Asbestos is a type of natural mineral, its very strongly pressed fibers constitute a very resistant material. Its strength makes it ideal for insulation (also fireproof) and many other uses. Unfortunately, asbestos also poses a serious health risk as the thin fibers dispersed in the air enter the lungs causing scarring inside them (mesothelioma) and cancer.

Step 1. Determine when the building was built
Asbestos (asbestos) was widely used between 1920 and 1989. Since 1992, in Italy, its use is prohibited but not its sale. Asbestos is commonly found in buildings, but also in gas stoves, hair dryers, some clothing and car brakes.

Step 2. Wear suitable clothing and protective gear:
gloves, boots, old clothes that will be disposed of after their exposure to asbestos, a mask with a HEPA filter.

Step 3. Stop any air conditioner, any fan or air circulation system that could spread asbestos fibers

Step 4. Seal the area; do not allow anyone to be contaminated during specimen collection

Step 5. Spread plastic sheets under the area from which the samples will be taken, use adhesive tape to secure the sheets

Step 6. Spray the area from which you take the samples with water to prevent the spread of fibers

Step 7. Make an incision in the material to take pieces of fiber

Step 8. Take a small sample of material that may be or contain asbestos
Be very careful. Place the sample in sealable containers and label them to know when and where the material was taken.

Step 9. Seal the area from which you took the fibers with a plastic sheet, drywall or duct tape to prevent the spread of suspicious fibers

Step 10. Take off the protections and clothes, put them in a plastic bag, seal it, put it in a second bag and hermetically seal the latter too
Do the same with the plastic sheets you spread out on the floor.

Step 11. Contact a specialized laboratory, a qualified company or the ARPA in your region to have the sample analyzed and, at the same time, to prepare the necessary documentation to start the asbestos removal procedures
If you have taken the sample yourself, you must go to a certified laboratory for analysis and also hand over the protections you wore during the operations for disposal.