Who from time to time doesn't need a day of pampering at home. Taking a day off just to take care of your body and mind, taking a bath and applying nail polish, can work wonders on your mood and spirit. It doesn't matter how busy you are, because if you really feel the need to relax and get rid of stress, then you should give yourself a day in order to rejuvenate your body, regain energy and rediscover the positive thoughts you need to enjoy life.
Part 1 of 4: Prepare

Step 1. Clean the house the day before
You may not find it necessary to have a tidy space in which to spend a relaxing day indoors, but actually having a clean and tidy home will make you feel much calmer and more relaxed. It takes a maximum of fifteen minutes to take out the trash, tidy up your desk, kitchen, bedroom and make sure everything is in its place. It is important not to do anything at all during your day of pampering at home, so you need to make sure that the house will be in order when you wake up to start spoiling yourself.
- Get rid of any traces of work that may be left in the bedroom or any room you'll be staying. This day is dedicated to yourself, not to ending that relationship you are stressing yourself about.
- Empty the dishwasher, water the plants, and finish all the housework by evening so you don't have to do it the next morning.

Step 2. Prepare to spend a day without email and phone
During your day of pampering and relaxation, it is important not to reply to work emails or to be available for friends who are bothering you with their problems. This is a day fully dedicated to you, so as much as you can, try to forget everyone else. Make it clear that you are about to take a day off from work by telling people who have a habit of calling you regularly that you will not use the phone. If you have an active life also on social networks, you can publish the news relating to your temporary absence and that, therefore, you will not be available to anyone.
However, since it is an indispensable tool, it is best to leave the phone on for emergencies or to check it from time to time

Step 3. Collect everything you need
If you want to make the most of this wellness day, then you won't have to waste a minute wandering around the shops, ticking off a list of items to buy or picking up everything you need, unless these tasks help ease the tension.. Even though planning in detail can be stressful and seem incompatible with the idea of having a whole day of relaxation, you need to organize yourself so that you have what you need to start pampering yourself from the moment you wake up. Here are some things you may need:
- Relaxing herbal teas
- Face mask
- Shower gel
- Scented candles
- Cucumbers for the eyes
- Favorite foods
- Fruit to blend
- Nial Polish
- Favorite movie
- Iced tea or cucumber water

Step 4. Don't put pressure on yourself
On the day dedicated to wellness at home, what is important is to relax and take care of your body. So, if you intend to do manicures and pedicures, soak up a warm bath, exfoliate your skin and make a smoothie, along with a million other soothing things, you actually risk overloading yourself with too many tasks and thoughts. Instead, just do what you feel like when you wake up, without feeling the pressure to stick to a certain time. If you feel compelled to do too many things, you won't be able to relax.
Do what he wants. If applying the face mask seems like a sacrifice to you and you just prefer to laze in bed, then you should feel free to lay there. Remember that you need to spend this day relaxing as you see fit

Step 5. Sleep late
You almost certainly don't want to stay in bed until past noon and miss out on half of your wellness day. That said, it is imperative to get a good night's sleep so that you are energized and invigorated upon awakening. Therefore, you do not have to sleep too much, but 7-9 hours of sleep or the necessary time will be enough for you to feel rested. This way, you will start the day on the right foot, without being groggy.
- If you sleep late, you'll wake up refreshed, but still try not to press the snooze button on your alarm too many times. In reality, the sleep you fall into between these intervals is not so deep as to refresh you, so you should try to wake up after an uninterrupted, relaxing sleep instead of forcing yourself to get up after a disturbed sleep.
- If you want to wake up on the right foot, stretch your arms above your head, drink a glass of room temperature water and step outside to get some fresh air.
Part 2 of 4: Creating a Relaxing Atmosphere

Step 1. Light the candles
Use candles scented with rose, jasmine, lavender or one of your favorite essences. While you may think they are more suitable for the night, there is nothing to stop you from lighting a scented candle when you wake up. The smell can soothe and recharge you, while the reverberation and movement of the flame can be so relaxing that you feel at peace.
If candles aren't your thing, opt for incense. And if you've never been passionate about either of them, don't feel pressured to use them just because you think they can create a calm and relaxed atmosphere

Step 2. Put on some music
Background music can also contribute to your relaxation when you want to pamper yourself. Try to avoid radio chatter or the latest musical hits, and try to put in songs that help you stay calm. If you like Miles Davis, Enya or a classical music artist, you should turn it on low throughout the day so that you can relax and regain your balance. You can also use the Pandora Radio service and choose your favorite artists without worrying about changing stations.
That said, if the music often upsets you, forget it. Sometimes, nothing is more relaxing than silence

Step 3. Darken the room
While letting in natural light helps you feel invigorated and energized, you can also create some shade so the light doesn't dull or tire your eyes. Whether it's lamps or candles with a soft glow, soft lights can be more relaxing than bright ones that risk keeping you too awake and not letting you stretch out. Try to have enough light to see, but not so much that you feel overly stimulated.
- You can take advantage of the sunlight, as long as it is day, and stay in candlelight at night. Try to avoid the use of chandeliers or ceiling lights installed on the ceiling as much as possible.
- You can also try to eliminate all the brightly colored furnishings, such as bright yellow pillows, and surround yourself with softer colors, such as green, brown and deep blue, to help you relax more.
Part 3 of 4: Taking Care of the Body

