How to Make a Cheap and Effective Mosquito Trap

How to Make a Cheap and Effective Mosquito Trap
How to Make a Cheap and Effective Mosquito Trap

Table of contents:


If mosquitoes have invaded your home, you can reduce their numbers by turning a simple plastic bottle into a trap that will attract and eliminate these insects. The liquid inside the trap will be effective for about two weeks, at which point you can easily replace it. For best results with your pest control, place several traps around your home or garden.


Part 1 of 3: Prepare the Materials for the Trap

Make a Plastic Bottle Mosquito Trap Step 1
Make a Plastic Bottle Mosquito Trap Step 1

Step 1. Get the materials

You will need all of the items listed below to craft the trap. You can easily find them in the supermarket or hardware store:

  • An empty 2-liter plastic bottle;
  • A marker or pen
  • A utility knife;
  • A tailor's tape measure;
  • 50 g of brown sugar;
  • 250-300 ml of hot water;
  • 1 g of yeast;
  • Weight scale;
  • Adhesive tape (normal or insulating).

Step 2. Draw a line roughly in the middle of the bottle

Half is about 10 cm from the cap. You can use a ruler or a tailor's tape measure to calculate the exact stitch.

  • Stretch the tape measure 10cm.
  • Hold one end of the tape measure against the bottle cap.
  • Using the pen, draw a line 10 cm from the cap.

Step 3. Draw a circle around the bottle 10 cm from the cap

You will need to cut the bottle in half. There is no need for precise measurements, but it will be helpful to draw a reference line. Using the mark you just made as a starting point, draw a circle around the bottle about 10cm from the cap. You will be able to follow that mark to cut the bottle in half.

Step 4. Cut the plastic bottle in half

Carefully cut along the line you just drew, until the bottle is divided into two sections. Keep both parts, as you will need them to make the trap.

  • Pay attention to the sharp edges of the plastic as you cut.
  • The edges don't need to be perfect, so don't worry if you haven't followed the line you drew in some places.
Make a Plastic Bottle Mosquito Trap Step 5
Make a Plastic Bottle Mosquito Trap Step 5

Step 5. Weigh 50g of brown sugar with a scale

Put it in a container from which you can pour it directly into the bottle in the next step.

Step 6. Heat 250-300ml of water

You can do this on the stove or in the microwave, however you like. When the water starts to steam, it is hot enough for the trap.

Part 2 of 3: Assemble the Trap

Step 1. Pour hot water into the bottom half of the bottle

Do it slowly; it's hot, so don't risk it squirting, otherwise you could burn yourself.

Step 2. Pour the brown sugar into the bottom half of the bottle

Carefully transfer it from the container to the bottle. Try not to drop it and, once you have poured everything, put the container away.

Make a Plastic Bottle Mosquito Trap Step 9
Make a Plastic Bottle Mosquito Trap Step 9

Step 3. Let the solution cool

Put the bottle somewhere and wait for the water to return to room temperature. It should take 20 minutes.

Step 4. Add 1 gram of yeast to the plastic bottle

It is not necessary to mix the solution. The yeast will consume the sugar and produce carbon dioxide, which attracts mosquitoes.

Make a Plastic Bottle Mosquito Trap Step 11
Make a Plastic Bottle Mosquito Trap Step 11

Step 5. Turn the top half of the bottle over

The cap should be facing down. Hold the bottom half of the bottle with one hand and the top half upside down with the other.

Step 6. Place the top half upside down inside the bottom of the bottle

Gently push it down until the edges of the two parts line up. Make sure the cap is above the surface of the water.

  • Adult mosquitoes should have enough space to fly inside the bottle and cap.
  • If there is not enough room to fly into the bottle, remove some of the solution.
  • The insects will fly into the trap and die of asphyxiation or starvation.

Step 7. Secure the edges with tape

Use it to keep the two halves aligned. A couple of pieces of tape will be enough to hold the parts of the bottle in place.

Part 3 of 3: Using the Trap

Step 1. Place the trap on a stable surface near the mosquitoes

If these insects have infested a room or part of the garden, put the trap there. It is best to place it on a stable surface, such as a desk, counter, or the floor. Keep it away from people so they don't drop it.

Make a Plastic Bottle Mosquito Trap Step 15
Make a Plastic Bottle Mosquito Trap Step 15

Step 2. Notice if the bottle is full of dead bugs or if it is no longer effective

Over time, many mosquitoes will die inside the bottle and you will need to clean it for it to function properly again. Even if you haven't caught many insects, the liquid in the trap will lose its effectiveness over time, because the yeast will have consumed all the sugar and will no longer attract mosquitoes; many sources claim that the duration of the trap is 2 weeks.

  • Mark the date on the calendar when you will need to change the liquid.
  • Change the liquid when the bottle is full of bugs, even if it's not been 2 weeks.

Step 3. Change the yeast and solution as needed

Fortunately, this trap is reusable! Disassemble it by removing the tape, then wash both halves of the bottle with water. At this point, fill it with more sweet liquid.
