It is every hiker's nightmare: you are trekking along a sunny path, you feel in perfect harmony with nature, when a snake comes out of nowhere and attacks you. In this situation you need to know immediately how to properly treat the bite. If handled right, even a venomous snake bite can be cured. So don't give up; go peacefully into nature and enjoy hiking, camping life or just look at some beautiful views, but be aware of the danger of snakebites and learn what to do in case of an accident.
Method 1 of 3: Treating a Poisonous Snake Bite

Step 1. Call emergency services or yell for help
If you are on your own, but can move around safely, go for help. Most snake bites are not dangerous, but when the animal is poisonous, it is essential to get medical attention as soon as possible. Those who have taken the first aid course know the types of snakes present in the area and will be well equipped to find the appropriate treatment. If necessary, call an ambulance or go to the nearest emergency room immediately.
- You don't necessarily have to be able to determine if the bite is from a poisonous species simply by looking at the marks on the skin. The important thing is to get medical help right away, no matter what bite it may be.
- Stay as calm as possible. If you panic, your heart rate increases and, if the snake is poisonous, it accelerates the spread of the venom throughout the body. So try to stay calm and quiet as much as possible.
- If possible, call the Poison Control Center for advice while waiting for help to arrive.

Step 2. Make a note of the snake's appearance
Rescuers and emergency doctors must try to figure out what type of snake attacked you to determine if it is poisonous or not. If possible, draw a drawing of the snake, or at least try to have a fellow hiker who has a clear mental image of the snake so that they can describe it and who can confirm what you have seen.
- Don't try to catch the snake; these reptiles are very fast and, if you are not an experienced hunter, they always have an advantage.
- Don't go to meet the snake and don't waste too much time trying to get a better look at it, especially if you are still in a dangerous situation, as it is not safe at all. Just look at the snake quickly and then move away.

Step 3. Get away from the snake
You should immediately get out of his reach to avoid getting bitten a second time. Stand in a safe spot, a fair distance from the attack site. In any case, don't run away and don't go too far. The heart starts pumping faster if you move too fast, spreading the poison through the body more quickly.
- Move to a place that the snake can hardly reach. Find a flat boulder a little higher than street level, a clearing, or an area with no possible hiding places for snakes.
- Try to stay still once you have reached a safer spot.

Step 4. Immobilize and support the bite area
Do not apply a tourniquet, but limit the movement of the affected area; also try to keep the part at an equal or lower level than the heart. This helps to slow down the spread of the poison in the body if the reptile is poisonous.
- If the bite site remains lower than the heart, the flow of blood from that area to the heart slows down, preventing the poison from spreading throughout the body.
- If you can, put some sort of splint to keep the affected area from moving. Use sticks or planks and place them on either side of the bite site. Then tie a piece of fabric under, in between and on top of the boards to keep them in place.

Step 5. Remove clothing, jewelry or any constricting objects
A venomous snake bite can cause rapid and dangerous swelling. Even loose fitting clothing can become too tight if the area swells so much.

Step 6. Clean the wound as best you can, but don't wash it with water
Take a clean cloth soaked in water and wipe the affected area gently, but as thoroughly as possible. When the wound has been treated, cover it with an equally clean cloth.

Step 7. Wait for your doctor's help or go straight to find one
The best thing you can do is to find specialized assistance as soon as possible. The good news is that once the wound has been cleaned and any jewelry and constricting elements removed, if the area is not swollen or limited, then the snake was most likely not poisonous. However, even in this case, there is a risk of infection, so you should still see a doctor as soon as possible.

Step 8. Avoid implementing procedures that can make the situation worse
There are a lot of false and misconceptions about how to take care of a snake bite and some of these myths may even aggravate the problem.
- Don't try to cut the wound or suck the poison. Making a cut in the bite area can create more problems and increase the risk of infection. Anyone who decides to suck the poison must know that he runs a great risk of ingesting some and poisoning himself.
- Do not use the tourniquet and do not apply ice to the wound. Experts believe that the snare can restrict blood flow too much, while ice can increase skin damage.
- Do not drink alcohol or caffeinated beverages, as both can speed up your heart rate and spread venom in the area throughout your body. Instead, try to stay hydrated by drinking water.

