How many times in class have you wanted to make a beautiful paper airplane? Would you like to fly it to prank your professor? You are in the right place, in about 20 seconds you will have a beautiful paper plane to launch at whoever you want.
Step 1. Get a classic sheet of A4 paper
Alternatively, you can use any 21x29 cm sheet of paper. Arrange it flat on your desk.
Step 2. Fold the sheet in half lengthwise, like a hot dog
Step 3. Re-open the sheet and hold it in front of you, with the fold oriented vertically
Fold both top corners of the paper towards the center to form two identical triangles.
Step 4. Repeat the movements you performed in the previous step
In this step you will not have to fold the corners, but the outer side of the two triangles that were created in the previous step. Fold them towards the center symmetrically.
Step 5. After completing step number 4, fold the sheet in half lengthwise again
Step 6. Take each of the two wings and fold them outwards so that they line up with the bottom of your plane
Fold the edges well. Remember to perform this step for both wings.
Step 7. After completing step 6, fold the wings again, but this time towards the top edge, aligning them with the body of the plane
Step 8. Now spread your wings
Make sure the top of your plane is perfectly flat and all sides are aligned. Fold all the edges well.
Step 9. You just have to test your paper plane
With a quick, smooth flick of your wrist, you should see your airplane take off.