Every now and then, everyone has a bad day. If you are concerned that your looks are not the best, you can take several steps to look strong and fit, but also to feel better about yourself. Whether you want to try new beauty treatments for your skin, change your lifestyle or wardrobe, this article will teach you some tricks to have a great physical shape, helping you to improve your image of yourself in an easy and satisfying way.
Method 1 of 4: Taking Care of Your Skin

Step 1. Protect your skin from the sun, otherwise you will expose it to ultraviolet (UV) rays
In addition to affecting the risk of contracting cancer, they age and visibly wear out the skin. If you really can't do without it, cover up using long-sleeved shirts, pants, and hats with a wide brim. It is also important to choose a broad spectrum sunscreen.
- Use a broad spectrum UVA and UVB sunscreen, which has at least an SPF of 30, and repeat the application at least every two hours.
- Try not to go out between 10 in the morning and 2 in the afternoon. It is in this time slot that the UV rays are particularly intense.
- Choose clothes that protect you from UV rays. You can also buy a laundry additive that covers them with a protective film - look for it online or at the grocery store.

Step 2. Avoid smoking
This is one of the main causes of premature skin aging. In fact, being exposed to cigarette smoke every day contracts the blood vessels of the epidermis, which is the outermost layer of the skin, hindering the supply of blood, oxygen and nutrients. Nicotine also compromises skin elasticity by reducing collagen and elastin, not to mention that puckering or squinting, typical actions while smoking, can cause premature wrinkles to appear over time.
- Daily exposure to smoke and the facial expressions associated with it over time can make the skin visibly rough and wrinkled.
- The most effective way to protect your skin from the consequences of smoking is to quit or directly avoid becoming addicted. Check with your doctor to find a treatment that can help you get rid of it.

Step 3. When it comes to hair removal, adopt good habits
Many people are used to shaving on a daily basis. However, some methods stress and irritate the skin. Here are some simple practices to implement every day to protect it during hair removal:
- Prefer cold or lukewarm water to hot water;
- Use a foam or depilatory cream instead of soap or try to "dry" hair removal;
- Frequently change the blades of the razor so that they are always clean and sharp (the ingredients contained in many soaps can clog and dull the blades in a short time);
- Shave following the direction of hair growth, rather than against the grain;
- Dab the skin with a towel to prevent it from remaining wet after hair removal.

Step 4. Moisturize the skin
It is an important step to always have her healthy. In fact, dehydrated skin withers, becoming asphyxiated and wrinkled, not to mention that it receives less blood and oxygen.
Moisturizing the skin does not prevent the formation of wrinkles forever, but it helps to keep it visibly healthy and supple

Step 5. Use wrinkle creams
This is another effective way to look fit and have beautiful skin. These products do not instantly repair wrinkles or sun damage, but over time they can help improve elasticity and reduce furrows, as long as they are combined with other targeted skin treatments. If you have dry or sensitive skin, use them with caution. Here are some of the ingredients most commonly found in wrinkle creams:
- Retinol, a vitamin A derivative that helps neutralize free radicals and prevent premature cell breakdown;
- Vitamin C, which can help protect the skin from UV damage
- Hydroxy acids (alpha hydroxy acids, beta hydroxy acids and polyhydroxy acids), substances with exfoliating properties that help remove dead cells and promote cell regeneration;
- Coenzyme Q10 can help smooth out wrinkles, especially around the eyes, and can reduce or prevent sun damage;
- Tea extracts contain antioxidants and may have anti-inflammatory properties that are effective in soothing irritation or other skin damage;
- Grape seed extracts also have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, so they can help treat lesions faster;
- Niacinamide, associated with vitamin B3, can help prevent dry skin by improving the elasticity and appearance of the skin in general.
Method 2 of 4: Adopt Good Personal Hygiene Habits

