Whether it's an insecure relationship, a chaotic work environment, or your family driving you completely insane, we all have those moments when we feel emotionally out of control and on tilt. However, even when we feel that certain emotions do not belong to us, we must remember that we are still behind the wheel - our mind feels what we choose to feel. With a little awareness and practice, emotional stability is achievable in any situation.
Part 1 of 3: Reevaluating Emotional Reactions

Step 1. Practice the art of reevaluation
Contrary to popular belief, it is not those who ignore their emotions who are emotionally stable and, with less surprise, neither are those who dig deep into their emotions, reaching the innermost part. Recent research states that the most emotionally stable are those who practice reevaluation. This means that they dynamically take their thoughts, putting them in a better light.
Easier said than done, huh? To get on the right track, ask yourself a few questions:
- What are the positive aspects of this situation?
- What are the other ways I can look at it? Is my current point of view objective?
- How can I view this situation as a stimulating challenge rather than a problem?
Become Emotionally Stable Step 2 Step 2. Realize that your emotions are not like changing time
Most people tend to see emotions and emotional changes as simply an inevitable part of the human experience. While this is partly true, it does not take into account the fact that you are in control of your emotions. Believe it or not, if you really don't want to feel a certain way, you don't have to. The next time you find yourself experiencing a feeling you don't want to experience, realize that your mind has decided, without your consent, to make you feel that way. You have every right to veto that decision and choose another way to feed the emotions.
Let's say someone at work makes fun of how you laugh. Your old ego may take it to heart, go huddle in a corner, and not laugh again for fear of public shame and humiliation. This might be one way you tend to react, but if you reevaluate that feeling, you'll find yourself thinking, "There is no" bad "way to laugh. Who is this person who stands as a judge? What do I care what they think. ? "The urge you feel inside will go away and be replaced by indifference and stability - much more welcome
Become Emotionally Stable Step 3 Step 3. Make your whole personality stable
The findings suggest that positive emotions, positive social relationships, and physical health affect each other in such a way that benefiting from one of these aspects helps all others and increases happiness. In other words, when it comes to stabilizing your emotions, you can't ignore friends or even physical health. It is impossible to face one aspect of life, abandoning all the others, and expect a generalized change. On the contrary, consider this as a moment that is part of the "stability of your existence", not just of your "emotional stability".
In taking care of yourself, make sure you eat right, exercise and what you enjoy doing, whether alone or with friends. Make sure you dedicate some time to yourself every day in order to get rid of stress and stay at your best
Become Emotionally Stable Step 4 Step 4. Refuse to fall off the bicycle of life
Those who are emotionally stable and resilient often have resilience and strong ambitions. They repudiate themselves and try as if they were a world power. It is easy, considering a certain situation, to complain, to complain and to have a funeral out of it. But with a little determination, you can decide that everything the world offers you isn't that bad. Then this too will pass. Why do you know what? You are fine and the rest will pass.
Introspectively analyzed. Do you immediately complain about a situation, without realizing what it is for you? Do the little things that go wrong drive you crazy, preventing you from seeing the scenario as a whole? What can you do to realize that you are in control of the situation?
Become Emotionally Stable Step 5 Step 5. Pay attention to the "emotional stability" scale for example
Scientists are working to determine exactly what human emotions are and it will probably take some time. They have recently identified what they call the scale of "emotional stability" and what are the aspects of the human personality that determine it. Take a look - what do you think leads to stability and what to chaos?
- Pessimism vs. Optimism
- Anxiety vs. Calm
- Aggression vs. Tolerance
- Addiction vs. Autonomy
- Emotions vs. Rationality
Apathy vs. Empathy
If you read the instructions below, you will likely notice that we will talk about most of these qualities. If you are interested in seeing where you are, talk to a psychologist who can administer the test.
