in the winter.
  • Men who want to look like models should choose the following shoes:

    • Dovetail shoes, Derby shoes and moccasins in spring.
    • Boat shoes, sports slippers and canvas sneakers in the summer.
    • Heavy leather shoes, ankle boots and moccasins in the fall.
    • Bring Oxford and boots in the winter.
    Look Like a Model Step 5
    Look Like a Model Step 5

    Step 5. Show off

    With all the effort you put into your image, make sure you get noticed and show off your look from time to time. Go out with your friends as often as possible. Go dancing, dining out, or any other activity you like. Enjoy and live to the full!

    Look Like a Model Step 6
    Look Like a Model Step 6

    Step 6. Try to have a casual demeanor

    The models stand up straight and walk with their heads held high to show off their customers' clothes and accessories. In addition to making you look like a real model, good posture is important for health issues, makes you visibly leaner and shows others that you have good self-esteem. It also affects your personal safety, which is essential for projecting the image you want to convey.

    • When standing, stand straight, with your chin up, chest out and shoulders back.
    • When you sit down, don't hunch over. Stand straight, with your back resting against the backrest.
    Look Like a Model Step 7
    Look Like a Model Step 7

    Step 7. Practice for a curvy gait

    To look like a model, you need to have an elegant and purposeful walk. Make sure you have excellent posture, walk straight with one foot in front of the other. Leave your arms relaxed at your sides and walk steadily.

    • Walk in strides and be sure to bring one foot in front of the other. Keep your toes pointing in front of you as you walk.
    • Keep your arms at your sides and let them sway naturally as you walk.
    • Walk like you have a goal or purpose, even if it's not true. When you walk into a place, pick a spot and walk straight towards it.

    Method 2 of 3: Take Care of Your Image

    Look Like a Model Step 8
    Look Like a Model Step 8

    Step 1. Cultivate a good daily skin care routine and follow it consistently

    The models have beautiful, glowing skin. To keep yours in top shape too, it's important to look after it. Make sure your daily routine includes cleansing and moisturizing in the morning and evening.

    • Use a mild facial cleanser in the morning and evening.
    • Don't go overboard with special treatments, such as masks and scrubs, as they can irritate the skin.
    • Always take off your make-up in the evening. Never go to sleep with makeup on, as it can clog pores and cause blemishes.
    • If you have severe acne, oily skin, or other skin disorders, go to the dermatologist.
    Look Like a Model Step 9
    Look Like a Model Step 9

    Step 2. Remove unwanted hair from the face and body

    To make sure you're always photo-perfect, take some time every day to hair removal (with razor, tweezers or wax), remove unsightly and unwanted hair.

    • Women should have perfectly shaved legs and armpits, well-defined eyebrows, and no unwanted facial or body hair.
    • Men should shave their faces or have a manicured beard. Shaving the body is optional and largely depends on your preferences as well as the tastes of the client.
    Look Like a Model Step 10
    Look Like a Model Step 10

    Step 3. The fingernails and toenails should be taken care of

    This advice applies to both men and women. Don't bite your nails and keep them in perfect condition. There is no need to apply nail polish, but make sure they are always tidy and clean.

    • If you can afford a professional manicure, book one regularly from the manicurist, or do one at home once a week or every 15 days.
    • In your bag, keep a good quality nail file and moisturizing hand lotion for quick touch-ups when you're out and about.
    Look Like a Model Step 11
    Look Like a Model Step 11

    Step 4. Moisturize your skin every day

    Use a facial product suitable for your skin type. You should also make it a habit to apply moisturizer to the body on a daily basis, especially on the legs and arms. Hydrated skin is radiant and visibly healthy.

    • Use a moisturizer that has an SPF of at least 30 when you need to be outdoors.
    • Choose a face moisturizer that suits your skin type.
    • Before putting on makeup, always apply moisturizer. Massage it into the skin until completely absorbed.
    Look Like a Model Step 12
    Look Like a Model Step 12

    Step 5. For everyday life, prefer a minimal makeup that enhances your best features

    Choose products that suit your hair color and highlight your most beautiful features, but don't overdo it. The aim would be to enhance one's natural beauty, not hide it. Remember that when you put on too much makeup to audition, it can be hard for potential employers to picture you in a different style. To look more versatile, try to have a soap and water look.

    • Choose a tinted moisturizer or light foundation.
    • Apply a light coat of black or brown mascara.
    • Apply a lip balm or tinted lip gloss.
    • Don't overdo the eyeliner, or don't apply it at all. If you want to wear it, choose a brown or black one. Draw a thin line at the top and bottom lash line and blend it well.
    • Choose a pearl or satin eyeshadow. Silver is ideal for those with fair skin, while champagne color is good for those with a dark complexion. Apply a veil on your mobile eyelids.
    • Don't overdo the bronzer. If you want to have a healthier complexion and define your face, apply a veil.
    • Don't overdo it with blush either. The cream one is ideal for giving a nice rosy color to the cheeks.
    Look Like a Model Step 13
    Look Like a Model Step 13

    Step 6. For special and evening events, go for more intense makeup

    If you have a particular event planned, you can create a more eye-catching look. In general, in the evening it is possible to be a little more daring. Just remember to bring makeup that enhances your finest features, without making you look artificial and constructed.

    • Try the tricks you see in fashion magazines.
    • Decide whether to load your lip or eye makeup more, not both at the same time.
    Look Like a Model Step 14
    Look Like a Model Step 14

    Step 7. Take care of your hair

    Have them popped regularly to keep split ends under control and always look perfect. Use shampoos, conditioners and styling products suitable for your hair type. If you don't know which ones to choose, ask your hairdresser for advice.

