How To Do Pubococcygeus Muscle Exercises

How To Do Pubococcygeus Muscle Exercises
How To Do Pubococcygeus Muscle Exercises

Table of contents:


Strengthening the pubococcygeus (PC) muscle can help both sexes better control both the urinary and fecal tracts, as well as helping men fight and prevent erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation. Learn these simple exercises to build the foundation of a pubococcygeus muscle training program.


Part 1 of 3: Exercises for Beginners

Do PC Muscle Exercises Step 1
Do PC Muscle Exercises Step 1

Step 1. Find your pubococcygeus muscle

It is the muscle that forms the "floor" of the pelvic cavity and extends, forming a kind of "hammock", from the pubic bone to the sacrum. Men can spot this by placing two fingers just behind the testicles. Pretend to urinate, then try to stop the flow with a quick muscle twitch. That muscle you just used to block flow from the bladder is your pubococcygeus muscle. Try to keep your thigh and stomach muscles relaxed and focus only on this muscle.

Do PC Muscle Exercises Step 2
Do PC Muscle Exercises Step 2

Step 2. Stretch the pubococcygeus muscle 20 times

Hold it for 1-2 seconds each time, then relax it. Repeat this exercise 3 times a day. Breathe normally as you perform this exercise and try to avoid holding your breath.

Do PC Muscle Exercises Step 3
Do PC Muscle Exercises Step 3

Step 3. Add 10 very slow contractions

Make very slow contractions of 5 seconds and squeeze the pubococcygeus muscle as much as possible. Now hold it taut for 5 seconds on the clock, if possible, and gradually relax it over the next 5 seconds.

Part 2 of 3: Intermediate Exercises

Do PC Muscle Exercises Step 4
Do PC Muscle Exercises Step 4

Step 1. Contract the PC muscle longer and harder

After about two weeks you should be able to better control the muscle and increase the duration of the contractions. Like any other muscle in the body, the PC responds to stimuli and becomes stronger with use. Try to progressively increase the number of contractions.

  • Instead of keeping the muscle taut for 1-2 seconds, aim for 5-7 seconds.
  • Instead of stopping after 20 repetitions, try doing 50, always 3 times a day.
  • When you are able to achieve these results, you should also be able to contract the muscles of the penis and the sphincter of the anus separately or at the same time.
Do PC Muscle Exercises Step 5
Do PC Muscle Exercises Step 5

Step 2. Do swing exercises

He begins to contract the pubococcygeus muscle very slowly. So slowly that it will take several minutes to reach maximum tension. Now that you are at your maximum, try to contract even more and hold the tension for 30 seconds as you breathe slowly. When you begin to feel a burning sensation, release the muscle and proceed with the normal 20 repetitions. Do this exercise at the end of your "training" session.

Do PC Muscle Exercises Step 6
Do PC Muscle Exercises Step 6

Step 3. Do an intermittent exercise

It consists of contracting the muscle a little at a time. Slightly contract the muscle and hold the position, then increase the strength "gently". When you have reached the maximum of the contraction, do not relax it completely in one go, but proceed in fits and starts. Imagine you are walking along a "scale of contraction".

Do PC Muscle Exercises Step 7
Do PC Muscle Exercises Step 7

Step 4. If you are a boy, try exercising during an erection

There are many exercises you can do in this condition and many are resistance exercises.

  • Place a small cloth over the erect penis and try to lift the cloth by squeezing the pubococcygeus muscle. Hold the contraction for 2-5 seconds, then relax. Do 30 repetitions.
  • Place your hand 3-5 cm above the erect penis. Contract the PC muscle and raise the erection until it touches your hand. Hold for 2-5 seconds and relax. Repeat 30 times.
  • Place your hand 3-5 cm above the erect penis. Contract the PC muscle and raise the erection until it touches your hand. This time, gently push your hand down to counteract the action of your penis. Hold the position for 2-5 seconds and then relax. Do 30 repetitions.
Do PC Muscle Exercises Step 8
Do PC Muscle Exercises Step 8

Step 5. Don't overdo it

Combine the intermediate level exercises with those for beginners, but do not exceed 50 repetitions 3 times a day. Excessive stimulation strains the muscle.

Part 3 of 3: Advanced Exercises

Have Sex Without Falling in Love Step 7
Have Sex Without Falling in Love Step 7

Step 1. Exercise the pubococcygeus muscle with your partner

Doing these exercises during intercourse is useful and fun. The man, after an erection, penetrates the woman and takes turns doing the exercises: when she contracts the muscle he relaxes it and so on. Just make sure your partner is as passionate about these exercises as you are.

Do PC Muscle Exercises Step 10
Do PC Muscle Exercises Step 10

Step 2. Do PC muscle contractions when you have an erection

Massage yourself until you have an erection and continue to the threshold of orgasm. Stop the massage and immediately start contracting the PC muscle. When you're losing your erection, start over. Continue like this until you have properly trained the pubococcygeus muscle.

If you accidentally orgasm during these exercises, chances are your muscle isn't strong enough yet. Focus on the intermediate level exercises before moving on to the advanced ones

Do PC Muscle Exercises Step 11
Do PC Muscle Exercises Step 11

Step 3. Do some lightning exercises

These are really very challenging because they involve different intensities of contraction and varying repetitions. Find a place where you can be comfortable for 10-20 minutes. Remember to breathe while exercising.

  • Do 50 contractions as a warm-up.
  • Then contract the PC muscle as much as you can, maintaining the contraction for 30 seconds.
  • Next, do 100 contractions without ever stopping. Contract for 2 seconds and then relax for 2, and so on.
  • Try to squeeze the muscle as much as you can. Maintain maximum contraction for 1 minute.
  • Rest for 2 minutes.
  • Finally, do 50 5-second contractions to gradually relax. Your workout is finally over!


  • Because pubococcygeus muscle exercises involve internal-only movements and contractions are virtually invisible to the people around you, you can perform them virtually anywhere - for example, while sitting in a car or while in bed.
  • Kegel exercises and those for the pubococcygeus muscle are quite similar.
  • Exercising the pubococcygeus muscle is like exercising any other muscle. The more you train, the faster and more effective the results will be.
  • The exercises can be a bit difficult at first. Be persevering and try to reach, step by step, the maximum number of repetitions. You may be able to do it in a few days, or even a few weeks.