Step 9. Learn what medical care you should be receiving
The swelling, pain, and symptoms of a venomous snake bite will be treated in the emergency room. These symptoms include nausea, dizziness, numbness, and possibly difficulty breathing or swallowing. You will also be monitored for the risk of high blood pressure, any signs of blood poisoning, nerve damage, allergic reactions, and possible edema.
- Treatment will greatly depend on the symptoms that develop. If you do not have particular and severe symptoms, you may still have to stay for a 24-hour observation period, because in some cases it takes a long time for certain symptoms to develop.
- If the snake that bit you is a poisonous species, you may need to be given anti-poison serum. The antidote consists of a combination of antibodies to counteract snake toxins and has been shown to be safe and effective in both adults and children. Depending on the symptoms, more than one dose may be needed.
- It is also quite likely that you will be prescribed a broad spectrum antibiotic to make sure the wound does not become infected; depending on the case, you may also be given tetanus shot.
- In really severe cases, surgery is sometimes necessary.

Step 10. Follow the doctors' recommendations for following up on the bite
Once you are discharged from the hospital, your primary concern should be to keep the bite area clean and well covered, following the instructions given by the doctors to allow for adequate wound healing. These indications include the need to change the dressing on a regular basis, a detailed description of how to clean the wound well to heal it (usually with warm soapy water), and how to recognize an infection.
Swelling, pain to touch, redness and warmth from the infected area are some of the signs of possible infection that you need to look out for. If you experience any of these symptoms at the bite site, you should contact your doctor as soon as possible

Step 11. Stay calm and wait for the poison to come out of the body on its own if you can't get medical help right away
If you are in a remote place, with no hope that doctors or paramedics will reach you soon, the best you can do is find a place that is as comfortable as possible and wait for the poison to be expelled from your system. In most cases, snakes don't inject enough venom to make the bite deadly. Manage the individual symptoms that may occur, and most importantly, stay calm. Often it is the fear of snakes and the anxiety following a bite that can lead to death, since a rapid heartbeat spreads the venom more quickly.
If you are hiking and see other people, ask them if they can help or go for help, or maybe they have a poison kit
Method 2 of 3: Treating a Non-Poisonous Snake Bite

Step 1. Stop the bleeding
A non-venomous snake bite is somewhat unlikely to create a life-threatening situation, but it still requires first aid treatment to prevent infection. The bite of a non-venomous snake must be treated as a piercing wound; the first thing to do is to exert firm pressure on the area with a sterile gauze or bandage, so as not to lose too much blood.
Do not treat the bite as if it came from a non-venomous snake, unless you are absolutely certain that it is a harmless species. If you have even any doubts, you need to see a doctor right away

Step 2. Clean the wound thoroughly
Wash it with soap and water for several minutes and then rinse it thoroughly with more water; then wash it again. Pat dry with a piece of sterile gauze. Use an alcohol swab if you have one available.

Step 3. Treat the wound with antibiotic ointment and bandage it with a bandage
Apply a thin layer of antibiotic cream to the clean wound and then wrap it with a bandage; in this way you protect it and prevent possible infections.

Step 4. See a doctor who will ensure that the bite site is cleaned and cared for properly
Don't hesitate to ask him if any further treatments are needed, including tetanus tetanus, if that's the case.

Step 5. Pay attention to the wound during the healing period
Non-venomous snake bites can also cause infections. Check for any redness or red streaks starting from the bite site. If so, go back to your doctor for further examination.

Step 6. Drink plenty of fluids during the healing phase
It is important to keep yourself properly hydrated while the body recovers from the bite. In general, you should try to drink at least two liters of water a day.
Method 3 of 3: Knowing the Snakes and their Bites

Step 1. Learn about poisonous snakes
Most of these reptiles are not poisonous, but they can all bite. The most common venomous ones are the cobra, the copperhead, the coral snake, the cotton mouth (water moccasin) and the rattlesnake. Although most of these venomous reptiles have triangular shaped heads, the only way to know if the snake is truly venomous is to locate or locate the fangs (venom glands) on a dead specimen.

