How To Make Henna (with Pictures)

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How To Make Henna (with Pictures)
How To Make Henna (with Pictures)

For many centuries, people in various places around the world have been using henna, a skin and hair dye made from the leaves of the plant of the same name (scientific name "Lawsonia inermis"). Where the climate is desert, it is sometimes also used for its medicinal properties, but mainly henna is used on the skin and hair for decorative purposes, for example to create tattoos that express one's personality, for aesthetic purposes or to celebrate special occasions such as weddings. Making henna at home from ready-made powder or plant leaves is very simple and requires only a few ingredients.


Method 1 of 2: Use the Ready Powder

Make Henna Step 1
Make Henna Step 1

Step 1. Investigate the types of henna powder available

In stores you can find a wide variety of different products. What you should do is select the freshest and most natural powder possible to get the most color.

  • Henna dyes the skin and hair only red. Products advertised as black or blonde henna contain additional chemicals. You should avoid this type of formulation.
  • Fresh henna powder has an odor reminiscent of spinach or freshly cut hay. It is greenish in color with shades tending towards khaki. A good indication to follow is that the brighter the color, the fresher the powder.
  • If the powder is not fresh, it will tint less intensely. You can understand if a product is not recent by observing it and smelling it, if the color tends to brown and the aroma is not very intense, it is better to select a different powder.
Make Henna Step 2
Make Henna Step 2

Step 2. Buy henna powder

Before you can turn it into a pasty blend to use at home, you need to buy it. Buying it from a reputable vendor, in a store or on the web is the best way to be sure of getting the freshest, most natural powder possible.

  • You can buy henna powder online from a reputable seller, such as "The Garden of Books".
  • You can also buy henna powder at a qualified store. Again, be sure to choose a reputable vendor, such as one of the many ethnic shops or a henna tattoo studio.
  • It is usually best not to buy henna in supermarkets or health and food stores, as these are typically new powders and are not in their purest form.
Make Henna Step 3
Make Henna Step 3

Step 3. Get all the necessary items

After purchasing a quality henna powder, you need to take care of the other essential tools to turn it into a ready-to-use paste, including a boule and an acid liquid.

  • You need the following elements to get started: a boule, preferably made of plastic or glass so that it does not react in contact with the henna; a spoon or spatula for mixing; an acidic liquid, such as lemon juice or apple cider vinegar; sugar and an essential oil, such as lavender or tea tree.
  • Store the henna powder in a perfectly dry airtight container and store it in a not too hot place. Henna is sensitive to light and heat, so you need to make sure it stays cool and dark.
Make Henna Step 4
Make Henna Step 4

Step 4. Make the henna paste one day in advance

Regardless of how you want to use it, on your skin or hair, gather all the tools you need and make the mixture the day before.

It takes approximately 24 hours for the henna paste to release its pigments. By respecting these times you will be sure to get the most vivid color possible

Make Henna Step 5
Make Henna Step 5

Step 5. Put the henna powder in the boule

Remember that you should use a plastic or glass container.

  • Start with a small amount of henna powder, between 20 and 100 grams.
  • Twenty grams of henna powder makes about ninety grams of paste.
  • You should use a plastic or glass bowl as other materials, such as metal and wood, may create an undesirable reaction to henna.
Make Henna Step 6
Make Henna Step 6

Step 6. Mix 60 milliliters of acidic liquid with 20 grams of powder until you have a smooth paste

Mixing the henna with an acidic fluid, such as lemon juice or apple cider vinegar, until a smooth consistency is achieved ensures more effective pigment release.

  • If you intend to use more than twenty grams of henna, calculate the amount of acidic liquid accordingly. For example, you could mix 100 grams of powder with 300 milliliters of liquid.
  • You can use any type of acidic liquid, including lemon, lime, orange, or grapefruit juice, or even apple cider vinegar. However, lemon juice remains the best choice.
  • Avoid using a neutral liquid, such as water, or other varieties of liquids, including tea and coffee. Neither of these options has the ability to make the color more intense.
  • If you have decided to use freshly squeezed juice, you need to filter it very well to avoid pieces of pulp getting into the mixture.
  • Make sure the pasta is free of lumps. If it doesn't feel smooth enough or there are spots where the powder hasn't blended completely, add a little more liquid, just a little at a time, until it reaches the consistency of regular yogurt.
Make Henna Step 7
Make Henna Step 7

Step 7. Add one and a half teaspoons of sugar to the henna mixture

A small amount of sugar will make it adhere better to the skin and keep it moist for longer.

