The Compass Rose is a fundamental orientation tool for cartographers and navigators from all over the world, whose long history dates back to the time of ancient Greece. Many good representations of this simple and effective instrument are available. In this article we will teach you how to draw a 16-pointed one.

Step 1. On a sheet of textured paper, draw a cross in the center
- To do this, make two marks on the left and right edges of the paper that are equidistant from the top edge. With a pencil, join these two points through a horizontal line.
Starting from the center of the horizontal line thus obtained, draw two points above and below it and join these two points through a vertical line. The result should be as shown above
Draw a Compass Rose Step 2 Step 2. Draw a large circle using the compass
For this example, we will consider a circle with a radius of 7.5cm. This circle will represent the outer outline of your Compass Rose when finished.
Draw a Compass Rose Step 3 Step 3. Using a protractor, make a mark on the outer circle at 45 °, 135 °, 225 ° and 315 °, then connect the 45 ° mark with the 225 ° mark with a line and the 315 ° mark with the one on 135 °
Draw a Compass Rose Step 4 Step 4. Still using the protractor, mark these other points in correspondence with:
- 22.5°
- 67.5°
- 112.5°
- 157.5°
- 202.5°
- 247.5°
- 292.5°
- 337.5°
Draw a Compass Rose Step 5 Step 5. Now connect the following points:
- 22.5 ° with 202.5 °
- 67.5 ° with 247.5 °
- 112.5 ° with 292.5 °
157.5 ° with 337.5 °
Draw a Compass Rose Step 6 Step 6. Now draw a second circle with a 5 cm radius
Draw a Compass Rose Step 7 Step 7. Now adjust your compass to a radius of 2.5cm and draw a third circle in the center
Draw a Compass Rose Step 8 Step 8. Now draw the arrows for the main cardinal points
It begins at point 0 ° (N) on the outer circle and draws a line up to the intersection of 45 ° with the innermost circle.
- Do the same from 0 ° to the intersection of 315 ° with the innermost circle.
Repeat this process at 90 ° (E), drawing lines that intersect the innermost circle with 45 ° and 135 °; do the same at 180 ° (S), intersecting the innermost circle with 135 ° and 225 °; repeat at 270 ° (W), intersecting the inner circle with 225 ° and 315 °. Your Compass Rose should now look like this:
Draw a Compass Rose Step 9 Step 9. Now draw the secondary cardinal points
Start at the 45 ° (NE) point in the outer circle and draw a line intersecting 22.5 ° with the right side of cardinal point N.
- Do the same for the 45 ° point intersecting the point on the 67.5 ° and the top of the cardinal point E.
Repeat the operation for the point 135 ° (SE), drawing intersection lines between the part below the cardinal point E and the right side of the cardinal point S. Same for the point 225 ° (SW), drawing intersection lines between the left side of the cardinal point S and the part below the cardinal point W; finally, for point 315 ° (NW), drawing intersection lines between the part above the cardinal point W and the part to the right of the cardinal point N. Your Compass Rose should now look like this:
Draw a Compass Rose Step 10 Step 10. Now add the end points, starting with the NNE
Start at the intersection of the outer circle and the 22.5 ° point and draw a line from the outer circle to the intersection of the middle circle with the right side of the cardinal point N. Repeat from the 22.5 ° mark to the intersection of the circle of the middle and the top of the NE cardinal point.
- Repeat this process at point 67.5 ° (ENE), drawing intersection lines between the circle of the middle finger and the part below the NE cardinal point and the upper part of the E. cardinal point.
- From point 112.5 ° (ESE) to the part below the cardinal point E and to the part above the cardinal point SE.
- From point 157.5 ° (SSE) to the part below the SE cardinal point and to the right side of the S. cardinal point.
- From point 202.5 ° (SSW) to the left side of the S cardinal point and to the lower part of the SW cardinal point.
- From point 247.5 ° (WSW) to the upper part of the SW cardinal point and to the lower part of the W cardinal point.
- From point 292.5 ° (WNW) to the upper part of the W cardinal point and the lower part of the NW cardinal point.
Finally, from point 337.5 ° (NNW) to the top of the NW cardinal point and to the left of the N cardinal point. Your Compass Rose should now look like this: