Are you looking for a simple and cute dress but you can't find one to your taste or, simply, the ones you've seen around are too expensive? Finding a dress for a party, funeral or wedding doesn't have to be difficult - you can always make your own. It's easy, just follow the simple steps listed in this article, which explains how to make a scarf, or Mexican-style dress. However, it could also help you to make other types of dress.
Part 1 of 3: Measure and Cut the Fabric

Step 1. Take your measurements
Measure from the top of the shoulder (usually where the seam of the shirt is) up to the height you want the hem of the dress to reach. Then measure your hips, taking the widest point as a reference. Add 3-5 cm to the distance between the shoulders and the hem and at least 10 cm to the measurement of the hips, so that the dress fits you more comfortably (even more if you have the shoulders wider than the hips). If you want the top to be even wider, add about 15-20cm.
- Let's say, for example, that the distance from the shoulders to the knees (where you want the dress to go) is 100 cm and your hips measure 91 cm. Ideally you will need a piece of fabric that is about 105cm wide and long, but a size like 105x52cm can also work.
- The fabric must be divided into four identical rectangles (on one side the measurement of the length and on the other a quarter of the measurement of the hips, leaving a seam allowance of a few centimeters). It's fine to use four rectangular shaped pieces of fabric.
- In general, the seam allowance should be 2-5 cm on each side.

Step 2. Choose the fabric
You can use the fabric of your choice. Summer fabrics in bright colors or white are more traditional, but you can also use tablecloths, curtains and scarves.
Stretchy fabrics like jersey work well with this dress, but are difficult to work with. You will need to set up your sewing machine precisely (keeping the presser foot loose enough, but not too loose). Sew carefully
Step 3. Cut the fabric
Cut the fabric into four identical rectangles. As already mentioned, the ideal size of the rectangles must be on the one hand the shoulder-hem distance, leaving a seam allowance, on the other hand a quarter of the size of the sides, plus a seam allowance that allows the various pieces to be sewn together..
Continuing with the example already mentioned, the rectangles should measure 105 cm on one side and about 26 cm on the other
Part 2 of 3: Sew the Various Parts
Step 1. Start sewing the shoulders
Take two rectangles and pin together the two short sides, so that the straight sides of the fabric touch. This will allow you to sew the shoulders. Sew the two pieces by hand or use a sewing machine, following an equidistant line about 3 to 5 cm from the edge of the fabric.
When you pin two pieces of fabric together you may be tempted to follow the imaginary line that you will need to sew next. It is actually preferable to point the pins perpendicular to the line, so that you can sew the fabric without having to remove them (although you will eventually have to do it)
Step 2. Pin the sides and measure the opening for the head
Once the shoulders are sewn, your future dress should look like two simple strips of very long fabric. Join the two straight sides of the two pieces of fabric together and pin them on one side. This way you will get the center line of the dress. Take your measurements and decide how low-cut the dress should be, both front and back.
For both sides, start measuring from the shoulder seam and mark the desired spot with chalk
Step 3. Sew the fabric strips
Start sewing from the bottom edge up to the shoulders, on the side where you placed the pins. Stop when you get to the neckline mark. Stop the stitches, cut the thread and repeat the operation on the opposite side.
Stop the stitches by turning the sewing machine back and passing them for about 2-5 cm, then sew again back to where you left off and go back one more time. This way you can cut the thread without risking the seam unraveling over time

Step 4. Hem the dress
Start sewing the hem at the bottom of the dress, pointing the pins about 1-2 cm from the edge (depending on how much margin you have left). Sew in a straight line.

Step 5. Measure your waist
The next step is to make an elastic waist. Take some elastic tape that measures about 5mm or 1cm. Measure the narrowest point of your waist as well as its circumference 5cm above and 5cm below that point. Now measure the distance between your shoulders and the narrowest point in your waist. Using these measurements as a reference, draw the same line on the dress, noting the top and bottom lines as well.
- This type of waist, which uses three layers of elastic, creates a bodice with a rather puffy effect. If you prefer a simpler result, you can also decide to note only the center line, thus obtaining a fitted bodice.
- Remember that you don't necessarily have to make an elastic waist: you can also use a simple belt to tighten the dress at the waist. When the material is very thin, silky or has a very complicated pattern it may be preferable to use a belt.

Step 6. Cut the life line and pin it in place
Cut the elastic so that it is the same size, without pulling it, as your waist line. Then cut it in half, one piece on each side of the waist. Using the pins, fix a piece of elastic along one side of the dress (inside the seam allowance). Stop the other piece on the opposite side. Then block them in the center of the dress; stretch the ends and pin them along the fabric without creating irregularities. By releasing the rubber bands, the dress should gather evenly.
Do not forget to repeat this operation for both sides of the dress
Step 7. Sew the elastic
Once the elastic has been stapled, you can proceed to sew it along the fabric. Don't forget to stop the stitches, just like you did for the center seam.

Step 8. Pin and measure your arms
At this point you will have in your hand a large rectangle with a hole in the center for the neck. Arrange the panels once more so that the right side of the fabric touches (folding them from the shoulder seam). Then join the two remaining long sides together, pinning them together. Measure about 12 cm or more (depending on how large you want the opening for the arms to be) on each side of the shoulder seam and mark the line obtained with a piece of chalk, just like you did for the neckline.
Measure the circumference of your arm and divide the result by 2. Add at least 2 cm to ensure that the sleeves don't fit too tight, or even more, as the sleeves of this dress should feel quite soft and abundant. Make sure you don't overdo it or you'll end up showing your bra
Step 9. Sew the sides
Sew starting from the hem and stop when you reach the dotted mark of the opening of the sleeves. Secure the stitches as for the center seam.

Step 10. Refine the edges
Your dress should have almost taken shape now! You can already wear it, although it is best to first fix the edges and add all the finishing touches you want, in order to make it as finished as possible and give it a professional look. You can choose to:
- Finish the edges with a ribbon. Take the ribbon of your choice, stretch it on one side and arrange it face down along the inside of the fabric edge to be finished; then sew it along the fabric. Fold the rest of the ribbon to the opposite side so that it covers the edge of the fabric. Sew it from the front as well. Repeat the same procedure for the neckline and sleeves, but also for the hem, if you prefer.
- Add a belt-shaped decoration at the waist, making small rectangles of fabric and sewing them at the height you prefer.
- Add the materials you prefer to your dress, such as pockets, lace or lace.
Part 3 of 3: Making Other Clothes

Step 1. Make a dress using a pillow cover
You can make a very simple dress by making a top with a drawstring. Once you have made the straps you will only need a nice belt or other accessories with which to tighten the waist.

Step 2. Make an empire waist dress
By adding a skirt to a t-shirt cut at the waist you can create a beautiful empire waist dress. It is ideal for a soft and feminine look on a summer day.

Step 3. Make a summer dress using sheets
You can use the abundant fabric of an old sheet to make a short dress for the summer. There is not much to sew and the process is really easy.

Step 4. Make a dress using your favorite skirt
By sewing a shirt over the top of a skirt, you can make a beautiful dress in a few simple steps. Align the edges so that the straight sides are joined together and sew a seam at waist height.
Remember that you will no longer be able to open or close the zipper of the skirt: this procedure only works with elastic skirts or skirts that you can wear without having to undo them
- Make some matching accessories - a handbag or flowers will make your dress even more adorable.
- Get help from a friend. Everything will be easier and more fun! You can also make coordinated dresses.
- Add any decorations to your dress, such as flowers, crystals and sequins.