  • If you have used more than twenty grams of powder, calculate the appropriate amount of sugar to add to the mixture. For example, if you used 100 grams of henna, add seven and a half teaspoons of sugar.
  • Sugar makes the dough smoother and also prevents it from drying out too quickly because it has the ability to retain moisture.
Make Henna Step 8
Make Henna Step 8

Step 8. Add one and a half teaspoons of essential oil to the henna paste

The addition of an essential oil allows for a more intense color and gives a good scent to the skin or hair.

  • You can use different varieties of essential oils, including lavender, cajeput, or tea tree.
  • There are some essential oils that you should avoid though, for example mustard or clove oil because they could harm you.
Make Henna Step 9
Make Henna Step 9

Step 9. Make sure the henna paste is perfectly smooth

Once you've added all the ingredients, mix again to make sure it's as smooth as possible.

  • Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and let the mixture rest for 24 hours. After making sure all the ingredients are well blended, cover the container with cling film and let the henna settle until the next day to make sure it produces the best possible color.
  • Put the film in direct contact with the surface of the dough to protect it from the air. This way you won't risk it drying out too quickly.
  • Store the bowl in a warm, dry corner of the house. It should rest at a temperature between 24 and 30 ° C.
  • If you are using a clear boule, you will be able to see that the henna will slowly begin to release its pigments.
Make Henna Step 10
Make Henna Step 10

Step 10. Use henna paste

After about a day, the powder will have released its color and the paste will be ready to be used on the body or hair.

  • If you intend to use it to create temporary tattoos, you can find several websites and videos that contain valuable information.
  • You can find several tips on the web as well if you want to use henna paste to dye your hair.

Method 2 of 2: Using the Leaves of the Plant

Make Henna Step 11
Make Henna Step 11

Step 1. Purchase fresh or dried henna leaves

If you want to make henna from scratch using the leaves of the plant, the first thing to do is to buy them. By following this method you will have the absolute certainty that the powder is as natural and fresh as possible and you will get a brilliant color.

  • The scientific name of the henna plant is "Lawsonia inermis".
  • If you don't have a henna plant in your home or garden, you can purchase it at a plant store or through a reputable online retailer.
Make Henna Step 12
Make Henna Step 12

Step 2. Dry the fresh leaves in the sun

If you want to make henna directly from fresh leaves, you must first allow them to dry in the sun to be able to reduce them to powder.

You will know they are ready when they have the consistency of a fried potato chip in a bag

Make Henna Step 13
Make Henna Step 13

Step 3. Separate the twigs from the dry leaves

By detaching each sprig from the leaves that you have dried in the sun, you will have the guarantee that the henna powder generates the most intense and pure color possible.

Make Henna Step 14
Make Henna Step 14

Step 4. Pulverize the dried leaves with the blender or food processor

To turn them into henna powder, you need to finely grind them using one of these two appliances.

Use the most appropriate function based on the type of food processor and grind the leaves until you get a fine powder. In this way you will be sure that it is not fibrous and you will be able to obtain a smooth and homogeneous paste

Make Henna Step 15
Make Henna Step 15

Step 5. Store the henna powder in an airtight dry container

Store it in a cool place in the house until use. Do not expose it to any type of liquid until you are ready to use it. Choose a spot where it can stay away from light and heat.

Make Henna Step 16
Make Henna Step 16

Step 6. Turn the henna powder into a ready-to-use paste by following the instructions in the first part of the article

In order to use your homemade powder, you must first turn it into a paste-like mixture by applying the method described above.

Make Henna Step 17
Make Henna Step 17

Step 7. Use henna paste

After about a day, the powder will have released all of its pigments and the paste will be ready to be used on the body or hair.

  • If you intend to use it to create temporary tattoos, by doing a simple online search you can find several websites and videos that contain valuable information on this.
  • You can find several useful tips on the web too if you want to use henna paste to dye your hair.