Step 1. Take care of your teeth
To look healthier, proper oral hygiene can work wonders, while neglecting it can cause plaque, pyorrhea, tooth decay and bad breath.
- Brush your teeth twice a day.
- Squeeze a little toothpaste onto your toothbrush and rub it on the inner, outer, and bottom surfaces of each tooth. It takes about 2 minutes to brush your teeth thoroughly.
- Use dental floss. In addition to removing food particles stuck between the teeth, it can also help fight gingivitis and bad breath. To use it, detach a piece of thread about 30-45 cm long and wrap the ends around the index fingers, then gently pass it between the teeth by moving it up and down, but also on the sides. Unwind a bit of floss from one finger and tighten your grip with the other at the same time, so you don't spread plaque and debris from one tooth to the other.
- Use a mouthwash, preferably fluoride-based. It will help eliminate germs, fight bad breath and prevent tooth decay. Measure about half a cap, or a whole cap, shake it in your mouth and spit it out without swallowing it.

Step 2. Bathe or shower regularly
If this is not possible, a good alternative is to wipe a damp sponge or cloth over the body.
- For best results, use a soap or shower gel that you like. Try to find a good compromise between fragrance and moisturizing properties, so that the skin is not irritated by surfactants.
- Washing every day is a social norm, but it is not necessary for good health or personal hygiene. In fact, according to some dermatologists, daily washes drain the sebum and eliminate the "good" bacteria. Generally speaking, it is sufficient for adults to wash every other day.

Step 3. Shampoo
It is important to wash your hair at least once a week, although many people prefer to do it every day. Having clean hair is essential for taking care of your personal hygiene, not to mention that it helps you look healthier and more confident.
- Wet your hair well.
- Squeeze some shampoo into the palm of your hand. A walnut is enough, but you will need more if you have long hair.
- If you have dry, frizzy hair, try using a moisturizing shampoo. Look for products that contain natural oils, like olive oil, or nourishing ingredients like glycerin and shea butter. Avoid products based on mineral oils and paraffin, as they can dehydrate the keg even more.
- Gently massage the shampoo into your hair and scalp. Do not scrub vigorously, otherwise you risk hurting yourself or irritating the area.
- Rinse off the shampoo well. Make sure there is no residue left, as it could irritate the scalp.
- Allow your hair to air dry or gently pat it dry with a towel. Try to avoid hair dryers whenever you can, which can dry out and irritate both the shaft and scalp.

Step 4. Put on clean clothes
Dirt, germs and unpleasant odors can lurk on clothing. Wearing a garment several times can convey an idea of poor hygiene or personal care. To always look your best, wash dirty clothes or clothes you've worn more than once.
Using the dryer or hanging clothes in the sun can eliminate germs that have lodged in the fibers during the wash. If you use dirty water, parasites may remain on them, even after washing them. To prevent the spread of germs and microorganisms, expose them to a heat source or direct sunlight instead of letting them dry indoors
Method 3 of 4: Have a Healthy Lifestyle

Step 1. Eat healthy
A balanced diet is important for good health, but it also plays an important role in terms of appearance. In fact, nutrients are transformed by the body to grow and generate new cells. If you eat badly, your body will not receive the substances it needs, risking deficiencies and disorders such as obesity or anemia; in particular, anemia in turn causes paleness, fatigue and other health problems.
- Aim for 60-120g of lean protein per day, for example by eating lean meats (such as salmon, tuna, or low-fat chicken) or alternative protein foods (such as tofu or seitan). Nuts, legumes and eggs are also high in protein.
- Make sure you consume at least 5 servings of fruit and vegetables per day.
- Fat consumption should not exceed 30% of your total energy requirement.
- Try to only consume unsaturated fats, which are good for the skin. You find them in fish, shellfish, flax seeds, hemp oil, soybean oil, canola oil, chia seeds, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, leafy greens, nuts, sesame seeds, avocado, salmon and tuna yellow fin.
- Aim for 2-3 servings of milk and dairy products per day.
- Eat 85-250g of grains per day. If possible, go for whole wheat ones.
- Avoid foods and drinks that contain added sugars, including processed and packaged foods.