Step 1. Stay hydrated
It is important to stay hydrated throughout your home wellness day. If you make a jug of ice-cold water similar to those found in spas, drinking a glass of water will also seem a delight. You can add a few slices of cucumber, orange or lime to flavor the water and make hydration a special occasion. Make sure you drink at least 8-10 glasses of water a day so you will feel energized and invigorated.
If you don't like citrus, you can try a few sprigs of mint or even pieces of strawberry

Step 2. Clean your face
When you get up, dedicate yourself to cleansing your face with your favorite cleanser. Just massage the skin for 15-30 seconds with your fingertips and rinse thoroughly. Then you can exfoliate your skin with a product suitable for the face or, failing that, use a mixture of sugar and olive oil. Again, massage your skin for 15-30 seconds with your homemade exfoliating compound and then rinse off.
You can also boil water and steam your face to open pores. Just cover your head with a towel, place your face over the steaming water and breathe for five minutes

Step 3. Use a hair mask
By preparing the hair mask yourself, you will be able to strengthen and moisturize your hair and, at the same time, not spend too much money. All you see to do is mix the ingredients of the mask, massage it into damp hair, let it sit for 30 minutes and then shower and shampoo, using the conditioner, as usual. Treating your hair is also a fantastic treat. Here are all the ingredients you need to make the hair mask at home:
- 170 g of honey
- 2 tablespoons of olive oil
- 1 egg yolk
- 1 whole avocado

Step 4. Take a long shower
Before bathing the body, use the pumice stone to remove dead skin from the feet. Then, wash off the hair mask, if you have applied it. After that, shampoo and conditioner as usual. Try spending a little more time this time, trying to rub the hair well from the scalp and ends. If you want to spice up the moment, sing "Natural Woman"!
Use your favorite soap or shower gel to thoroughly cleanse the skin on the body. Take your time

Step 5. Take a relaxing bath
If you prefer a bath, you can forgo the shower, or take a shower first and then a hot bath. Just fill the tub with hot water, add bath salts, bubble bath or a bath bomb according to your taste. Then, one foot at a time, lower yourself into the tub until you are completely submerged, leaving only your head above the water. Make sure it's warm enough to relax, but not so hot that you get excited.
- Once in the tub, scrub with a loofah to get rid of dead skin cells.
- You can also light a few candles and play some soft music for a more relaxing atmosphere.
- If you want to shave your legs, apply a body exfoliator and massage them with a flannel cloth - it will open the hair follicles and the shave will be cleaner. Rinse the exfoliant off before using the razor. You can use shaving cream or even try olive oil, which some say makes the shave cleaner.

Step 6. Take care of yourself even when you have finished the bath
First, pat dry and then rub a moisturizing cream or lotion all over your body. After that, wrap yourself in a nice, soft, clean dressing gown and spray your face with cold water to close the pores. Hydrate it and wear the most comfortable clothing you have - as long as you feel comfortable, don't worry about dressing well. You need to spend this day of cleanliness, health, beauty and relaxation, so you don't need to wear clothing to impress people.
You could stay in your dressing gown for a while if you feel comfortable. When can you repeat such a day?

Step 7. Use a face mask
The mask is a good treatment for dry or oily skin, reduces any swelling and can give the face a better look and feel. All you have to do is spread it gently on the skin, in order to increase the circulation on the face, and then leave it on for 10-15 minutes, or the time stated in the instructions. Whether you make it at home or buy it, it's important to choose the right mask for your skin type. Here are some ideas for various masks to make at home:
- If you have dry skin, make a milk and honey mask. Just mix 4 tablespoons of milk powder together with 2 tablespoons of honey and 2 tablespoons of warm water. Then, apply it on your face, taking care not to spread it around the eyes and mouth, and put a damp cloth on it for 10 minutes. Then use the same cloth to clean your face.
- If you have oily skin, you can try an egg mask. Just whip two egg whites until they turn into a light foam. Spread a thin layer on your face and let it sit until it dries. Then, rinse.
- Use a green tea mask to counteract the signs of aging. Simply dissolve a teaspoon of powdered green tea in half a teaspoon of water and apply the mixture on your face, leaving it on for 10 minutes.
- Make a tomato mask to exfoliate the skin. Just pass a ripe tomato, combining it with a teaspoon of oatmeal and one of lemon juice. Spread the mixture on your face and leave it on for 20 minutes before rinsing it off.

