How to Deal With Suicidal Thoughts (with Pictures)

How to Deal With Suicidal Thoughts (with Pictures)
How to Deal With Suicidal Thoughts (with Pictures)

Table of contents:


You may think about committing suicide when despair, isolation, and despair become too heavy to bear. You probably feel so overwhelmed with grief that suicide seems like the only way to free yourself from the burden that is oppressing you. However, know that you have help to deal with these feelings: a mental health professional can help you heal, making you find the joy and happiness of yesteryear, no matter how impossible it seems to you right now. Consulting this article is a great first step in that direction. Read on to learn how to get help.

If you are thinking about suicide and need immediate help, please contact the Friendly Phone. Call 199.284.284 or contact one of the following telephone lines:

  • The Help Line for the Prevention of Suicide Risk that answers the call center 331.87.68.950 is active from Monday to Friday from 10 to 18, excluding holidays. In the latter case, an answering machine answers where you can leave your number to be called back.
  • Call the Listening and Reception Center for mental illness and suicide prevention "Telefono Giallo" at the toll-free number 800.809.999.
  • If you live in Switzerland and you are a teenager, please contact the Pro Juventute line at 147, by e-mail at "[email protected]", by chat and in the web-self-service on
  • If you are overseas, check out the International Association for Suicide Prevention website, which shows a list of international suicide prevention telephone lines here, but also Befrienders Worldwide here.


Part 1 of 5: In Case of an Emergency

Cope With Suicidal Thoughts Step 1
Cope With Suicidal Thoughts Step 1

Step 1. Postpone your plans

Promise yourself to wait 48 hours before doing anything. Remember that thoughts have no power to force you to act. When it is extreme, pain can distort our perception. By waiting before you act, you will have time to clear your head.

Cope With Suicidal Thoughts Step 2
Cope With Suicidal Thoughts Step 2

Step 2. Seek professional help immediately

Suicidal thoughts can be confusing and there is no reason to fight them alone. Get help from a professional by calling the emergency services or contacting a telephone line reserved for this type of issue. These services provide people who have undergone adequate training, ready to listen and offer help 24 hours a day every day. Suicidal thoughts and impulses are very serious. Asking for help is a sign of strength.

  • These services are free and anonymous;
  • You can also call 118;
  • If you are a boy, call Charlie Telefono Amico at 800-863096 or Telefono Azzurro at 19696.
Cope With Suicidal Thoughts Step 3
Cope With Suicidal Thoughts Step 3

Step 3. Go to the hospital

If despite the help you still experience suicidal thoughts, you need to go to the emergency room. Ask someone you trust to drive the car or call 911, which is the emergency service.

  • In the United States, where health insurance is mandatory for treatment, it is a crime for the emergency room to send people away in an emergency even if they don't have health coverage or can't pay.
  • You can also look for a mental health department that has the task of taking care of the demand related to the care, assistance and protection of mental health within the territory defined by the local health authority (ASL).
Cope With Suicidal Thoughts Step 4
Cope With Suicidal Thoughts Step 4

Step 4. Call a trusted friend or loved one

The risk of suicide increases if you are left alone, tormented by the thought of killing yourself. Don't keep it inside you. Contact someone you love and trust and share your thoughts with them. Sometimes it is enough to open up to a person capable of listening and helping to overcome this moment, at least to remove this kind of thoughts. Talk to her on the phone or ask her to come and see you and stay with you so you don't get alone.

  • You may feel worried or embarrassed about how you feel about someone. People who love you don't judge you for the confidences you make. They will be happy to receive your call and to realize that you have not tried to handle the situation on your own.
  • You can't know when you might find new solutions. You will never know what can happen if you wait even just 2 days. If you indulge your thoughts, you will not miss the chance to know what could have happened.
Cope With Suicidal Thoughts Step 5
Cope With Suicidal Thoughts Step 5

Step 5. Wait for help

If you've called emergency services or a friend, try to get safe while you are alone. Take deep, relaxing breaths and repeat a few phrases to yourself to deal with the stress. You could also write them down to better impress them on your mind.

