How to Report an Emergency: 6 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Report an Emergency: 6 Steps (with Pictures)
How to Report an Emergency: 6 Steps (with Pictures)

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Reporting an emergency is one of those things that seem simple enough, until the time really comes to do so. In those situations, nervousness can take over and you may even forget your name! If you find yourself in an emergency situation, take a deep breath and remember these instructions.


Report an Emergency Step 1
Report an Emergency Step 1

Step 1. Assess the urgency of the situation, make sure it is truly urgent

Call the emergency numbers right away if you believe there is a danger to life for someone or something very serious. Here are some of the real emergencies that need to be reported immediately:

  • A crime, especially if it is happening at the time.
  • A fire.
  • A life-threatening medical emergency that requires immediate intervention.
  • A road accident.
Report an Emergency Step 2
Report an Emergency Step 2

Step 2. Call the emergency services

Emergency numbers vary from country to country. In Italy it is 118.

Report an Emergency Step 3
Report an Emergency Step 3

Step 3. Communicate where you are

The first thing the operator will ask you is where you are, so that the emergency services can get there as soon as possible. Give the exact address if you can; if you are unsure of the address, please provide the information you have.

Report an Emergency Step 4
Report an Emergency Step 4

Step 4. Give the operator your phone number

This information is essential for the operator, so he can call you back if necessary.

Report an Emergency Step 5
Report an Emergency Step 5

Step 5. Describe the type of emergency

Speak calmly and clearly and explain to the operator why you are calling. Provide the essential details first and then answer the subsequent questions as best you can.

  • If you are reporting a crime, give a physical description of the person who is committing it.
  • If you are reporting a fire, describe how it started and where exactly it is located. Also report if someone has been injured or missing.
  • If you are reporting a medical emergency, explain how the accident happened and what symptoms the person is currently having.
Report an Emergency Step 6
Report an Emergency Step 6

Step 6. Follow the operator's instructions

After gathering the necessary information, he may ask you to assist the injured person. They can give you instructions on how to provide emergency medical care, such as cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Listen carefully and don't hang up until they tell you you can. Then follow the instructions received.


  • Never make a fake call. You will put people who truly need immediate help at risk. These types of calls are illegal and punishable by fines or imprisonment in some countries.
  • When you call, you will be very nervous and will have a hard time remembering street names or your address if you are at home. Write all this information on a sheet of paper before an emergency happens and keep the sheet close to the phone. So you can read all the information that the operator will ask you.
  • If the emergency is a fire, don't stay home. Get out immediately, and call on your cell phone or from a neighbor's house.
