How to Dry Pimples: 13 Steps (with Pictures)

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How to Dry Pimples: 13 Steps (with Pictures)
How to Dry Pimples: 13 Steps (with Pictures)

Few things are more embarrassing than a huge pimple on the face, especially when a date or an important event is close by. Prevention is undoubtedly the most effective remedy for acne, but much more can be done to dry a pimple quickly. From do-it-yourself to medical treatments, the options are numerous. Just remember not to try them all at once - mixing different methods can cause skin irritation and make the problem worse.


Part 1 of 3: Unverified Home Remedies

Shrink Pimples Step 1
Shrink Pimples Step 1

Step 1. Use ice

Ice reduces the swelling and redness caused by any type of inflammation, so applying it to a pimple for a minute or two can reduce its size and fight the redness. It is particularly useful for drying cysts under the skin. However, be careful: applying it directly to the skin, especially that of the face, can be harmful. Always wrap it with a thin cloth or napkin and don't leave it on for more than two minutes.

  • Wrap an ice cube with a thin cloth or napkin.
  • Apply it directly to the pimple and let it act for one to two minutes;
  • Remove it and wait five minutes, then repeat the process again;
  • Ice can cause general redness, but it will go away very quickly.
Shrink Pimples Step 2
Shrink Pimples Step 2

Step 2. Use aloe vera

It has anti-inflammatory properties that can cause a pimple to dry out. To optimize its use, extract it directly from the plant or buy pure gel at a herbalist's shop or a natural products store.

Shrink Pimples Step 3
Shrink Pimples Step 3

Step 3. Make a mint and lemon treat

It is a DIY remedy recommended by a New York dermatologist. Put a handful of fresh mint leaves and a teaspoon of lemon juice in a food processor or blender and turn it on. Apply the mixture to the pimple and leave it on for 15 minutes, then rinse. Repeat twice a day until the pimple has healed.

The active ingredients in peppermint fight inflammation and redness, while the acid in lemon juice can help prevent bacterial growth

Shrink Pimples Step 4
Shrink Pimples Step 4

Step 4. Dry the pimple using cold green tea

It has numerous anti-inflammatory properties that can help soothe breakouts and decrease the size of a pimple. Soak a cloth or cotton ball with tea. Squeeze it lightly and apply it to the pimple for one to two minutes. Repeat the process four to five times per session.

You can also use a sachet; keep it in the refrigerator after making the tea, then apply it directly to the skin

Shrink Pimples Step 5
Shrink Pimples Step 5

Step 5. Try a baking soda and water based compound

Baking soda absorbs sebum and, when applied to a pimple, can make it dry. Wash your face and mix two tablespoons of baking soda with enough water to form a paste. Apply it on the pimple and leave it on for 10-15 minutes, until completely dry. Rinse it well.

Baking soda can dry out and irritate your skin, so don't leave it on for more than 15 minutes. Also, do this treatment only every four to five days

Shrink Pimples Step 6
Shrink Pimples Step 6

Step 6. Avoid the weirdest home remedies

Some of the popular DIY treatments, such as using toothpaste or even urine, are ineffective at best. At worst they can cause severe irritation, especially on sensitive skin. Prefer verified remedies to avoid making the situation worse.

Part 2 of 3: Commercial Products

Shrink Pimples Step 7
Shrink Pimples Step 7

Step 1. Try an over-the-counter treatment

There are numerous products on the market that aim to make a pimple dry and heal quickly. The most common active ingredients are benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid and sulfur. Each of them allows you to fight acne in different ways, but sulfur-based creams are generally the fastest and best tolerated to fight blemishes quickly.

  • Sulfur is usually used to make soap sticks. Different brands offer this product, you can find it both in perfumery, therefore in more sophisticated formulations, and in the supermarket.
  • Read the labels carefully to know what the active ingredients are.
  • Do not mix different treatments or try them in quick succession, otherwise you risk severely irritating the skin.
Shrink Pimples Step 8
Shrink Pimples Step 8

Step 2. Dry pimples with a clay mask, a method that has been used for centuries to treat acne in general and quickly reduce the size of blemishes

The clay intervenes mainly by eliminating excess sebum from the skin and drying pimples. The ingredients added to it may have additional purifying properties. To get a good result, look for a mask containing bentonite clay and sulfur. Apply it to the entire face or just to the affected area following the instructions.

  • Making too many clay masks can dehydrate the skin. Most should only be used once a week.
  • Some people prefer to make masks at home to avoid unnecessary or harmful additives and personalize the formulation. Most of the recipes involve using bentonite clay and anti-acne ingredients such as honey, tea tree oil and oats.
Shrink Pimples Step 9
Shrink Pimples Step 9

Step 3. Fight the redness with eye drops

It may seem strange to you, but many models and other experts in the sector blindly believe in this method, among other things dermatologists agree on its potential effectiveness. The eye drops used to treat eye redness can also reduce the redness of the pimples by narrowing the blood vessels in the affected area. The drops not only dry imperfections and promote healing, they also make them less visible for several hours.

  • Apply a few drops directly to the affected area and pat it gently.
  • Let it dry completely before applying concealer or wearing makeup.
Shrink Pimples Step 10
Shrink Pimples Step 10

Step 4. Apply hydrocortisone cream to the affected area

The steroids contained in these creams are the same ones that would be injected by the dermatologist to dry a pimple. Apply a small amount to the affected area and massage it gently.

Abusing steroid creams can cause skin to thin, so use them rarely

Part 3 of 3: Seeing a Doctor

Shrink Pimples Step 11
Shrink Pimples Step 11

Step 1. Make an appointment with the dermatologist

This is more of a long-term strategy to keep pimples under control, as it is difficult for a new patient to be able to schedule a visit in a short time. However, building a good relationship with a doctor can help you be seen in future emergencies.

Having described your type of rash, your doctor will examine your skin, give you tips and advice to take care of it, and will probably prescribe cleansers, daily and targeted treatments, which will help you fight your specific problem

Shrink Pimples Step 12
Shrink Pimples Step 12

Step 2. Give yourself a cortisone injection

The fastest way to dry a pimple is to go to a dermatologist to give a steroid injection to the affected area. This treatment can quickly combat most imperfections, but it is expensive and the price generally exceeds 100 euros. Also, it shouldn't be done often. However, for special occasions, such as a wedding or other event, an injection may be the solution for you.

Steroid injections should always be considered the last resort. If repeated, they can thin the skin and cause scarring

Shrink Pimples Step 13
Shrink Pimples Step 13

Step 3. Consider the laser

This field of dermatology is rapidly developing. There are several innovative treatments with laser and pulsed light that promise to relieve acne and reduce red pimples in no time. Find a good dermatology center in your area and make an appointment.
