How to Play Dodgeball: 15 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Play Dodgeball: 15 Steps (with Pictures)
How to Play Dodgeball: 15 Steps (with Pictures)

Table of contents:


If you want to play dodgeball, just follow these steps. The most important thing, of course, is to practice!


Play Dodgeball Step 1
Play Dodgeball Step 1

Step 1. Stay behind and let your teammates take the balls if you're not very fast

If none of your team is fast, let the other team grab the balls and stay behind, trying to dodge and catch the balls on the fly. If you and your teammates have managed to get on the balls, roll the others back so that the opposing team doesn't catch them.

Play Dodgeball Step 2
Play Dodgeball Step 2

Step 2. When you have a ball, hold it until the best players on the opposing team have thrown theirs, then try to hit the less skilled opponents

Eliminate discreet pitchers first, for less distraction. If you are not a skilled thrower, just catch the balls that are thrown at you.

Play Dodgeball Step 3
Play Dodgeball Step 3

Step 3. As you prepare to throw, stay crouched on the ground and start running towards the line dividing the two sides

This will help you gain shooting power. If they throw a ball at you while running towards the center line, crouching and running towards the line will help you dodge because you will be ready to move fast and you will be a smaller target. This will make it harder for opponents to hit you in the body and often their shots will be directed towards the head and therefore easier to dodge. Also, in some versions of dodgeball, it is not allowed to hit the head!

Play Dodgeball Step 4
Play Dodgeball Step 4

Step 4. When throwing, don't be afraid to turn and fall from the momentum, helping with your hand to get up

Play Dodgeball Step 5
Play Dodgeball Step 5

Step 5. To catch a ball on the fly, wait for it, don't move towards it

Wait for it to reach chest height and when it is about 60 cm from you start raising your hands to take it. When it reaches your chest, you can block it with your hands. This is the safest method of making a grip.

Play Dodgeball Step 6
Play Dodgeball Step 6

Step 6. When dodging, always be ready to jump, as opponents often aim for the legs

Always try to stay standing. If you fall to the ground you will be an easy target for the opponents.

Play Dodgeball Step 7
Play Dodgeball Step 7

Step 7. Practice jumping, throwing and running, the basics of dodgeball

Play Dodgeball Step 8
Play Dodgeball Step 8

Step 8. Think of the game as a war

Imagine fighting for your life and facing your worst enemy.

Play Dodgeball Step 9
Play Dodgeball Step 9

Step 9. Pay attention to all directions

Play Dodgeball Step 10
Play Dodgeball Step 10

Step 10. Don't move if someone throws the ball towards you

In some cases, it will miss the shot and you can make a hold. The oldest trick in the world is to voluntarily throw slightly away from the target in the hope that it will dodge in that direction.

Play Dodgeball Step 11
Play Dodgeball Step 11

Step 11. A good strategy is to coordinate with friends and all shoot the same player from different points on the pitch

This will help you hit the target.

Play Dodgeball Step 12
Play Dodgeball Step 12

Step 12. Have no mercy

Eliminate the best players first, so that they cannot eliminate your teammates.

Play Dodgeball Step 13
Play Dodgeball Step 13

Step 13. Move fast

This means that you will never be able to rest or take breaks.

Play Dodgeball Step 14
Play Dodgeball Step 14

Step 14. Take two balls and throw one at the opponent's feet

After your first shot he will try to catch the ball - if he does, throw the second to take him out.

Play Dodgeball Step 15
Play Dodgeball Step 15

Step 15. When throwing the ball at an opponent do not aim for the upper body, as it would be easier to dodge and catch, aim for the shins


  • If you are fast enough and you are not one of the best shooters on the team, run for the balls and throw them back to your teammates. Almost always, one of your teammates will make a grapple and allow you to reenter.
  • Never run full speed to the balls in the beginning, unless your opponents do the same.
  • If the referee eliminates you, don't protest, as you may be sent off.
  • Do not think about anything that is not relevant to the game (if it is not a revenge of course).
  • A good trick is to stay close to your teammates who have been knocked out on the side of the pitch, as if you've been knocked out, but keep a ball behind your back to surprise an opponent.
  • Try not to keep your knees locked.
  • Do not talk or interact with other people during the game; it will only serve to distract you.
  • Use the lob and powerful shot method. Get close to a friend. Tell him to throw a lob across the court. The person who gets the lob will think "easy elimination. I should catch the ball on the fly". Just before your opponent can make the catch though, throw your ball hard to clear him while he's focused on the lob.
  • Always stay crouched! Is very important.
  • Try spinning a wheel away from the opponent. You will confuse him and you can hit him.


  • Don't run to the balls… you will be hit.
  • Don't stay too close or too far from the half way line.
  • When a ball is directed towards you, dodge!
