Burning incense is not only a relaxing and pleasant pleasure, it helps reduce anxiety and fight depression. Importantly, you should only burn it in well-ventilated areas, because long-term exposure to smoke has been associated with cardiovascular complications. Also, you should never leave it unattended while it burns and you should make sure it is completely off when you are done using it. Of course, people have been burning incense all over the world for thousands of years and you can do it yourself at home easily and safely.
Method 1 of 3: Use a Stick, Incense Match or Bundle of Herbs

Step 1. Use a bundle of herbs
Despite the name, it is perhaps the most classic type of incense. The most common bundle consists of sage tied tightly in a bunch. Sometimes, juniper, cedar and other types of plant material are used. You can purchase these "steaming bundles" (or herbs to make your own with a bit of string) from herbalists or aromatherapy stores.
- This type of incense is mostly associated with Native American purification practices and can convey a feeling of comfort and positive energy.
- Ignite the herbs on the unbound end of the bunch and let it start to burn. Rub it against a plate to extinguish the flames and to allow for fire-free combustion. Lay the bundle on its side inside a fireproof container, such as an ashtray or ceramic plate; check that it has plenty of space available.

Step 2. Prepare a bundle of herbs
Tie a bunch of sage twigs tightly before they dry out to form a bunch about the diameter of a coin. Use branches that are shorter than your hand; you can tie them in multiple places by spacing the twine finger-width apart to keep the bunch compact. Let the sage dry in the sunlight after hanging it upside down. Cut the ends of the branches when they are dry to obtain a well-tightened cylinder as long as the width of the palm of your hand.
Step 3. Use some incense sticks and a burner
Sticks are the most popular type of incense in the world and are really very easy to use. If you have decided for this solution, look for an artisan manufacturer that supplies high quality, toxic-free sticks. When you have found a supplier who uses only safe ingredients, get a burner to ignite the incense safely and check that the ash falls back into a container for easy disposal.
Incense stick burners are available with different decorations, but are usually trays with an incense to hold the ash and have an upward curved end with a hole for the stick to fit into
Step 4. Set the stick on fire with a lighter or match
Let it burn for a few moments and then blow out the flame. A small round ember should remain, from which a stream of fragrant smoke constantly comes out. If the smoke stops or is not constant, re-ignite the stick and wait a few more seconds before putting it out. If the ember is very hot or extends more than a few millimeters along the stick, press it against the holder to reduce its size.

Step 5. Beware of low quality sticks
There are many varieties of incense and two different production methods. The "dipped" ones are wooden sticks covered with flammable material - usually charcoal or wood pulp - which are then dipped in essential oils or synthetic fragrances and finally dried. Hand-rolled sticks are produced in a slightly different way, but the end result is very similar. In both cases, the package does not list all the ingredients and it is possible that sometimes toxic glues or low quality wood have been used.
- The fact that there are doubts about the quality of the ingredients used to make the sticks does not make this type of incense the safest to use.
- Since this product is widely available online, on stalls and flea markets, it is not always possible to trace its origin; as a result, it is not easy to determine whether it is safe to use incense. For this reason, only buy sticks that have the European Community mark on their packaging and only from reputable dealers.
Step 6. Use an incense match
This product is extremely simple to use, is very similar to a miniature stick and is sold in a box with sandpaper, just like regular matches. Again, don't forget to buy only those with "CE" certification. If you have opted for this solution, rub the match on the sandpaper in the opposite direction from your body, hold it vertically and let the first 6 mm burn. Blow out the flame and place the match in a fireproof container, such as an ashtray or saucer. Try to keep it slightly raised, inserting a non-flammable object into the container, to allow it to burn constantly.
Method 2 of 3: Burn an Incense Cone

Step 1. Use an incense cone
This type of incense is becoming more and more popular and offers a similar, albeit slightly different, experience to that of sticks. Choose those made with Makko powder - the derivative of a particular type of slow-burning wood with a neutral scent - and essential oils.
Cones emit varying amounts of aroma based on how much fragrance was used in production. This way, you can choose the intensity level of the scent, from very light to very strong, depending on your preferences

Step 2. Find a safe container or support
The cones burn completely, the container must therefore be fireproof, since the embers will touch it directly. There are plates and boxes made of different materials, including finely worked stone and porcelain; you can even use brass-coated wooden containers in the area where they come into contact with ash and embers.
If you have opted for a simple ceramic plate, you should place a coin or metal disc under the cone, as its base gets hot
Step 3. Add sand or rice to the bottom of the container
Although not mandatory, a smooth layer of sand on which to rest the cone allows for better air circulation; it also reduces the amount of heat the container is exposed to, preventing the material from aging prematurely or breaking.
Step 4. Set the tip of the inverted cone on fire
You can use a lighter or a match. Wait about ten seconds before extinguishing the flame; in so doing, the incense totally catches fire and can produce an ember that continues to burn even without a flame. There should be a continuous stream of smoke escaping from the tip of the cone. Let it burn for as long as you want; you can take it off and turn it on later if it has not worn out completely.

Step 5. Keep the incense cones dry
The main cause that turns them off is a lack of oxygen. If you are using a closed burner and the incense keeps going out, try removing the lid. If oxygen deficiency is not the problem, perhaps the cone may still be holding some moisture from the manufacturing process or it may have been exposed to water; dry it by putting it in a place with dry air. To store this type of incense normally, store it in a cool, dry place out of direct sunlight.
Method 3 of 3: Making and Burning an Incense Path
Step 1. Draw a path for the incense within the white husk ash
Fill the burner with this ash and tap it gently to stabilize the ash. Create the path with a solid line. You can follow a "U" shape, draw a spiral or any other shape you like, as long as it is made up of a solid line; more importantly, the pattern must be 1-1.5 cm deep and 2.5 cm wide.
- You can buy husk white ash from incense stores or online.
- You can also use a koh mold. It is a special tool that was traditionally used to create intricate incense paths and which also offers the advantage of saving time.
Step 2. Fill the groove with a mixture of incense, Makko powder or sandalwood
The latter material is combustible and at the same time gives off a pleasant aroma. Makko powder is virtually odorless and you can cover it with a loose layer of incense or mix it with the mixture before filling the path.
Slightly compact the incense path after filling the incision with the aromatic material
Step 3. Set the course on fire with a match or a special stick
You can get a wooden stick made just to light incense or a simple match. Place it on one end of the groove and let the incense start to burn. If you only used pure Makko powder to fill the pattern, sprinkle it with melted incense after the glowing embers have formed.

Step 4. When the incense is completely burned, wait for it to cool
Remove it with a spoon and throw it away, making sure the embers are completely extinguished. You can reuse any husk ash that didn't mix with the burned material.
- Keep incense out of the reach of children.
- Never leave it unattended while it burns.
- Always make sure it has turned off completely before leaving the room or throwing out any debris.