Part 2 of 3: Changing the way you think
Become Emotionally Stable Step 6 Step 1. Learn how to compartmentalize your thoughts
Those who are emotionally stable are great at compartmentalizing - in other words, they are adept at making sure that the areas of their life, which are highly stressful, don't cross over into the good ones, ruining everything that is going well. So if work makes you sick, make the decision not to take it home with you. Realize that just because one aspect of life isn't going the way you want it doesn't mean your entire existence has to be affected.
Look inside yourself and think about what poisons your emotions and belittles you. You can't isolate stress until you know where it comes from
Become Emotionally Stable Step 7 Step 2. Restructure your memories
There is a great deal of research done in the realm of memory and it all points to a common theme: memories can change every time you bring them back to memory. Even more, they can change along with how you remember them. What does it mean? It means that, if you go back and remember an ex-boyfriend who broke your heart, thinking of him as a sad, lonely and a little mentally weak person, the next time you think about him, you could meditate on those same things. Soon enough, and insanely enough, the original memory disappears, replaced by the memory of the memory.
Let's say you've been told to imagine a park. He has a few trees, a dog running around chasing a Frisbee, and a couple lying on a blanket. It is summer, the sun is shining and the wind is rumbling through the leaves. A week later, you are asked for your view of that park in the fall. Your mind quickly formulates something that matches this request - and the original image changes accordingly. It is a simplification, sure, but it is the basis of how the human mind works
Become Emotionally Stable Step 8 Step 3. Think positively
Simply put, the more positive you think, the happier you will be, and also the easier it will be to think logically and control negative emotions when they surface. Although initially it will take commitment, once you get used to it, you will do it automatically.
Let's say your current relationship is going through a period of conflict. It is driving you crazy, you feel a little tied up and you are not the person you want to be. Instead of losing your mind due to the fact that you are losing your mind, try to focus on your relationship as if it were an experience to learn from. What are the things to solve in order to be happy? How can you communicate better? Is it possible that psychotherapy will help you and that there is a bigger problem next to it?
Become Emotionally Stable Step 9 Step 4. Be aware
Those who are emotionally aware are often more emotionally stable. A kind of calm hangs over them because they have accepted their feelings and realize that 99% of the time it is not a big deal. This is what psychologists and scientists call "awareness". All it takes is to be self-aware and to gently understand yourself.
A great way to discover awareness is meditation. Focus on the way you breathe, try not to think about anything else and find your center. This is a break away from life that can help you see the situation more broadly
Become Emotionally Stable Step 10 Step 5. Think flexibly, precisely and accurately
The human mind has the amazing ability to see, hear and think what it wants - regardless of what reality really is. It is important to take this into consideration whenever you experience an emotion that you would rather not feel. You are building your reality, so you can also change it!
Here's another example: you live with your boyfriend and an unknown number pops up on his cell phone that you can't help but read. He says, "Hey! I had a nice evening yesterday. Call me soon." Immediately you imagine that he is cheating on you and you start planning your breakup speech. You are anxious for a couple of days, you don't eat or sleep, and eventually you face it with a growing anger inside you because of what it looks like. Then you find out it was his sister's. Also call that number to prove it. In hindsight, you understand that you should have taken a breath, admitted that you had read the message, and calmly ask him what happened. There are several ways to interpret a situation, not only that one immediately springs to mind
Part 3 of 3: Changing Habits
Become Emotionally Stable Step 11 Step 1. Build social bonds
Do you know the phrase from American culture that says, "It takes a whole village to raise a child"? Well, that's it. Emotions are best managed when you have a strong support group to help you get through them. When you know you have a shoulder to lean on, it's easier to handle anything - even without his help.
Word therapy can be a very effective cure for any emotional problem and you don't necessarily have to go to a therapist to do it. When you get wrapped up in an emotional cocoon that you would rather not be in, talk about it. You may find that by chasing the words you also let the emotions flow out
Become Emotionally Stable Step 12 Step 2. Be around emotionally stable people
Despite having a vast network of social relationships, it is advisable to ensure that a positive net is safeguarded from that network. If you constantly surround yourself with people who have frequent mood swings or who are not stable, it will be better to socialize and meet new people. Problematicity can be surprisingly contagious.