    • Browse magazines and talk to your hairdresser to figure out which hairstyles would enhance your face structure.
    • Try to always have clean and combed hair. Make sure you go to the hairdresser every two to three months to freshen up your cut.
    • If you dye them, make sure the chosen shade is bright. In case of dull color, it would be better to do a retouch. Don't want to do dyes? Use a brightening serum so they look healthy and shiny.

    Method 3 of 3: Take Care of You Like a Model

    Look Like a Model Step 15
    Look Like a Model Step 15

    Step 1. Remember that no one is perfect

    Models have the advantage of being surrounded by makeup artists, hairdressers and stylists who help them to enhance themselves and be beautiful. Make-up artists devote hours to their faces, and sometimes even their bodies, before a fashion show.

    Instead of striving for perfection, strive to stay fit. If you take care of yourself, your natural beauty will undoubtedly be more radiant

    Look Like a Model Step 16
    Look Like a Model Step 16

    Step 2. Maintain your healthy weight

    Being healthy is much more important than being thin. If you are concerned about weight, consult a dietician to find out how much you should weigh to stay healthy. Follow her recommendations to be as healthy as a fish and to properly care for the body.

    Look Like a Model Step 17
    Look Like a Model Step 17

    Step 3. Eat healthy to take care of your body

    Models' diets are quite variable and some are not healthy at all, so don't try to eat exactly like them. Instead, try to eat a diet that is as healthy as possible.

    • Start the day with a healthy breakfast. Eggs, wholemeal bread, fruit, oats and yogurt are some of the many dishes recommended for a substantial and nutritious first meal.
    • Eat different types of foods, especially fruits and vegetables. To absorb all the necessary nutrients and keep yourself healthy, consume plenty of fruits and vegetables. Try to eat at least one serving per meal. Also choose it when snacking.
    • Choose lean proteins. Protein is important for good health, but you should go for ones that really benefit you. Avoid fatty meats, such as pork or beef. Instead, opt for leaner options, such as turkey and fish, which are also ideal because they contain omega-3 fatty acids, which are good for the heart.
    • Choose whole grains. Stay away from processed foods, such as rice, flour, pasta, and refined bread. Instead, choose bread, pasta, rice, and whole wheat flour.
    Look Like a Model Step 18
    Look Like a Model Step 18

    Step 4. Drink lots of water for glowing skin

    Good hydration is not only important for feeling good, but also for radiant skin. The amount of water you need to drink daily depends on your weight.

    Calculate that you should drink 30-60ml of water per pound every day. If you weigh 72 kg, you should drink 2-4 liters of water per day

    Look Like a Model Step 19
    Look Like a Model Step 19

    Step 5. Exercise to sculpt your body

    To stay healthy and have a great physique, you need to exercise regularly. The US Department of Health and Human Services recommends 150 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise per week (such as walking) or 75 minutes of intense aerobic exercise (such as running) per week. This activity should be spread over the course of the week, not done all at once. You should also try to set aside two weekly strength training sessions to tone up.

    Keep in mind that models typically train more than 150 minutes a week to have a stunning physique. Some male models also train 15 hours per week. Victoria's Secret models train five times a week to keep their bodies dry

    Look Like a Model Step 20
    Look Like a Model Step 20

    Step 6. Consider a teeth whitening

    Models have dazzling smiles, so be sure to brush your teeth, floss, and use mouthwash twice a day for a healthy mouth. If your teeth are not as white as you would like, you can try home whitening treatments, such as toothpastes, gels and special strips to achieve that modeling sheen.

    To have healthy and beautiful teeth, it is also necessary to have them cleaned and checked by the dentist at least once a year. You should also make an appointment if you have any problems with your teeth or gums. Follow your dentist's recommendations for good oral hygiene

    Look Like a Model Step 21
    Look Like a Model Step 21

    Step 7. Relax daily

    The life of a model is stressful, so it is important to practice relaxation techniques to maintain a good balance. It is normal to have a little stress, among other things it can be useful to motivate you. However, excessive tension is harmful to health and can also adversely affect the image. Make time for yourself. Meditate, do yoga, or take a relaxing bath. The important thing is to have some time for yourself every day.


    • The models have a bearing that denotes self-esteem, but not boldness. Don't be too self-centered. Remember to be kind to others and let your inner beauty shine through as well.
    • Don't get too stressed out by your appearance. Remember that loving yourself is more important than getting others' approval. If you love yourself, it will be easier to work towards your goals.
    • If you are truly planning on becoming a model, then you may want to invest in a specific course. You will learn a lot from these lessons, then you will also build relationships with teachers, usually former professional models, and with other novice people. Just make sure the agency has a license, so you don't waste money.
    • When you go to a photo shoot, make sure you are accompanied by a parent, boyfriend or friend. Never agree to do something that makes you uncomfortable.


    • Beware of scam agencies, which usually ask for an advance payment. If you don't have the money to fund a course, there are many books, TV shows, and mentors that will help you.
    • Both women and men can easily become obsessed with weight loss, which results in eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia, among others. Keep in mind that health comes first, staying fit doesn't mean being so thin that you risk disappearing.
    • Do not go to the auditions posted in the job postings section of the newspaper. Instead, start contacting legitimate agencies and go to open call days. If you have the right characteristics for the market, they will call you back.
