Smelly vials allow you to play a lot of tricks, and at home you can prepare a large assortment of them. The ingredients you need are all commonly used, so you probably already have them at home. It is not illegal to use them, but you should still choose your victims carefully.
Method 1 of 3: Eggs, Milk and Vinegar

Step 1. Get everything you need
You will need a container with a lid (or an empty can), an egg, a tablespoon of milk, a tablespoon of vinegar, a pair of scissors, and an airtight bag.
You will only need a bag if you are using a can, as its function is similar to that of a container lid

Step 2. Cut off the top of an empty can
Try to use a container you don't intend to reuse - an empty can is just the thing for you. Starting 5 cm from the top edge, carefully cut it out with a sharp pair of scissors.
- If you have a plastic container with an airtight lid (which you never use), you can improvise and use it instead of the can.
- A glass jar with a lid will also work.

Step 3. Break an egg into the can
You can open it and pour the contents into the container, otherwise you can break it and put it all in the container, including the shell. In any case, it will have a disgusting smell.
- You can also put it on without breaking it, but the preparation of the vial may take longer.
- Any type of egg will do: white, brown, free-range chicken. Take the first egg you find in the fridge.

Step 4. Pour milk and vinegar into the can
Measure out one tablespoon of milk and one tablespoon of vinegar, then pour them into the bowl. Any type of milk will do, but make sure it's cow's milk (for example, almond milk isn't). Use the classic white vinegar.
If you put the whole egg in the container and it hasn't broken, you will need more vinegar. Pour in enough to cover the entire egg

Step 5. Close the container tightly and store it in a warm place
If you are using a can, put it in an airtight bag and seal it. It should be large enough for the can, so that you can still place it vertically on a flat surface after closing the bag. If you are using another container, be sure to close the lid tightly.
- Closed the bag, put it in a warm place, where it will not be touched by anyone.
- Before using the solution, let it sit for a week. The longer you wait, the more intense the stench will be.

Step 6. When you are ready to use the stink vial, remove it from the pouch or open the lid
Don't do this until you have decided what use to give it. It is most effective when hidden in a specific location, such as your brother's bedroom or under the kitchen table.
- The stench it will emit will be unbearable, a cross between rotten eggs and spoiled milk.
- Try not to spill it on yourself - it smells awful.
Method 2 of 3: Ammonia and Sulfur

Step 1. Get everything you need
You will need a plastic container (such as a water bottle) with a stopper (do not use glass containers or fragile materials). You'll also need ammonia, a pair of scissors, and a pack of matches.
Ammonia is a cleaning solution. Handle it with care

Step 2. Cut the head (the part that lights up) from all the matches in the pack with scissors
Throw away the wooden sticks - you will only need the heads. Put them in the plastic bottle.
- The match heads contain all the sulfur you need to make the smelly vial.
- You can buy powdered sulfur, but it is generally difficult to find and expensive.
- Match heads are much easier and safer to use.

Step 3. Fill the plastic bottle halfway with ammonia
Pour it over the heads of the matches. Close the cap tightly.
- Closed the bottle, let the smelly vial rest for about 3-4 days. The chemicals will react with each other.
- Try not to spill the ammonia on you, make sure you close the cap tightly and put the bottle away after use.
- Never mix ammonia and bleach - they produce a highly toxic gas that can be lethal.

Step 4. When you are ready to use the stink vial, open the bottle
Don't do it before then! Hide it near the place where you will play the prank (such as your brother's bedroom, under the kitchen table, and so on).
- It will have a terrible smell, similar to that of rotten eggs.
- Try not to spill it on yourself.
Method 3 of 3: Egg Whites and Caustic Soda

Step 1. Get all the ingredients
You will need an empty glass jar with a lid, caustic soda flakes, warm water, 6 egg whites and a spoon.
Caustic soda is a drain cleaner, so handle it with care

Step 2. Pour the caustic soda into the glass jar calculating 1.5 cm
It is not necessary to use a dispenser, do it by eye. Next, pour in about 3 cm of warm water.
- Again, you can measure by eye: you don't have to be particularly precise.
- Make sure you close the caustic soda and put it away after using it.

Step 3. Break 6 eggs and separate the egg whites from the yolks
Open them one at a time. Place the egg whites in a bowl or cup while tossing the egg yolks and shells. At this point, pour the egg whites into the glass container, then mix them well with the caustic soda and warm water using a spoon.
- If you've never separated egg whites and yolks, you can always ask your mom to tell you how (but tell her it's for an omelette, not a smelly vial).
- At the supermarket you can find egg whites already separated from the yolks, so if you want, you can buy and use them.

Step 4. Close the container with the lid and hide it in a warm place for a week
The substances will mix with each other and allow you to get a smelly vial. Make sure you keep the container in a safe place so that no one can find it.
Shake the container well every 2 to 3 days

Step 5. When you are ready to use the stink vial, open the container
Until you are sure how to use it, keep it aside. As soon as you decide to play the prank, you can hide it wherever you want, like your brother's bedroom, under the bathroom sink or the kitchen table.
- Try not to spill it on yourself - it smells awful.
- Instead of hiding the container without a lid, you can always throw its contents in the place where you want to play the prank, but it is not recommended, as your brother or mother may force you to clean up.