For example, some phrases like this could be: "My depression is talking, not me", "I will be able to get through this", "They are just momentary thoughts, they can't do anything to me", "There are other ways to manage mine. sensations"

Cope With Suicidal Thoughts Step 6
Cope With Suicidal Thoughts Step 6

Step 6. Stop using drugs and alcohol

You may be tempted to stave off thoughts by "drowning" them in alcohol or using drugs. However, taking these chemicals actually prevents you from thinking clearly, which is essential for coping with negative thoughts. If you are currently drinking or using drugs, stop immediately to give your mind a break.

If you don't want to quit, at least stay with someone else. Do not lock yourself in your solitude

Part 2 of 5: Develop a Safety Plan

Cope With Suicidal Thoughts Step 7
Cope With Suicidal Thoughts Step 7

Step 1. Make a list of the things you love

Include in this list everything that has helped you in the past to overcome the desire to commit suicide. Write down the names of your best friends and family members you love, your favorite places, music, movies, books that have helped you. It also points out the little things, like some dishes and the sport you prefer, as well as more important things like hobbies and passions that give you the strength to get up in the morning.

  • Write down what you like about yourself, your personality, your physical characteristics, the successes you have achieved and the things that make you proud of yourself.
  • Indicate the things you want to do in the future, the places you want to visit, the children you want to have, the people you want to love, the experiences you've always wanted to live.
  • It may be helpful to include a close friend or loved one on this list. Depression, anxiety, and the other causes that most often lead to suicidal thoughts can get in the way of how you see what is wonderful and special about you.
Cope With Suicidal Thoughts Step 8
Cope With Suicidal Thoughts Step 8

Step 2. Make a list of the best distractions

This is not a list of "healthy habits" or "self-improvement techniques", but a list of everything you can do to stave off the idea of suicide when it starts to get too heavy to bear. Think about the things that have worked in the past and write them down. Here are some examples:

  • Eat in your favorite restaurant;
  • Talking on the phone with an old friend
  • Watch your favorite TV shows and movies;
  • Re-reading a book that has given you comfort;
  • Organize a memorable trip;
  • Read old emails that make you feel good;
  • Take the dog to the park;
  • Go for a long walk or run to clear your mind.
Cope With Suicidal Thoughts Step 9
Cope With Suicidal Thoughts Step 9

Step 3. Make a list of people who are supporting you

Write down at least five names and phone numbers of the most trustworthy people you can talk to when you have a moment of despair. Enter several names, in case someone is not available when you call them.

  • Write down the names and phone numbers of your therapists and support group members.
  • Also write down the names and numbers of the emergency telephone lines you would like to call in times of crisis.
Cope With Suicidal Thoughts Step 10
Cope With Suicidal Thoughts Step 10

Step 4. Have a safety plan

It consists of a personal plan for coping with the desire to kill you. In these times it can be difficult to remember what to do to feel better. Therefore, by writing a safety plan, you will have the opportunity to overcome the initial moments when feelings take over and stay safe. Here is an example:

  • Read the list of the things you love.

    You need to remind yourself of what you love and that has helped you avoid committing suicide the previous times.

  • Try doing one of the things listed on the best distraction list.

    See if you can distract yourself from the thought of suicide with something that has worked in the past.

  • Call someone on the support group list.

    Keep calling people until you can connect with someone who can talk to you as long as you need.

  • Postpone your plans and make your home safe.

    Remove anything you might be using to harm yourself and put off the idea of suicide for at least 48 hours.

  • Ask someone to come and stay with you.

    Have him stay close until you feel better.

  • Go to the hospital.
  • Call the emergency services.

  • To write your safety plan, try to take an example from this "safety plan".
  • Give a copy of your security plan to a trusted friend or loved one.
  • Whenever suicidal thoughts arise, consult your safety plan.

Part 3 of 5: Staying Safe

Cope With Suicidal Thoughts Step 11
Cope With Suicidal Thoughts Step 11

Step 1. Make your home safer

If the thought of suicide is bothering you or you're afraid to go along with it, take this opportunity to avoid harming yourself. It is more likely to happen when you have a way to harm yourself. Therefore, take out anything you could use to injure yourself, such as drugs, razors, sharp objects, guns. Give them to someone else who can keep them, hide them or otherwise prevent you from accessing them. Make sure you don't change your mind very easily.