When you surround yourself with emotionally hurtful people, it becomes normal. Being enveloped by an aura of anxiety, mistrust and even fear becomes normal in the long run. Sometimes it's hard to tell when a relationship is harmful because you're used to everything negative. If any friend leaves you feeling empty, making you feel down, it is probably a toxic friendship
Become Emotionally Stable Step 13 Step 3. Practice tolerance
You've probably already been told that "no one can make you angry but yourself", or something similar. And it's true - you determine your feelings, not others. Just because someone came up against your car doesn't mean they made you feel a certain way. Of course, it constitutes a reason for your state of mind, but it has nothing to do with the small receptors that are triggered in your brain. So next time someone pisses you off, take a step back. The more tolerant you are, the more stable you will be.
There is an infinite amount of things that annoy most of us - they can vary based on the person who is a little too close to us and, in turn, the hypocrites and bigots who just don't open their minds to receive a lighting. We all have our moments of intolerance when we feel that someone else is wrong or that we are wrong. When you realize that moment is coming - if you're like most people, it won't take too long - instead of warming up, take a breath. Do not argue. Don't insult. Reflect and stay within limits
Become Emotionally Stable Step 14 Step 4. Do your thing
When life throws us obstacles, it wouldn't be so bad to know what's coming and to be ready. Instead, it happens to dodge bullets in total loss of control. It's not so much the bullets that are the problem, but the fact that we have no power over what's going on - and this lack of power drives us crazy and makes us emotionally unstable. And even if you can't dodge every little thing that life throws at you, you can gain more control over your life. The more autonomous you are, the easier it will seem to manage stability.
For most of us, the obstacles in life are inevitable. We have money problems, relationship problems, life problems - but the only thing we can do is not rely on others for our sense of approval. When others are at the helm of our life, it is virtually impossible to feel stable because we are not in control. If someone else is guiding your life, determining your emotions, it's best to put a period. Only you can make yourself happy - no one else
Step 5. Take care of yourself
If you don't eat, sleep, and take care of yourself, there is no way to take care of your emotions. Before even going to deal with the bad habits of your superego, it is necessary to do some backup. Take care of your basic needs first. You have to learn to walk before you run, you know?
Make sure you get plenty of sleep. The more rested you are, the better your mind will work. The better your mind works, the more logical and stable you will stay.
Become Emotionally Stable Step 15Bullet1 -
Eat healthy. A bad diet can only make us feel this way: bad. Filling the body with healthy and good foods will make it easier to think good and wholesome thoughts.
Become Emotionally Stable Step 15Bullet2 -
Exercise. As you probably already know, physical activity promotes the release of endorphins, or small donors of happiness in the brain. If you're feeling down, go for a quick run. Chances are the sadness will begin to dissipate.
Become Emotionally Stable Step 15Bullet3
Become Emotionally Stable Step 16 Step 6. Give yourself some rewards
For so many of us, being kind to others is a priority. And while it's important, it's just as important to be kind to yourself. Therefore, when you feel a little down or out of control, take some time for yourself to give yourself some rewards, as you would with a friend who is going through the same situation. Take it as a sign of the need to indulge in the luxury of a concert or ice cream.
The little things we like make it so much easier to calm down, take a step back and realize that everything is fine. Life can't be perfect, but giving yourself a gift helps you realize there's a reason to stay positive
Become Emotionally Stable Step 17 Step 7. Wait calmly
While not exactly advice you can follow right away, it can be helpful to remember that our formative years are often characterized by emotional chaos and a lack of certain feelings. In other words, the more you grow, the more stability you will likely find. With age comes wisdom, but also a sense of calm. So, if you are still young, don't be too hard on yourself. Even your peers probably won't have such a solid balance.