Do you really want to go swimming but the water is frozen? Don't you want to be the coward who thinks the water is too cold? This article is for you! Use the signs to make your friends flounder while you don't even shiver in the cold water.

Step 1. If you know the water will be cold, wear a long swimsuit
It won't make the water warmer, but it will make your brain think it is.

Step 2. Test the water with your feet to feel when it is cold
If you find yourself in front of your friends, don't fumble after stepping into the water, but keep them still no matter how cold the water is.

Step 3. Leave your feet in the water for one minute to get used to the water temperature
The best way to not get cold is not to stay in the water. If you stay in the water for at least 5 minutes and the water doesn't get hot, move your arms and stay afloat as much as possible. This will increase circulation and make you feel warmer even if you are not.

Step 4. Step in gradually, one step at a time
If you enter all of a sudden, you will suffer a shock. Some people, however, prefer to get their mind off. If you think so too, dive in and enjoy.

Step 5. If the water is very cold, the body's normal reaction is to hyperventilate for about 1-3 minutes
Relax, let your body get used to the temperature and try to regulate your breathing before you start swimming.

Step 6. Get moving
It is one of the best ways to warm up!

Step 7. Stay in the water for a minute, then go out for a minute
This will make the water seem warmer!

Step 8. Wrap yourself in a dry towel as soon as you get out of the water
If you start shaking uncontrollably, go straight inside and warm yourself with a hair dryer.

Step 9. Increase tolerance to cold water with repeated exposure
- Drink a hot drink to warm up after the dip.
- If you know the water will be cold, get a longer swimsuit or better a wetsuit.
- Never jump into cold water. You don't know what lies beneath the surface and the cold can shock you or cause you to flounder in water and drown. Enter slowly and safely.
- Wear a swimming cap to prevent heat loss.
- If you really don't want to get in the water, don't let peer pressure force you to!
- If the water is really too cold and painful, don't swim!