How to Put a Person in Safety Side Position

How to Put a Person in Safety Side Position
How to Put a Person in Safety Side Position

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The lateral safety position is used when people are unconscious but are breathing. There are several variations, but the purpose is always the same: to prevent suffocation. After doing the first aid maneuvers, and if you are sure that the person does not have a spinal or cervical injury, use the following procedure to place the person in the lateral recovery position. You can save his life by putting these simple measures in place.


Put Someone in the Recovery Position Step 1
Put Someone in the Recovery Position Step 1

Step 1. Check for any dangers before approaching the victim

Gently shake her and scream to see if she reacts. If there is no answer, HELP IT.

Put Someone in the Recovery Position Step 2
Put Someone in the Recovery Position Step 2

Step 2. Check your breathing

See if your chest moves, feel the breath on your cheek, or lean in to feel if it's breathing. If he is breathing, put the person in the lateral recovery position as follows.

Put Someone in the Recovery Position Step 3
Put Someone in the Recovery Position Step 3

Step 3. Position your arm closest to you so that it forms a right angle to your body, palm facing up

Put Someone in the Recovery Position Step 4
Put Someone in the Recovery Position Step 4

Step 4. Place the palm of your other hand against your chest

Put Someone in the Recovery Position Step 5
Put Someone in the Recovery Position Step 5

Step 5. Lift the knee further away from you so that the leg is bent and the foot is flat on the floor

Pull the bent knee towards you. This way the body should turn to the side.

Put Someone in the Recovery Position Step 6
Put Someone in the Recovery Position Step 6

Step 6. Place your free hand under your head so that your palm is flat on the floor and your cheek rests on the back of your hand

  • Point your mouth toward the floor so that any vomit or blood spills can drain away.
  • Push the chin (away from the chest, not the floor) to keep the epiglottis open.
Put Someone in the Recovery Position Step 7
Put Someone in the Recovery Position Step 7

Step 7. Keep the knee bent so that the leg forms a right angle to the body

Put Someone in the Recovery Position Step 8
Put Someone in the Recovery Position Step 8

Step 8. Make sure the patient remains in the lateral position, with the airways cleared

He could easily return to his supine position, but he won't roll over. The lateral safety position is stable and safe once cervical spine injuries are ruled out.

Put Someone in the Recovery Position Step 9
Put Someone in the Recovery Position Step 9

Step 9. Check your breathing again

Cover the person with a blanket, stay close to them and wait for the ambulance to arrive.


  • If the victim is visibly pregnant, be sure to place it on their left side. Otherwise, the uterus could put pressure on the large arteries, causing death.
  • Consider the lateral safety position if you see an unconscious person slumped forward, with their chin tucked over their chest obstructing the airway. While waiting for the ambulance to arrive, place her in a lateral safety position to open her airways and save her life.
  • Another situation you may encounter is when an individual is lying on the ground in a reduced state of consciousness due to alcohol. The safety lateral position is stable and safe in such a scenario, because in case of vomiting, the person is not likely to swallow it or choke.
  • The primary purpose of placing the victim in a safe lateral position is to ensure that the airway remains open and to prevent any potential obstruction (vomit, tongue) from suffocating the victim. In reduced consciousness, he cannot have full control of the airways.
