How to Dilate or Shrink Pupils on Command

How to Dilate or Shrink Pupils on Command
How to Dilate or Shrink Pupils on Command

Table of contents:


What is the secret to giving someone a "bad look" or "sweet eyes"? Believe it or not, it all depends on the size of the pupils. Indeed, the researchers found that the emotions we feel about what we see affect the size of our pupils (welcome to the world of "pupillometry"). So, whether you want to intimidate an enemy or make someone fall in love, this article is for you.


Part 1 of 3: Quick Dilation Techniques

Dilate or Shrink Your Pupils on Command Step 1
Dilate or Shrink Your Pupils on Command Step 1

Step 1. Imagine a dark room

Research carried out in 2014 showed that people are sometimes able to dilate their pupils by imagining dark shapes or scenes. Think of black bears storming a dark campground at midnight and you will notice that the pupils may widen momentarily.

Dilate or Shrink Your Pupils on Command Step 2
Dilate or Shrink Your Pupils on Command Step 2

Step 2. Focus on a distant object or stare at it without focusing

The pupils become larger as the eyes get used to a greater viewing distance. Another approach to this method is to suddenly blur your vision, blurring your vision as much as possible. If you are doing it correctly, your eyes are very relaxed; if you start seeing double, you've probably crossed your eyes and need to start over.

With these techniques, you are obviously unable to observe the behavior of your eyes, so you will need to take a video or have a friend check you out

Dilate or Shrink Your Pupils on Command Step 3
Dilate or Shrink Your Pupils on Command Step 3

Step 3. Approach a darker area of the room

As you probably already know, the pupils dilate to let in more light. If you can't darken your surroundings, you can still dilate your pupils by turning your back to the window or light source.

Dilate or Shrink Your Pupils on Command Step 4
Dilate or Shrink Your Pupils on Command Step 4

Step 4. Try to contract your stomach

Tighten your stomach and keep your muscles tense as you look in a mirror to see if your pupil size increases. Some people are able to dilate them in this way, although the mechanism that causes it is not yet known. If you don't see any changes after repeated attempts at muscle twitching, try a different technique.

Dilate or Shrink Your Pupils on Command Step 3
Dilate or Shrink Your Pupils on Command Step 3

Step 5. Imagine something that gives you an adrenaline rush

The pupils can greatly dilate when you are in a state of arousal and especially when you are sexually stimulated, due to the release of oxytocin and adrenaline. In addition to dilating the pupils, these chemicals cause thoughts in the mind to speed up, muscles to stiffen, and breathing becomes faster. Through biofeedback people can learn to "drive" their adrenaline levels to increase or decrease them.

Part 2 of 3: Powerful Dilation Techniques

Dilate or Shrink Your Pupils on Command Step 6
Dilate or Shrink Your Pupils on Command Step 6

Step 1. Use antihistamine eye drops

Take some non-prescription eye drops that are typically used to treat allergies. These eye drops can dilate the pupils. Be sure to read the instructions and never put more drops than recommended on the package.

Dilate or Shrink Your Pupils on Command Step 7
Dilate or Shrink Your Pupils on Command Step 7

Step 2. Drink an espresso or take some decongestants

Stimulants that act on the sympathetic nervous system can activate the muscles of the iris and dilate the pupils. These include caffeine, ephedrine, pseudoephedrine and phenylephrine. The last three active ingredients are found in most over-the-counter decongestants.

Dilate or Shrink Your Pupils on Command Step 8
Dilate or Shrink Your Pupils on Command Step 8

Step 3. Consider taking 5-HTP supplements

These are over-the-counter medications that you can easily find in pharmacies or any store that sells supplements. Although this is generally a safe supplement, too high a dosage can cause dangerous "serotonin syndrome" effects. Never exceed the recommended dosage and completely avoid taking it if you are taking LSD, cocaine, antidepressants, large doses of vitamin B, or other substances that increase serotonin levels.

Dilate or Shrink Your Pupils on Command Step 9
Dilate or Shrink Your Pupils on Command Step 9

Step 4. Avoid taking other substances without your doctor's advice

Some prescription eye drops can dilate the pupils, but cause serious side effects that need to be evaluated by a doctor. If you are undergoing methadone treatment or have a condition that causes your pupils to narrow, you should contact your doctor for advice on how to counter this problem.

Some drugs also cause the pupils to dilate. They are usually illegal in almost all countries and can create additional health risks when combined with other pupillokinetic substances

Part 3 of 3: Shrinking Pupils

Dilate or Shrink Your Pupils on Command Step 10
Dilate or Shrink Your Pupils on Command Step 10

Step 1. Look at the bright, natural light

Look at a bright window for a few seconds. The pupils will immediately shrink. If you are outdoors, place yourself in direct sunlight instead of staying in the shade.

  • While light from bulbs also works in this sense, natural light is certainly more effective.
  • Never look directly into the sun, as this could damage your eyes.
Dilate or Shrink Your Pupils on Command Step 11
Dilate or Shrink Your Pupils on Command Step 11

Step 2. Focus very carefully on something near you

The pupils narrow as you shift your attention to something in front of your face. You can start by closing one eye and placing your finger in front of the open one. With practice, you can learn to focus near even when there is nothing.

Dilate or Shrink Your Pupils on Command Step 12
Dilate or Shrink Your Pupils on Command Step 12

Step 3. Consider taking medications

There is a wide variety of medications to narrow the pupils, but they are typically only available by prescription or otherwise administered only by a doctor.

For example, opiates narrow the pupils, but most of them are illegal in many countries. They can also cause severe damage, especially when combined with other drugs that narrow or dilate the pupils


  • If you need to post a picture of yourself, such as to create an online profile for a dating site, you can change it to make the pupils bigger. Studies have shown that when men are shown two images of the same woman but a photo has been edited to enlarge the pupils, men find the woman in the edited photo to be more "attractive" and "more beautiful".
  • The eyes tend to be lighter making the pupils more evident.


  • A dilation and constriction of the pupils caused by conscious effort can strain the eyes. Stop trying for a few days if your eye muscles are sore or contracted.
  • The pupils narrow in bright light to avoid over-stimulating the nerves. Do not deliberately dilate them on a sunny day; if someone takes a picture with the flash or the lights come on suddenly you risk ruining your eyesight.
  • Avoid over-the-counter medications that contain belladonna extract or atropine. They are dangerous and should only be administered by a doctor.
