How To Know Where To Get Perfume Samples

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How To Know Where To Get Perfume Samples
How To Know Where To Get Perfume Samples

Perfumes cost a lot and there is nothing worse than spending a lot of money on a perfume that you thought you liked and then realize you can't stand it after wearing it a couple of times. It is essential to try a perfume before buying it. But how do you know where perfume samples can be obtained?


Know Where to Get Perfume Samples Step 1
Know Where to Get Perfume Samples Step 1

Step 1. If you only want free samples, go to the Sephora website and ask for free gifts

If they don't have samples they can make you a custom one. If you go to Sephora or any other perfumery to buy cosmetics, always ask for samples. Never be afraid to ask for freebies if you buy something.

Know Where to Get Perfume Samples Step 2
Know Where to Get Perfume Samples Step 2

Step 2. When you go to the perfumery, bring plastic bags, labels, cotton balls, and empty bottles (if you have them) with you

If the perfumery doesn't have the scent you want, ask if you can make your own sample. If they say no, take the cotton ball (or the special strips of paper to try the perfumes that perfumeries have) and pour in some perfume, then put it in the plastic bag and write the name of the perfume to remember it. This way you can take it home and smell it again, to see if you really like it or not.

Know Where to Get Perfume Samples Step 3
Know Where to Get Perfume Samples Step 3

Step 3. Some perfume brands may give free samples when a new perfume is launched on the market

Check when your favorite company is about to launch a new perfume. Or find a website that specializes in providing free samples. This way you may receive several samples, but not have the option to choose them.

Know Where to Get Perfume Samples Step 4
Know Where to Get Perfume Samples Step 4

Step 4. The magazines have perfume samples between the pages

Do not trust! These samples never smell like real perfumes. Smelling the scented paper is absolutely not a valid method to understand if you like a perfume or not!

Know Where to Get Perfume Samples Step 5
Know Where to Get Perfume Samples Step 5

Step 5. What if your perfumery doesn't have the scent of your dreams because it's rare or too old?

Or maybe you don't live near a perfumery that sells that brand you want to try? There are many internet sites where you can buy perfume samples - you have to pay for them, but if you buy something from a cosmetics site, they will often include free samples with your purchase, but you can't always choose them.

Know Where to Get Perfume Samples Step 6
Know Where to Get Perfume Samples Step 6

Step 6. Some perfumeries have programs for giving away fragrance samples


  • Check out perfume blogs, such as | | Perfume Smellin 'things | | | Perfume Shrine | You can also find Italian blogs dedicated to perfumes.
  • Consult communities of perfume lovers on the internet, such as,,, or find some Italian ones.
  • Communities on these blogs often form friendships and share or exchange scents.
  • If you don't have perfumes to trade, save a little and buy 1 or 2 fine perfumes and trade them until you find the one of your dreams.


  • Make sure you know who you get the perfume sample from if you trade it or buy it online. Check the reviews of the sites that provide samples or make sure the person you trade the perfume with is serious and trustworthy.
  • If you decide to share a perfume bottle with other people make sure you like it, because you can't send it back!
  • If you participate in a perfume exchange program and are new, you will probably need to submit the perfume first. Don't be afraid, because usually the people who participate in these programs are serious and know how to manage the exchange. They will send your part of perfume to you as soon as they receive your package.