  • If you fear that you will not be able to resist being alone in the house, go to a place where you feel safe, such as at a friend's house, your parents' house, a community center, or some other public place.
  • If you are considering overdosing on prescribed medications, give them to a loved one and trustworthy person who can give you the doses you need on a day-to-day basis.
Cope With Suicidal Thoughts Step 12
Cope With Suicidal Thoughts Step 12

Step 2. Seek professional help

A mental health professional can help you manage the cause of your suicidal thoughts. They often arise from other treatable psychological conditions, such as depression and bipolar disorder. Stressful or traumatic events can also cause suicidal thoughts. Whatever lies behind what you think and feel, a counselor or psychotherapist can teach you to deal with it and take care of your health and happiness.

  • Antidepressant treatments are successful in 80-90% of cases.
  • The most common and effective treatments for people considering committing suicide include:

    • Cognitive-behavioral therapy helps to change unnecessary and "automatic" thought patterns.
    • Problem solving therapy can teach you to feel more confident and to be in control by showing how problems are solved.
    • Dialectical Behavior Therapy teaches the ability to cope and solve problems and is very useful for people suffering from borderline personality disorders.
    • Interpersonal psychotherapy helps improve people's interpersonal skills so that they don't feel isolated or lacking any support.
  • Your doctor can prescribe you a combination of medications and psychotherapy. Try to take all the medications listed.
  • Be aware that some medications can increase suicidal thoughts. If this happens, contact your doctor.
Cope With Suicidal Thoughts Step 13
Cope With Suicidal Thoughts Step 13

Step 3. Avoid factors that can trigger a suicidal desire

Sometimes certain places, people or even habits can arouse thoughts of despair and even suicide. It will probably be difficult the first few times to associate these circumstances with your sense of distress, but start thinking about whether there are any patterns that cause certain triggers. If you can, avoid what makes you feel sad and disheartened. Here are some examples:

  • Drinking alcohol and using drugs. They make you feel good at first, but they can very quickly turn your negative thoughts into suicidal thoughts. Alcohol consumption is reported in at least 30% of suicides.
  • People who have a violent attitude.
  • Books, films and music that have distressing and dramatic themes.
  • Stressful situations.
  • Being alone.
Cope With Suicidal Thoughts Step 14
Cope With Suicidal Thoughts Step 14

Step 4. Learn to recognize the warning signs

Suicidal thoughts don't trigger on their own. They arise from something that mostly has to do with a sense of hopelessness, depression, bereavement or stress. When they arise, by learning to recognize the concerns and behaviors that tend to accompany them, you will have the opportunity to warn yourself and understand when it is necessary to seek further support in others. The most common warning signs include:

  • Increased use of alcohol, drugs or other substances
  • Sense of hopelessness and lack of purpose in life;
  • Sense of anger
  • Increase in reckless attitudes;
  • Feeling trapped;
  • Isolating yourself from others;
  • Sense of anxiety
  • Sudden changes in mood
  • Loss of interest in what normally gave pleasure;
  • Change in sleep routine
  • Sense of guilt or shame.

Part 4 of 5: Strengthen Your Support System

Cope With Suicidal Thoughts Step 15
Cope With Suicidal Thoughts Step 15

Step 1. Get in touch with others

Building a strong support network is one of the most important things to do to manage your thoughts. Feeling isolated, lacking in support or as if others are better off in our absence are quite common sensations that fuel the idea of killing oneself. Search and talk to someone every day. Contact with the people who care for you can help you improve your ability to cope with this situation and protect yourself from the thought of suicide when it arises.

  • Talk to a spiritual figure. If you are a believer, you may find comfort by talking to a man of religion, such as a priest or a rabbi.
  • Chat with a friend. Get in the habit of getting in touch with at least one person a day, even when you don't want to. Isolating yourself from others can lead to a heightened idea of suicide.
  • Call a toll-free number. Don't think that you can only call a suicide prevention phone line once. Even if you feel the need to phone every day or several times a day, don't hesitate. The operators are there to help you.
  • Find a community of people who have the same problems as you. Those who belong to often oppressed categories, such as homosexuals, are at greater risk of committing suicide. By finding a community where you can be yourself without facing hatred or bullying, you can keep yourself strong and solidify your self-love.

