Lighting a match is not as obvious to some as it is to others, and everyone should know how to light a match safely.
Method 1 of 5: Wooden Matches

Step 1. Hold the match firmly in the center between your thumb and forefinger

Step 2. Place it on the end of the ignition strip

Step 3. Pressing the match head firmly against the surface throughout the operation, quickly slide the match along the strip
Remember, applying too much pressure will break the match, while applying too little will fail to light it.
Method 2 of 5: Bag of Matches 1

Step 1. Hold the match between your thumb and middle finger

Step 2. Place the head of the match on the strip and your index finger on the head

Step 3. Apply some pressure and rub the strip quickly to strike the match
You will need to be quick so that the match lights up in the middle of the strip because your index finger will burn if you don't take it out quickly enough.
Method 3 of 5: Matchbag 2

Step 1. Hold the match on the end of the stick between your thumb and forefinger

Step 2. Place the head of the match on the strip and the middle finger on the head

Step 3. Apply some pressure and rub the strip quickly to strike the match
You will need to be quick so that the match is lit in the middle of the strip because your middle finger will burn out if you don't take it out quickly enough.
Method 4 of 5: Matchbag 3

Step 1. Take the matchstick at the end of the stick and place it at the end of the strip so that they line up completely

Step 2. Fold a book cover over matchstick and strip

Step 3. Place your fingers on the cover and hold the match inside

Step 4. Pull the match out quickly enough for it to ignite

Step 5. The match may ignite earlier and start burning the cover, so watch out for your fingers
Step 6. If done incorrectly, this technique could burn an entire book
Method 5 of 5: Keep the Match Lit

Step 1. Once lit, hold the match pointed slightly down
This will give the fire (which always burns upwards) some wood (the stick) to burn, thus prolonging its life as much as possible. You should hold the match downwind and you could use your other hand to keep the wind from blowing it out.

Step 2. Wrong way to hold it:
too inclined downwards.
Turn off the heat when it gets too hot to handle. You can do this by throwing the match into the water or blowing hard on it. Holding the match pointed too far down will cause it to burn very quickly and could burn your fingers.

Step 3. Wrong way to hold it:
Holding the match upwards will prevent the fire from burning the stick, significantly shortening its life.
- Be careful when lighting the match as sparks can fly out of the head.
- Rub away from you or down.
- After using the match, run it under water to make sure it doesn't ignite other things (especially waste).
- Pay attention to those around you.
- Be careful not to burn your hair.
- When using chimney matches (the long ones) keep your fingers about 2-3 cm from the head.
- Don't throw matches at people, animals, dry grass, etc.
- Don't let children play with matches.
- Be careful not to drop a lit match.