Step 2. Determine if you are in a region where poisonous snakes live
The cobra is present in Asia and Africa. The copperhead is found in the southern and eastern areas of the United States and in some regions of Australia and Asia. Some varieties of coral snakes are found in the southern United States, in some areas of India and Southeast Asia, China and Taiwan. Aquatic moccasins live in the southeastern United States, while rattlesnakes spread from the southern regions of Canada and extend as far as southern Argentina.
In certain areas of the world, such as Australia, the concentration of venomous snakes is higher than in other areas. Keep in mind that snakes can also be encountered in cities, as well as in wild areas; therefore behave accordingly

Step 3. Learn about snake bites
In the case of a non-venomous snake bite, the biggest concern is infection and tissue edema. However, if it is a poisonous snake bite, in addition to tissue damage and infection, the greatest fear is obviously the venom. Keep in mind that most snakes do not bite unless they have been disturbed or touched by people.
- Snakes' fangs (their venom glands) can be fixed or folded back until the snake bites. Venomous snakes can have both types of fangs, although those with fixed fangs, such as the coral snake, inject a toxin that tends to affect the nervous system, while those with folded fangs, such as rattlesnakes, have a poison that affects the blood cells the most.
- All snake species have substances that can cause tissue destruction; in the event of a bite, one of the greatest difficulties could be precisely the need to limit the tissue damage.

Step 4. Learn about snake behavior
These animals are "cold-blooded" in the sense that they get the heat their body needs from their surroundings and the sun. For this reason, snakes, and consequently bites, are much less common in colder climates or during colder seasons, as reptiles are hibernating.
Snakes are more common as you get closer to the equator, because snakes found in these areas do not hibernate and are active during the hottest days

Step 5. Avoid contact with snakes
The best way to treat a snake bite is to prevent it, thus trying not to get attacked. Referring to wild survival experts, below are the best ways to avoid snakes and their bites:
- Do not sleep or rest near areas where these reptiles may be hiding, including brush, tall grass, large rocks, and trees.
- Don't stick your hands into crevices in stones, hollow logs, thick undergrowth, or anywhere else where a snake might be waiting for its next meal.
- Look at the ground when you walk in scrub or tall grass.
- Don't think about picking up any snakes, dead or alive. Snakes are endowed with a reflex that allows them to bite even if a minute or so has passed since their death. Although it may seem strange, know that it is true!
- Is wearing always hiking shoes that cover your ankles and keep the bottoms of your pants tucked into your boots or boots.
- Make noise. Most snakes don't want your presence any more than you want theirs! To make sure you don't catch a snake by surprise and trigger a reaction, let it hear you coming.

Step 6. Buy a snake bite kit
If you often go to wild places, get a specific kit that also includes a sucking device. Do not use those that contain razors or vacuum pumps.
- If you see or hear a poisonous snake, get stuck. This reptile does not see well and uses the movement of others to understand if there is a threat. Go back slowly, warning others of the snake's presence when you are safe and out of harm's way.
- See where you put your feet when walking in places populated by both humans and rattlesnakes. This type of reptile moves its rattles to scare away any possible aggressor, so as not to be forced to attack. However, the excessive hunting of the rattlesnake by humans has led to a change in the specimens that live in areas populated by humans. These animals hardly emit their typical noise and camouflage themselves with the surrounding environment, in this way the chances of stepping on one increase.
- Some recommend applying a tight, but non-constricting, elastic bandage 5 to 7 centimeters above the bite site. You can use an elastic bandage or you can make one with a stretch shirt or other similar piece of clothing. However, many experts disagree with this practice, as they believe the poison spreads quickly once the bandage is removed. In addition, people with poor preparation for first aid may make a bandage that is too tight, similar to a tourniquet, with the consequent risk of interrupting the circulation and worsening the situation.
- Do not try to open the bite site to suck out the venom, either with your mouth or with a snake bite kit. This practice has not been shown to be effective in eliminating a useful amount of toxins and increasing the size of the wound.