    If you are a lesbian girl, a gay, bisexual or trans guy and are considering suicide, call the Gay Help Line call center, free from all over Italy and from all phones, landlines and mobile phones at 800.713.713

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Cope With Suicidal Thoughts Step 16

Step 2. Find a support group

Regardless of why you have suicidal thoughts, you don't have to go through all of this alone. Many people have experienced what you are going through, longed to die and are happy to be still alive. Talking to people who have had first-hand experience of what you are also feeling is one of the best ways to deal with the idea of killing yourself. You can find a support group near you by calling the suicide prevention toll-free numbers or by asking your therapist.

  • Call the Friendly Phone at 199.284.284.
  • If you are gay or trans, please call the Gay Help Line at 800.713.713.
  • If you are a boy, call Charlie Telefono Amico at 800-863096 or Telefono Azzurro at 19696.
  • If you live in Switzerland and are a teenager, contact the Pro Juventute line at 147.
  • Call the Listening and Reception Center for mental illness and suicide prevention "Telefono Giallo" at the toll-free number 800.809.999. Also, contact or email the Suicide Prevention Service. This organization has been helping people cope with and overcome suicidal thoughts for years. The office is located in a hospital in Rome and is managed by truly competent people, who can understand you why they lived it firsthand or because they had a family member who lived it.
Cope With Suicidal Thoughts Step 17
Cope With Suicidal Thoughts Step 17

Step 3. Make a commitment to love yourself

Focus on changing negative mental patterns and realize that hostile thoughts are not true. To alleviate the pain caused by the most adverse feelings, try to be kind to yourself and to consider yourself as a strong person, capable of not giving up in the most difficult situations.

  • There is a common misconception that suicide is a selfish gesture. Unfortunately, in the soul of those who think of killing themselves they can generate feelings of guilt or shame, which are added to the already negative feelings that oppress the person. By learning to recognize these myths from reality, you will be able to better deal with your thoughts.
  • Find some positive mantras to recite when you're feeling down. By claiming to be a strong and loving person, you can remind yourself that the thought of suicide is only temporary. For example, consider: "Right now I feel like I want to kill myself, but I know the feelings aren't real facts. They won't last forever. I love and respect myself by staying strong" or "I can learn to handle these thoughts. strong of them ".
Cope With Suicidal Thoughts Step 18
Cope With Suicidal Thoughts Step 18

Step 4. Analyze the problems behind your thoughts

By working with a psychologist, you will be able to discover some of the reasons that fuel the thought of killing yourself. Probably the causes are related to health problems, legal difficulties or drug abuse. If you find ways to address these concerns, you will feel better over time.

  • For example, if you are financially desperate, seek out a financial advisor. Many communities can teach people to manage their money.
  • If you feel that you have no hope in personal relationships, consult a psychotherapist who can promote the acquisition of the necessary skills in interpersonal situations. This type of learning can help you overcome social anxiety, but also the difficulty of establishing and maintaining the most important relationships.
  • Try taking a mindful meditation course or learning it on your own. Some studies show that awareness based on accepting what is happening in the present, without avoiding or judging it, can be helpful in managing suicidal thoughts.
  • Bullying is a frequent cause of suicidal thoughts in young people. Remember not to feel guilty - how someone else treats you is not up to you, it belongs to that person. Psychotherapy counseling can help you deal with bullying and preserve your self-love.

Part 5 of 5: Taking Care of Yourself

Cope With Suicidal Thoughts Step 19
Cope With Suicidal Thoughts Step 19

Step 1. Ask your doctor about chronic pain

Sometimes, chronic pain can cause suicidal thoughts and emotional distress. Talk to your doctor about what you can do to relieve your pain. It can help you feel healthy and happy.

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Cope With Suicidal Thoughts Step 20

Step 2. Get plenty of physical activity

Movement has been shown to help reduce the effects of depression and anxiety. It probably won't be easy if you're feeling depressed, but it can be helpful to schedule times to work out with a friend.

