Knowing how to prune a peach tree correctly is essential for plant growth. Pruning helps the peach tree to produce larger fruit. Learning the right technique is very easy and, soon, you will find yourself with a big and sweet harvest.
Method 1 of 3: Pruning Basics

Step 1. Prune the peach tree to help it grow
In reality, this operation may seem counterintuitive but it brings incredible benefits to the development of trees.
- Pruning the peach tree stimulates fruit production. So, over time, you will get more peaches.
- Peach trees need sun, because shaded branches don't produce much. Carry out the pruning so as to open gaps to the sun's rays.
- Removing dead branches is necessary to allow younger ones to develop.
- If you want to spray the tree with pesticides, pruning ensures homogeneous coverage for the whole plant.

Step 2. Know when to prune
Best in early spring, after the last cold wave. Avoid pruning when the weather is not yet stable, as this could weaken the tree and thus block fruit production.
- The best month is usually February, but the right time can vary depending on the local weather.
- Prune older trees before young ones to give them time to grow.
- Avoid pruning trees that are in bloom or shortly after flowering as it could negatively affect growth.
- Prune the peach tree when you plant it or during the following spring (if you plant it in the fall).
- Better to prune a little late rather than early.

Step 3. Choose the right tools
There are several, each with a different purpose. For smaller, more malleable branches, use pruning shears, but a saw is fine for larger ones.
- The shears are available in different sizes and, in addition, they are safer than a saw. Whenever possible, choose the first option.
- When using a chainsaw, be careful not to cut other branches as well as this will allow bacteria and fungi to attack the plant.
- There is a gauze that is put on the stumped branches once pruned, but it has no effect in the prevention of fungi.

Step 4. Know how much to prune
When you are cutting, it is best to follow the "cat toss" rule. All the branches of the peach tree should be at a distance such that a cat thrown through them would pass without touching any of them.
- When the tree is adult, keep it at a height of 240-360cm.
- In the beginning, prune the tree low, to encourage growth in width rather than height.
- To get large, full-bodied fruits, remove up to 90% of those that are born. A healthy tree will produce more fruit than it can bear and must be pruned for optimal yield.
Method 2 of 3: Prune a Young Peach Tree

Step 1. Prune to planting
As just said, it is important to start growing the peach tree in the right direction, pruning it right away. If you plant it in the fall, wait a few months, until the following spring.

Step 2. Prune so that the lowest branch is about 12 inches above the ground
The branches should not start from a greater height because, as the tree matures, it will become too tall.
- The tallest branch should be about 3 feet above the ground. Prune the ones that are too long.
- All branches should ideally grow at a 45 ° angle. If no branch respects these measures, prune them all by reducing them to a single bud and wait for the second growth.

Step 3. Select the bifurcations in summer
They are the largest branches that start from the trunk. To start, choose 2 or 3, but this number can double over time.
- The bifurcations should form a radius pattern from the trunk, each pointing in a different direction.
- Over time, the bifurcations will hold up the low and lateral branches as they develop.

Step 4. Prune the branches close to the trunk
You will need to cut them off leaving a small collar to prevent them from rotting.
- Make cuts to prune and, on trees younger than a year, cut at the base of the branch.
- The return cut is used to remove only a portion of the branch. Avoid doing this to young trees though, to avoid promoting the growth of unwanted suckers and shoots near the top.
Method 3 of 3: Prune a Mature Tree

Step 1. Remove all that is dry and diseased
Any dead or diseased branches must be removed.
- Remove suckers and shoots growing near the roots.
- Remove dried fruit from the previous harvest.
- Remove the shoots from the top of the tree. They are like suckers that grow high.

Step 2. Shape the tree
It is the most important step of pruning, because the fruit production as well as the appearance of the peach tree depends on the shape of the plant. You will need to choose 4 or 6 branches to work with, and then cut the rest.
- Any branches you cut should grow back at 45 °. Vertical or horizontal branches need to be removed as they would break once filled with fruit.
- Prune the tree into a V shape. All branches should look like this.
- Cut any branches that fit together. Those that intersect create shadow, preventing an adequate supply of light.
- Remove any branches on which there is an upward growth that exceeds your head. This way you won't have any problems getting to the fruit.

Step 3. Prune near the base of the branch
Obviously, do this at the same angle of growth, about 0.5 cm from the side shoot.
- Avoid cutting a branch at an angle that is too sharp or too close to the base collar, otherwise you will promote infection.
- On branches that are over 2.5 cm in diameter, make three incisions to make pruning easier. Run the first halfway down from the branch. Then, make a cut of another 2.5 cm from top to bottom. The weight of the branch will help it break easily. Finally, make the cut near the collar.

Step 4. The tree should have an open heart, with the branches twisting around like a donut or ring when viewed from above
- Do not prune the tree too much, otherwise the peach production may be affected and the plant will grow poorly.
- Well established trees may need only light pruning or pruning to keep low branches and foliage under control. Also, newly planted ones need very little pruning.
- Peach trees bear fruit on previous year's branches, so you should avoid pruning those that are one year old. During the resting season, a one-year-old branch is distinguished by a reddish color.