Step 8. Put the cucumbers on the eyes
Cucumbers have a natural anti-inflammatory effect that helps reduce swelling around the eyes. They also contain a lot of water, so they have a natural moisturizing action. Just use a cucumber kept in the fridge, so you can feel a pleasant cool sensation around the eyes and decrease the blood flow in this area. Then, cut two thin slices that you are going to place directly above the eyelids, lie down for 10-15 minutes and wait for the cucumbers to perform their magical action.
You can also use cucumbers on the mask

Step 9. Apply nail polish
A great way to pamper yourself is to give your hands and feet a nice treat. First of all, soak your fingers in a basin of warm water for a couple of minutes to relax them. You can use plain hot water or mix half a glass of lavender oil or honey inside for more manicured fingers. Then remove the excess skin around the cuticles, file your nails and apply the polish you want.
- The complete treatment includes: filing the nails, applying the base coat, applying two coats of nail polish and then the top coat to make it last longer. Or you can just paint them in your favorite color and don't worry too much about looking perfect.
- Like many girls, you may not have much time to polish or care for your nails, so this kind of pampering can help you feel refreshed.
- Give your hands and feet a nice massage before applying nail polish. You will likely have sore feet if you spend most of your days up while your hands may suffer from problems caused by typing on the computer. Take the time to massage your palms, soles of your feet, and the joints of your upper and lower extremities.
- If you are not so precise when applying the nail polish, use this trick: before you begin, cover the area around the nail with petroleum jelly, so that any smudges on the skin will come off more easily.
- Let your nails dry for at least ten minutes, and while you wait, lie down or listen to some soothing music. Normally, you don't always have the luxury of sitting around and waiting for your nails to dry, so try to do whatever you can to pamper yourself.
Part 4 of 4: Using Other Methods to Relax

Step 1. Eat healthy foods
In addition to the treatments that you will do during your day of pampering and relaxation at home, you should also consider eating healthy foods, so that both the mind and the body can refresh. Make sure you have ripe fruit, such as mangoes, strawberries or peaches, so that you can make a nice and tasty fruit salad or smoothie. To get your day off to a good start, try to have a healthy breakfast of oatmeal or eggs along with lean protein. For lunch, eat a salad full of healthy ingredients and have a hearty dinner that is neither too high in fat nor too spicy, and you will feel reborn in no time.
- Nibbling on something healthy throughout the day will also make you feel great. Eat some almonds, yogurt, celery, peanut butter, or grapes whenever you're hungry.
- If at the end of your wellness day you want to relax with a glass or two of red wine, no one is preventing you. Just make sure you don't drink alcohol about 2-3 hours before bed so you can get up refreshed and refreshed.

Step 2. Drink herbal tea
What should not be missing during this day dedicated to pampering and relaxation is a few cups of herbal tea. Generally, herbal teas do not contain caffeine, so they do not cause anxiety and have many restorative and soothing properties. Mint tea is said to relieve stomach pains, chamomile tea is said to ease anxiety, while ginger tea improves circulation. Drink one cup in the morning and one in the evening, or maybe even make iced tea beyond the herbal tea, if it's a hot day.
There is no need to completely avoid caffeine if you are concerned about missing it. So if you can, try to take a little less than usual

Step 3. Do yoga
Yoga can work wonders on the mind and body. If you know any poses or have even taken a class, you should try to set aside at least 30 minutes of your relaxing day to practice some yoga. You could do some stretching exercises to stretch your body and find some positions that help strengthen your body and mind. Yoga is useful because it makes you feel more in control of yourself and can lead you to assume an attitude of gratitude towards the world around you.
- You can also do yoga in front of a video if you are feeling lost on your own, although you should avoid watching too much television on this day.
- Some positions, such as the baby, the crow, or the crescent moon, can help you gain more control of your mind and body.
- In yoga it is important to focus on the breath. This way, you will feel even more relaxed and focused on your person.

Step 4. Meditate
Meditation is another great way to relax and take care of the body and mind. If you want to pamper yourself, one of the best things to do is to spend some time this day focusing on your breathing and letting yourself be enveloped by the quiet. All you have to do is sit comfortably and work all over your body, one part at a time, while focusing on the breath coming in and out of the lungs. Try not to think about anything and banish all thoughts generated by anxiety and worry.
It is possible to practice focusing on your breath and warding off negative thoughts, so don't be disheartened if you don't succeed on the first try. Try for 10-15 minutes and see that you will feel much better

Step 5. Walk for 30 minutes
Even if you don't want to do any heavy physical activity during your relaxing day, just take a half hour walk to restore fervor, happiness and relaxation to your body and mind. Going out, breathing in some fresh air, sunbathing and getting moving can help you find your balance and stay in harmony with your body. Also, it's not a good idea to be indoors all day, so a little exercise can do nothing but good.
Try not to think in the slightest about all the responsibilities that await you. Rather, focus and benefit from the present, enjoying the view of the trees and every breath you take

Step 6. Massage yourself
A self-massage can be one of the best ways to pamper yourself and feel better. Use your hands to relieve physical pain, improve circulation, and relieve tension in muscles and joints. You can do this when you get out of the shower or at any time of day you feel a little sore. Here are some ways to massage yourself:
- Use the thumb and fingers of one hand to gently massage the palm of the other, forearms and biceps, then switch to the other arm.
- Use the fingers of both hands to make circular motions in the upper back and neck, then use only the fingertips to circularly massage the back and top of the head.
- Sit with your legs stretched out and massage from the groin to the toes.