Plus, an exercise class can be a great way to get to know other people and not feel lonely or isolated

Cope With Suicidal Thoughts Step 21
Cope With Suicidal Thoughts Step 21

Step 3. Get plenty of sleep

Depression often changes sleep habits, leading to too much or too little sleep. Research shows that there is a link between irregular sleep and suicidal thoughts. Try to rest well and without being disturbed in order to keep your mind clear.

Talk to your doctor if you can't sleep

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Cope With Suicidal Thoughts Step 22

Step 4. Avoid drugs and alcohol

Their consumption is found in many cases of suicide, because it clouds the mind. It also risks increasing depression and causing reckless or impulsive behavior. If you have suicidal thoughts, absolutely avoid drugs and alcohol.

If you have problems with alcohol abuse, please contact Alcoholics Anonymous. This association can help you overcome them and defeat the thought of committing suicide

Cope With Suicidal Thoughts Step 23
Cope With Suicidal Thoughts Step 23

Step 5. Take up a hobby

Gardening, painting, playing an instrument, learning a new language … these are all hobbies that can distract your mind from constant unwanted thoughts and give you more peace of mind. If you already have an old hobby that you may have recently neglected due to your mood swings, come back to it, otherwise find a new one. It may take some effort at first, but you will eventually learn to appreciate it.

Cope With Suicidal Thoughts Step 24
Cope With Suicidal Thoughts Step 24

Step 6. Focus on the positive things from the past

We have all achieved something at some point in our existence; this success, big or small, may be somewhat clouded by your current depressive state. Take it back into consideration. Think about the positive moments of the past, the efforts you made to reach them, your moments of joy, of triumph and of glory.

Cope With Suicidal Thoughts Step 25
Cope With Suicidal Thoughts Step 25

Step 7. Establish your personal goals

You will surely have some goals you wish to achieve. Maybe you would like to go to hear a concert at La Scala in Milan or visit wonderful and exotic places. Maybe you would like to adopt ten cats and start a small furry family. Whatever your goals are, write them down and remember them at the worst times.

Cope With Suicidal Thoughts Step 26
Cope With Suicidal Thoughts Step 26

Step 8. Believe in yourself

It is probably not easy to imagine that the situation will improve when you are tormented by thoughts that suggest suicide. Remember that others have overcome these moments and you will succeed too. You have the strength to take care of yourself, take control of your life and heal yourself. You are a strong person.

  • Remind yourself that the feelings you experience are not real facts. When your mind is flooded with these thoughts, take the time to annihilate them by saying, for example: "Right now I feel like people would be better off without me, but actually I just talked to a friend who told me to be happy. for my presence in his life. What I think is not true. I can overcome all this."
  • Give yourself time. You may think that suicide will make your problems "disappear by magic". Unfortunately, you will never have a chance to see if the situation will improve after taking that route. It takes time to heal from trauma, overcome pain and fight depression. Be patient and kind to yourself.


  • Rely on humor to manage your condition. Watch comedies, read comics, and so on. Even if it only distracts you temporarily, it's better than nothing.
  • Remember that asking for help is a sign of strength, not weakness. It means that you value yourself to the point of willingness to find a solution.
  • Always remember this: people love you. Your family loves you. Friends love you. Your loss, already unbearable for a huge group of people, could ruin the lives of others. Nobody will be able to heal your lack. Someone may also start having suicidal thoughts due to the inability to manage your absence in their life. You are an important part of many people's lives and don't attempt to end yours intentionally. You may have to go down a steep path, but it will be easier if you erase the idea of committing suicide from your mind and focus on living each moment while you have breath. Nobody deserves suicide. Never. Remember that.
  • Find something you love. It can be your dog or your cat, a bunny, a bird and we weigh a fish. It doesn't have to be a living being. Maybe it's your room, the pigtails that look great on you or some awesome shorts. What you love could be your brother or sister. It is not about love in the strict sense, the feeling of fulfillment you feel in the company of your friends is also enough, or the sense of affection that invests you when you see the soft toy your grandmother gave you. Maybe it's your job that you love. Whatever it is that you love the most in your life, let it give you the strength to carry on. Think about the positive things.