Step 2. Get plenty of physical activity, which will help you feel fit
Training with discipline can help you lose weight and control ailments such as cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, depression, anxiety and arthritis.
- For good results, try to train for at least 30 minutes a day.
- Talk to your doctor to choose a training program that's right for you. You can also ask him for specific recommendations that will help you meet the goals you have in mind.

Step 3. Maintain proper hydration
Water is not only used to quench thirst: it also helps the heart to pump blood more efficiently, thus promoting better muscle performance. In addition, it fights inflammation (such as swelling of the feet) and prevents ailments such as headaches or dizziness.
- Basically, you should drink 8 8-ounce glasses of water per day. However, if you exercise a lot and / or live in a warm place, you will need more.
- Keeping your urination under control is the absolute most effective way to check for any dehydration problems. If the urine is clear or light yellow, the level of hydration is optimal. If the yellow tone is darker, or little or no urine is expelled, then the body is dehydrated.
Method 4 of 4: Cure the Physical Appearance

Step 1. Practice good posture, ie keep your back, neck and shoulders straight
Posture affects your gait, but also how you stand, sit and lie down. It also impacts the digestive system as well as the functioning of the heart and lungs. Poor posture can cause bone / joint misalignment, arthritis, pain and fatigue. If it's correct, it will help you feel and look fit.
- When standing, try to keep your abdomen in and your back straight. Relax your shoulders, but don't hunch over and don't let them fall forward. Instead, try to hold them back so that your arms fall to your sides. Balance the weight on both feet, trying to spread them to approximately the same width as your hips.
- When you sit down, keep your back straight and bring your shoulder blades together. Try to bend your knees to a 90 degree angle and place your feet on the floor. Avoid sitting in the same position for more than 30 minutes without standing up, stretching, or changing it to accommodate you.
- Try to sleep in a position that allows your back to be partially curved. For example, lying on your side with your knees slightly bent is a good natural position, while lying on your side bringing your knees towards your chest will be uncomfortable and painful.
- If you have to pick up a large, heavy object from the floor, learn how to lift it into the right posture. Bend in front of it with your legs wide apart, then grab it and stand up helping you to lift both the body and the object with your legs (instead of your back). Avoid turning your back as you stand up, and never grab anything off the ground without flexing your knees, as these types of movements can cause serious injury. Proper ergonomics are important for a healthy back.

Step 2. Use clothing that flatters your body type
Tight-fitting clothing tends to highlight the body and enhance it to the fullest. In fact, excessively loose clothing can give an idea of sloppiness, while tight-fitting ones highlight the hips, legs and figure in general. In any case, some fashion experts warn against using clothes that are too tight, which can make a person seem more overweight than they really are. The secret is to find the right degree of fit, so that the garments feel tailored.
For example, you can wear a pair of skinny jeans and a slightly looser top to balance the look. In this way you will enhance the body without it appearing forced by clothes

Step 3. Match the top and bottom pieces
If you want, you can wear tight, low-rise jeans with a short, skin-tight T-shirt. However, if you have excess fat located on your abdomen, these garments can squeeze it and make it look misshapen. You therefore risk appearing more overweight or out of shape than you actually are, affecting your self-esteem.
If you feel more comfortable wearing certain models of clothing (for example, tight jeans or short shirts), then you can certainly continue to dress the way you like. Making small changes, like the color of your clothes, can make a big difference, no matter how your clothes are cut

Step 4. Choose the right colors
Often the color of a shirt, dress or shirt creates a stark contrast to the skin tone of the person wearing it. While in some cases it may be an intentional choice and create a good result, in others the skin is likely to appear pale or dull, so you will look out of shape or withered.
Try matching the color of the shirt to your complexion for a healthier, more natural look
- Eat a balanced diet (include fruits and vegetables) to look and feel your best.
- If you want beautiful, glowing skin, drink plenty of water.
- Be wary of consuming low-fat products or skim dairy products. They often contain more sugar, so always check the nutrition label.
- Limit your consumption of simple carbohydrates, which are found in bread and pasta, as much as possible. Your blood sugar rises more from two slices of wholemeal bread than from two tablespoons of sugar.