A hematoma is formed when blood leaves a damaged blood vessel or vein and collects in an area of the body. Unlike other bruises, it is usually accompanied by noticeable swelling. Always keep in mind that the severity of the hematoma depends entirely on its location. Those in the brain and near the organs (internal / subdural) should always be treated by medical personnel, while those found just under the skin (subcutaneous) can be treated at home.
Method 1 of 2: Treating Internal / Subdural Hematomas
Step 1. Pay attention to the initial trauma
The rupture of a blood vessel, artery, or vein is usually caused by an injury or a blunt instrument. You should see your doctor after any serious injury to rule out internal bleeding.
Step 2. Go to the emergency room or hospital immediately if a blunt instrument has hit you in the head or organs
An intracerebral and subdural traumatic hematoma indicates that there is blood near or in the brain and can be fatal.
Step 3. Immediately take an elderly person to the emergency room if they have been shot in the head
Older people often take anticoagulants, which means that a subdural hematoma with brain atrophy can be common and a frequent cause of death.
Mental confusion, weakness, balance and speech difficulties are all signs of a possible cranial hematoma
Method 2 of 2: Treating Subcutaneous Hematomas
Step 1. Rest immediately after the trauma
The initial trauma can be painful and you should rest if you notice the blood stain under the skin. To treat subcutaneous hematomas, the RICE method (from the English acronym Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation) is usually used, ie rest, ice, compression and elevation.
Step 2. Check if the area around the wound feels soft
Hematomas usually look rubbery, lumpy, or spongy due to the collection of blood. There is no cause for alarm if the internal injury did not cause a fracture or internal bleeding.
Step 3. Wrap some ice in a towel and place it on the surface of the skin, just above the hematoma
Alternatively, you can use an ice pack. Hold it for 20 minutes and wait several hours before reapplying.
Step 4. Wrap the area with a bandage or towel
A slight squeeze can help.
Step 5. Lift the hematoma above the level of the heart if possible
This may require keeping your arm or leg resting on a pillow. You can do this for 20-30 minute periods.
Step 6. Take ibuprofen, aspirin or paracetamol to treat the pain associated with the injury and hematoma
However, do not take it if you are already taking blood thinning medications or have liver disease.
Step 7. Continue the RICE method for 4-5 days
You can then apply heat to the area for 20 minutes at a time. See your doctor if the hematoma doesn't begin to heal within a week or if you experience symptoms that indicate an internal injury.